How do nordic countries manage having the highest happiness index rates in the world while giving 50-60% of their...

How do nordic countries manage having the highest happiness index rates in the world while giving 50-60% of their income to the government?

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government gives you enough shit in return and functions so well that you don't even need a lot of money

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because happiness is mistaked for sense of security, because of the high taxes that provide services such as universal healthcare, education and unemployment benefits. we aren't smiling and laughing type-happy

Cause they are all hooked up on antidepressants

Happiness index is based on things like living conditions and service quality, not subjective experience of happiness. The rich people are constantly whining and butthurt about taxes.

Scandi cucks have the highest rates of anti depressant use, hardly doubt they’re happy

Snus and overpriced government sold alcohol.

You don't give anything to the government
It's deducted before you ever receive anything

You don't know what you're talking about. The happiness rankings have nothing to do with emotional happiness.


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Happiness isnt happiness, what they look at is things like
Said as well as things like median income, income inequality, crime, life expectancy, etc. Most of your population could be trying to kill themselves and it could still be marked as happy.

I think living in a place with almost no shitskins and full of people like pic related might make someone happy

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Nice proxy

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>almost no shitskins
Okay, buddy

You live in South Brazil, it's the same as here

>How do nordic countries manage having the highest happiness index rates in the world while giving 50-60% of their income to the government?

The miracle of democracy. Government is elected. To be re-elected they spend much of this money to make voters happy.

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It's full of the poor descendants of Russians and Germans?

we still have more money after taxes each month than you make in a year, that's why

Det spelar ingen roll om man är jude eller muslim

That's true, but we can afford not less goods in our country, than you in yours.

Incometax is around 27-30% for most people, most of the taxes are included in the sticker price.

>Only 4 more than EU average
Not too bad

Based depressed Portugal