I'm on a board where half the posters are spics/niggers/chinks/mutts pretending to be white, so I ask why are brown eyes so hated? I've seen people bragging about how they have green, blue, grey, or hazel, but never brown. It's the least wanted and ugliest color on earth. Nothing looks right with it. If you have literally any other eye color, you're set for life, but if you don't, nobody will ever be attracted to you. How many songs have been written about how nice brown eyes look? I can't think of any.
Is there anything worse than having brown eyes?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody cares lmao
If I had blue eyes I would be successful in life
you cared enough to post
Only retards have that kind of insecurity.
i'm on pol 24/7
Can't wait till I can't get my eyes be genetically modified to look like yellow cat eyes.
i hate german subhumans.
Will never forgive you.
You female?
No, it matters much more for males desu
Blue eyes = WHITE ANGEL
Brown eyes = BLACK BVLL
Gr*en eyes = filthy, disgusting mutt
T: gr*en eyed """person"""
I am half Armenian (wish I was full Armenian).
Therefore, I am non-wh*te.
Come to Finland - majority of people are blue/green eyed, Brown poop eyes are rarity.
old Finnish song about brown eyes titled "Dark eyes brown hair" (probably talking about an italian though )
wish i wasn't born in new york so maybe i would be something other than an italian sandnigger. Most italians in america are sicilians.
I'm green eyed too, let's suffer together snow nigga.
how did you know i have green eyes
Lol, you're not italian, you're american. Real Italians are the sexiest men in the world, American Italians are Gypsy-tier
Imagine being blonde and brown eyes
so why do you hate me for being italo american??
Not white enough for you, gook?
How fucking sad are you?
only Finns are that self hating.
He's racist, the lowest of lowest scum
It's pretty sad tbqh
You are american, that's why I hate you
i wouldn't need to be if italians were liked in america and not lynched. Fuck this country.
Shut up, dumb wh*teboi.
stay mad
Images like this made me have a completely wrong idea of what Finland was lol.
what do you mean
Don’t most sami qts have brown eyes?
I used to have blonde hair and brown eyes. Now I have brown hair and brown eyes. Brown eyes truly look disgusting especially on a white skinned male like myself. It doesn’t make any sense. I should keep a permanent tan, at least it will make sense.
finnish people are metalheads with long blonde hair who wrestle in the mud naked
yes but there's like 20k of them and they're not cute
When I look at old people in my city, 2/3 have blue or green eyes. When I look at young European people in my city, less than 1/2 have light eyes. This is what the Spanish-Portuguese-Italian invasion does to us. Fuck those monkeys
Occitans, Aquatianians, Gascons, and Provencals are majority brown eyed.
I actually like girls with dark eyes and black/dark hair.
he cute
Yes, being you
Imagine spending 24/7 being assblasted switching proxies
Also this
mad that a state of america is more relevant than your shithole?
Brown hair+brown eyes wins every time for me.
I don't understand why blacks/asians think their eyes are brown, it's just black
this girl has actual brown ones where you can see the pupils and the edge of it
im confuseed
this, why do black eyes never seem to be classified separately
They are
Rare in Europeans tho
So you're a shill. That explains a lot.
The Japanese poster is right you’re a pathetic roach loser
the easiest way to get (you)s and replies on Jow Forums nowadays is to say something anti-white or racist to white people. it's amazing how people react, go on any board and try it out. Why are wh*te people so fragile about race? They can dish it out but just can't take it
dark eyes (and that includes the hazel and light brown meme hell it eve includes "dark" green) seriously creep me out and give me uncanny valley.
one of my cousins had this combo and I refused to play with her or hug her because of it, she had to watch her superior aryan cousins get affection while she was ignored.
u again D:
My eyes are literally sewage colored. How do I cope bros?
My eyes are pretty based
>tfw i will never have a fierce brown eyed spanish gf
>tfw I have color-shifting eyes from brown to green
So I guess I'm a black, filthy, disgusting bull?
>super pasty cumskin
>brown eyes and hair
>Anglo type face
Thanks a bunch, Southern Europe.
i'm ugly and the only thing girls have ever complemented me on are my blue eyes.
Forgive for what? What did they do in either WW1 or 2 in Korea? Jesus, suddenly everyone has a bone to pick with us for no raisin. I can see Turkmenistan or Puerto Rico waving their finger at us for, I don't know, looking at them funny in the past. Tell me, what did Germany do to you? Maybe you should lay off the Spielberg movies. It's not good for your mental health.
keep seething french cuck your country is getting blacked by the minute.
Maybe you should lose weight fatso.
most of the times this has happened when when I was in like 8th grade and still in good shape and it was always cute girls that would tell me I had really nice eyes. They honestly sounded kind of skeptical that I could have an attractive feature. It's happened 6 times and every time it's been a girl way out of my league aged 9-19 at various ages of my life.
You're "italo-american" and full of insecurities