what would you do if you ever saw person from sweden IRL? me, personally, I would immediately knock swedish faggot out and then proceed to stomp his head
What would you do if you ever saw person from sweden IRL? me, personally...
Hey Russia. Who's your daddy.
Haplogroups have proven that he was a Finn; stop trying to claim him even after science proudly proclaims: RURIK WAS A FINN!
eat his ass
first i would have sex with his state issued girlfriend then i would shoot him as i am an american
I am so so so so sorry you had to witness....this I can assure you that we are not all like this
Shut the fuck Up Sven , need I remind you that swedes have more Finnish DNA than Finns have Swede ?
Ancient Sweden was ruled by FINNS and so was ancient Novgorod. Even English Queen Elizabeth is descended from Finns.
We Finns are the oldest Europeans (10000 years old) and we are the first whites.
Swedes think they are superior even though their country is worse at quite literally everything, and Fennoswedes are dumber than Finns ( by 3,9 IQ points ).
This made me laugh quite a lot, saved
I would bow in front of my SWEDISH MASTER as my ancestors have done the same for centuries
Based & redpilled
Call him gay, call him a gay faggot
I see Swedes everyday. I have learned to control my rage but sometimes it gets out with full force
I would probably give him this face, the face i give to any other black person
y'all white bois ain't gonna do shiiit
If I saw a wh*Te Europoor like you walking around in my forest I'd put a bullet through your head dawg. you wouldn't have no time to finna make that face, you would look into my eye and accept death like a bitch ass Europoor
i love sweden though
öga means puke in finnish
aight bro
there's literally 0 dna of rurik left
Same thing as all the other moord
stop replying
Give him a hug
Then stab him in the back and steal his wallet
I'll rob him and rape him, so he'd feel sorrowfully when their goverment deports me.
Nothing unless it was a cute girl and then I'd talk to her. That was my last experience with a Swedish girl and we made out.
So the stereotype is true I see...
Dont make me call your boss.
I'd tell him that everything's gonna be okay
Fuck dem Negger cucks
Det är då du tar fram ölen och korven
say hej
I'd ignore him.
Didn't think Russia would arrange a concert with Asap Rocky
I’ve never met a Swede irl that I didn’t like, so based on that I imagine we’d get along pretty well
Seek help
Why are Swedes so arrogant though?
Beat him and steal his money
The Slavic stereotypes are true then I see.
Thats what being a faggot does to people
Legit funny lol.
I love Sweden.
Based servant
mutter the words "rape capital" so i can watch him freak out
Swedes just have a different definition of ''capital''
I've had nothing but positive reactions when telling people I'm a Swede. Feels good having a good rep
say tjenare grabben and threat him like my neighbour, communicating using our our common language svorsk. jamtland, harjedal and the northern parts of sweden are closer to me than the southern parts of my own cunt.
who the fuck are you talking to?
Anglos are usually the most positive. But i've had people from ex-ussr countries, koreans and even meds name us as role models (prolly lefties lol)
We know you would, A$AP.
The Laura of Wet Blankets enters the thread.
Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=