Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Greenland.svg.png (2000x1333, 13K)

*ruins your thread*

Yes hello

did some polack steal your circle?

I love this US state.

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You are cute

Jow Forums was fucking up yesterday, then my family turned off the internet. Now the password is changed so I can't access it. I have to use library internet and Tim Hortons internet now.

Sorry for the late reply but I'm doing fine. I had my first job interview on Tuesday. He said he will call back if I'm the best candidate for the job. Not counting on it...

51st state

Thank you!
Yeah it was really strange, thought for minute that I got rangebanned by Le monke janny but luckily that wasn't the case
>Sorry for the late reply but I'm doing fine
It's okay, good to hear you are fine
>I had my first job interview on Tuesday
>He said he will call back if I'm the best candidate for the job
At least you are doing something with your life unlike most of us here
I wish you the best of luck and hope you get the job

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It kept sending my messages minutes after the fact. On one thread, I sent 4 of the same message in a row.

Finlann here, taking the reighns ,d ,ddd

Drank two bottles of 38% alcohol vefore I was comfy enogh to come up with lie convincing enough to get some shit to shoot up :DDD

How you doing fren?

I saw that
It was pretty fucked up, I thought maybe you were a bot all along
Somw of my posts did go through but only very few of them

Cranky stepmom thinks I'm using up too much internet so she shut it off at 6 pm yesterday and later changed the password so I can't access it. I had used up 55 GB of data in a month. This fucking sucks, bros.

I went to the library and made a friend today, so there's that.

Reminder that Icelanders and Norwegians are the present demographics with the oldest claim for Greenland.
But the inuit are cool and trained us to reach the south pole, so they can keep it.
But Danes should GTFO

Attached: Boat-Burials-Changes-Viking-Timeline.jpg (1046x700, 74K)

>Cranky stepmom thinks I'm using up too much internet so she shut it off at 6 pm yesterday and later changed the password so I can't access it. I had used up 55 GB of data in a month

How old are you?

22. I have no job so I must live with either my dad or my mom. My mom evicted me so I live with dad and stepmom now.

Are you a NEET? Just get your own internet either via SIM card or Wi-fi with monthly subscription

That sucks man
Hope you find a way to get better internet access or hopefully move out somehow
I don't think I could live with that situation
Give your stepmom a beating every now and then, that will surely teach her

Why are canadian parents so heartless?

Idk, are they all like that?

American here, we're essentially one and the same and will be one and the same after the occupation.

Attached: american ahem.png (2000x2000, 768K)