Who are the top 3 worst posters on Jow Forums?

My opinion:

Finns - most annoying / attention whoring
Poles - most butthurt / unpleasant
Brazilians - most retarded / low IQ

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thanks for mentioning finland

Germans - Not Actually German/Immense Butthurt
Franch - Franch
Your Flyover European State - Nice language, retard.

Don't forget to include your favorite herb in all the fields.

Pretty much this



2.Poles from uk/germany/scandinavia
3.some australians

Finns are cool, I'd put amerigoblos instead. Agree on the other two

Both because they act like their country is important.
>Koreans VS Japanese
I don't get why they hate each other.
>Korean guy who loves Italy
>Austrian yellow fever guy

We /med/ bros, I hate that they hate their own country tho.

annoying arab diaspora
annoying mexican diaspora
borderline retarded

>tfw like the austrian guy and asian women but you bash asian women when he's around just to stir him up

Honorable mention: America

>in all fields
heh I see what you did there

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spaniard posters here are the worst. they are either complete normalfaggots, complete newfags that dont understand what is going on, or both. or Jow Forumstards.

canadians/sweddes: foul mouthed and shitty bait
brazilians: they're a shittier versions of us but there poor
anyone that uses a proxy: anyone that uses a proxy is generally a faggot


I have yet to see a Japanese or Korean poster who has anything interesting to say

I like them because it's funny when they sling poo at each other


where's russia?

How do you know when an european poster is a diaspora?


ruskies are somewhat civilized, not even top 5 imo


At first I tried to read their threads, then I realized they always end up with 300+ posts of coypasted wall of texts and nonsensical rambling in broken English and gave up.

>Northern Ireland

Paimen laulaa tuuteliluu, tuuteliluu, tuuteliluu!

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I guess Finns and Brazilians shitpost the most.

1. Canadians
2. French
3. Brazilians
4. Chileans
5. Mexicans

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it blew my mind that some taiwanese channel was more knowledgeable of this site than actual news stations

Why are poles hated? More or less neutral towards them just like Russians

I don't hate anyone here, all worldwide people are funny.
except brazilians, they give me cancer.

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lol cucks

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they can be funny sometimes though

i don't know about top 3, but canada is #1

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Non cumskins, amirite aryan fellers

argentinesian poster who pretends to be right wing to get (you)'s

argentiano who posts tanks


I like every single poster except Korean and Japanese ones. Disgusting insects,

I am from Suomi (Finland)


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>tmw you are hated solely because of mentally ill shitposters like this


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Brazilians because they’re constantly asshurt
Meds because they’re self important dipshits
Poles because they’re also consistently asshurt

I'm not complaining


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source, please >w


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Everyone is cute and a good poster, except that one Brazilian who keeps spamming the same charts over and over on every thread.

based and cute pilled

they make it really fucking obvious because they are retarded


Americans, Japs, Koreans.

they aren't so bad when they aren't blatant CCP shilling zhangs


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Why are you blowing smoke on me you asshole monkey

he's a nigger trying to act like he's not depressed
look at his spams

I'm not the autistic with a collection of cuck porn you fricking reatard

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unfortunately I can't find it
I'm not that user but I like it very much

1. Finns
2. Argentines
3. Mexicans
4. Estonians
5. Brazilians
6. Norwegians
7. Australians
8. Koreans
9. Japs
10. Indonesians

Turks are the worst posters and its not even close

Good point, I now place Turks at number 5.

>G*means - for their lack of humor and lust for negroes

>Burgers - for their extreme butthurt and sewer genes

>Indians - thankfully chased off Jow Forums they're starting to pollute the rest of 4channel and deserve a countrywide IP ban

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>Brazilians - most retarded / low IQ
You will appreciate the stupidity of Brazilians of you ever try making money playing poker.

Et tu, Italia?

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based retard that doesn't know english

Brazil (either gays or bolsonaro apologists)
Japan (they always start stuff with Korea)
Canada (no explanation nessecary)

good thing im not mentioned again

Canadians, Americans, and British.

Germans and Japanese are horrible too.

Also Swedes and Norwegians.