If you had the choice before being born, which country would you like to be from

Let's say you knew everything about the country's history and culture. Which country would you choose?

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So I could post memes on Jow Forums

Norway, so I could fuck a frozen fish

All the pros of living in a Germanic cunt with very little of the downsides.


Yeah, probably this. Might be Iceland too, I like those niggers.

Monaco, Luxembourg, etc


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France. something about the country screams sexy



Switzerland. Literally no downsides
>inb4 brainlets crying about prices
you make $6000 so it doesn't matter

Norway or Iceland

You thought that's what you would be doing but instead you're starving



Somewhere in one of these. They're all quite rich and not really boring.

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Literally the same


>not really boring
lol Germanic countries are the definition of boring
all stores close at 6 PM except for supermarkets which close between 8-10 PM
thus there's no street life or night life, only old people watching TV at home

I would choose Monaco, hoping that my parents are rich so that I can leave for East Asia when I turn 15 and live the good life

In the literal paradise. Nowhere else.

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Based Cajun