Lowland BVLL here

Lowland BVLL here.

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Will you be my friend?

Are you interested in learning the Scots language?


Beg that I don't shoot your Ers* ass!

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Are you gonna have another referendum or not

I don’t beg, Jimmy

>Referendum? What's that?

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>wants to learn scots
>uses Gaelic terms
>wonders why I am MAD

I don’t ACTUALLY wanna learn any language besides my mother tongue, I secretly want to plant my filthy MUTT seed in a Scottish butthole

so you're not a true scot?

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What do you mean?

You're in the tavern and this guy slaps your gf's ass
What do?

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>Dae at mair an ye ort at gairdie. Soudrons trowe thai tholenae the lele.

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Hit him in the head with an axe, seemed to work the first time

This is the ONLY way.

You're eiðer a Gael (Scot) or an Anglosaxon, ðere is noþing in between. If you speak "Scots", you're an Anglo.

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That didn't kill him

Scots stopped being used for Gael in the 14th century, mong.

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my ancestor :)

Why is every group thats emigrated from lowland scotland absolute subhumans (ulster scots, southern US white trash) but in Scotland they're fine?

We aren't meant to live anywhere else.


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Loyalists openly admitted to having police and army help yet still mostly just killed civilians. They were dogshit

Don't make me make all of Ireland into Ulster.

friendly reminder you'll never EVER own the north

You guys should vote for independence. Sure, it might not make the most sense economically, but you'd get the Scottish flag on Jow Forums and no one would mistake you for English pansies any more.

I will allow the Falklands to join Argentina if you allow it to have a 100% Lowlander population.

I would be the only Scottish person on Jow Forums, since I am the only one that can speak Scots.

think we got a deal brother

Thank you. Expect around 3500 Lowlanders to replace the people there to come soon.

>Still seething

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Based, we are the master race

>why yes I do despise Aberdonians and weegies as much as Sassanachs! What gave it away?

we will
Even Peter Taylor says so

Fuck off Gael larper.

I speak urban Scots bro, read trainspotting twice and grew up on the central belt (east)

Do have more in common with highlanders or norfern englishmen

If you're a Saxon or an anglo you're not Scottish but an English mutt

Sassanachs was a word never used outside of Gaels in Scotland until the mid 19th century. It is only people that larp that say this.

Norfmen, although we are like norfmen with more Flemish influence.

You're larping if you're claiming that modern Scots have more in common with the Northern Engl*sh than highlanders

you do know that the mid 19th century was some time ago and that words can be assimilated into languages and dialects within decades let alone centuries right

They do though! Scots has less than 100 Gaelic words.
Really? So you are telling me it is fine to say you hate your descendants since other people also descend from them? That's pretty weird bro.

The fact that he thinks the Gaels existed outside of Scottish nationhood until the 19th century shows hes a bit of a special one

I would bet my bank account that your ancestors are gaels, the pure lowland Scot is a myth, we're all a mix of Picts, Britons, Gaels, Vikings and Angles. Generally speaking anyway, more recently more Italians and shit have settled here

Why are you learning a dialect of English?

The UK government now accepts Scots as a regional language and has recognised it as such under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.[44]

Notwithstanding the UK government's and the Scottish Executive's obligations under part II of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, the Scottish Executive recognises and respects Scots (in all its forms) as a distinct language, and does not consider the use of Scots to be an indication of poor competence in English.

Evidence for its existence as a separate language lies in the extensive body of Scots literature, its independent – if somewhat fluid – orthographic conventions and in its former use as the language of the original Parliament of Scotland.[45] Because Scotland retained distinct political, legal, and religious systems after the Union, many Scots terms passed into Scottish English.

language is not the only element of culture. Most scottish surnames are Gaelic in origin

What are you on about? Who gives a bugger about genetics, my ancestors were never genetic gaels since they only moved to the Highlands and Ireland (genetically) all of them were Britons and Germanic. None of my ancestors have spoke a "celtic" language for the past 1300 years so why should I have an attachment to them?

Don't care. Most of the people I know have LOWLAND surnames. I don't have any Gaelic ancestors for at least 4 generations back.

get a grip english wannabe freak

I don't want to be English.

>who gives a bugger

No Scot would ever say this, stop trying to undermine us English wannabe freak

>genetics mean nothing

Then why are you excluding other Scots? You're no better than them

>I-I am Scottish even though I haven't heard of buggerlugs before.


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You used it in the English context, yer startin tae sound like one eh them tories

Actually I'm 100% celtic so they aren't my ancestors :)

Go away. Scotland is for Scots not foreigners.
Get laldie.

every last one of the a fucking Glenrothes nugget.

>Scotland, founded by the Scotia and Picts
>The Scotia being celts from Ireland


they are from the rhine