Dabbing on them evil, brown, smelly, barbaric, low IQ arabs
Based Nauru
absolutely based
How much did Israel have to pay to get them to do this?
ZERO SHEKELS achmad, they are simply based and are not scared of you evil arav savages.
This is probably a stunt to attract Israeli tourists.
I'm not a zionist, but holy shit all the arab diaspora on this board constantly shilling islam and seething at any criticism have made me less disdainful towards israel.
>If you dislike Israel you are Arab diaspora
Lol zionist shill detected.
>i'm not a zionist but anti zionist opinions make me pro zionist
Jewish people are pure evil, thank god arabs will replace them in the coming years
>evil, brown, smelly, barbaric, low IQ
Wait a little, I think remember somebody who used almost same rhetoric toward enemies...
go die for them then mutt
nuke them both
When do you plan to leave again?
In a few hours, when the date changes to 31st of August.
I love you Israel. YOU are our allies, not the cucked UK or France or Germany.
Based ally.
I wish Israel was our colonial master. We'd share the same overlord with our current colonial master.
everyone who supports Israel is our enemy
Why do you insist on Jerusalem as a capital? Not only does it harm the peace process, it's simply not true; your government functions are in tel aviv
Doesn't really matter who is your enemy since you have no power projection capabilities.
>your government functions are in tel aviv
The israeli parliament is located in Jerusalem
And quickly, before glorious Nauru dissapears submerged under the Pacific.
It's in their motto: God's will first