Why don't you have blond hair user?
Why don't you have blond hair user?
non-blondes are so fucking hideous
I do
What am I suppose to answer? Genetics? I didn't dye it?
I don't have hair
I have d*rk "blonde" hair because of my subhuman genes. Please End my existence
dark blonde
But i do
You're such a cute poster, I want to take you home to Finland where you belong. We would take care of you and make sure you get everything you deserve
nice head
Because I'm not 1 year old anymore, and I don't have low t
I wasn’t cursed with sissy genes
the only thing i deserve is rope. i'm an abomination of genetics
If you wouldn't have said whoops nobody would even bother to google that shit, you're dumb af. Also, kys phoneposter.
i've got black hair but my beard gets red
wtf is that all about
I am half Armenian (wish I was full Armenian).
Not sure what you mean
he said whoops because it posted sideways
Cheers Ivan
mios dios
You deserve a Finnish gf
I used to.