This picture is the peak of human evolution

This picture is the peak of human evolution.

Attached: 1567186682931.jpg (300x475, 63K)

Have sex

And you'll never get to taste it

Pig phenotype

She seems to be skilled in self-directing

you can find similar in England I believe

Better than what you can get Ahmed

We call it Ryazan ebalo

dirty blondes are prettier

I could get reincarnated into one.

Shit taste

Looks good
Don't be rude



shit taste

Sorry real blondes don’t like you

I am half Armenian (wish I was full Armenian).

Attached: my dna.png (2216x2516, 1.75M)

>A fucking snow nigger

Attached: ne_nt0vfexkpK1spsojg_500.jpg (500x495, 60K)

What a retarded wish. Kys shitskin. Your only purpose is selling watermelons.

The opinion of a R*ssian means nothing to me, desu.

Attached: 917.png (769x612, 167K)

You look good, How tall are you

I am a 169cm short "male" manlet midget.

Attached: 917.png (769x612, 167K)


That's a good haircut

It's objectively not, her skin isn't protected enough against UV light :^)

I....ummm...sorry i asked

Cranium is too small.

no this is

Attached: blackopreggo.jpg (618x465, 122K)

Looks Latina

шoж ты дeлaeшь coдoмит

Attached: 14870833388420.png (736x736, 121K)


Baby bump

is that a boy?


Attached: 1565902930195.jpg (1664x6340, 3.12M)