Do Europoors really..
Do Europoors really
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Do Amerimutts really...
It's (the) first floor (above the ground) you stupid mutt.
the british principle is correct
the ground floor is not the first floor, since it is just part of the ground
It depends on the building though. Some buildings in America consider the bottom floor the ground floor as well
have ground sex
It's the same here.
Civilized niggas be like “I live in a ground world country”
Would you rather a British home or an American home?
British/Irish houses are unironically shit.
>0.5% of UK homes are air conditioned
Do Your-a-peeings really?
good informative post
Apparently the Russians dont and I have a feeling it's not just them.
>door letterboxes
god i wish that was popular here
>be european
>get hot
why? is it really that much trouble to walk to the mailbox
>barrister is an attorney in bongland
Explain this shit. It makes more sense here since attorney is closer to the Latin word advocatus
no you fucking don't
I've lived in Detroit my entire life. When I was a kid my entire neighborhood had letterboxes and we would toss harmless firecrackers or stink bombs into homes. Sure, back when those products had bad regulations we would kill the occasional cat or give a small child standing next to the door breathing problems for the rest of his life, but it was usually harmless fun. But thanks to American intelligence rapidly decreasing, the local 313 thugs have been sticking gun barrels into letterboxes and doing what's called a "door pop" to send a message. At night people also like to throw caltrops, tacks, broken glass, and other sharp objects inside and then knock on the door, so when someone comes downstairs to see who it is and they dont turn on the light, then they usually step on the debris in front of the letterbox. rat poison and pesticides are also common for dogs or crawling babies
You are poor. Do not reply to my posts ever again.
Why is the US so hot?
American civilization
I can walk across any city in my country at 2am without getting shot. Can you say the same mutt?
I can go to any festival in my country without getting shot. Can you say the same mutt?
I can attend any concert in my country without getting shot. Can you say the same mutt?
I can run in any marathon in my country without getting blown up. Can you say the same mutt?
I can watch any Batman movie in my country without getting shot. Can you say the same mutt?
I can attend any school in my country without getting shot. Can you say the same mutt?
Sounds like you live in a real third world shithole mate.
>Sounds like you live in a real third world shithole mate.
do you not see his flag?
Christ there is so much utter bollocks in this.
>Combined washing machines/tumble driers are the norm
Absolutely shit, I have literally never been to a place where the person has a combined one.
They go to the bar.
>I can run in any marathon
i doubt that
Yes I can.
ive lived in america for 30 years and ive never actually seen a gun in person.
We have the same thing. Still makes no sense to name them after the association rather than the profession given that more than the vocabulary in our language is from Latin
why do americans feel the need to lie all of the time?
no problem, just get a one way ticket and visit your local ghetto. You won't need a return one
It's tradition. It's far from the only weird thing we do.
what the fuck
he was in the third world
>hurr why country as big as europe have bad places
Do europeans not have floorboards on the first level of their buildings?
We use the british system here, the ground floor is called planta baja.
what would the first level of the cellar be? and what would the second level of the cellar be? and so forth...
American logical system
British nonsensical system
Any floor is above the ground unless you don't build a fucking foundation at all
>referring to a plurality as a majority
>ive lived in america for 30 years and ive never actually seen a gun in person.
You've never seen a cop?
cellar is floor 0, and having a second layer of cellar means your home is legally classified as a complex/bunker and not a house
buy british house without basement and second floor
>this zero floor building is great for two adults with a kid...
>What are building foundations.
>The generic term for cream cheese is Philadelphia
This is false right?
Yes? Do you understand how uncommon shootings are?
>separate faucets
this shit is awful
most of these are generalizations and i don't know anyone in america who makes their own tea
This sounds third world as fuck.
no they live in mud huts
So how do Burgers numerate basement floors? Do you just go from 1 to -1?? Or is 0 already the basement?
Also is it true that Americans skip the 13th floor because they think it brings back luck? That's a joke, right?
I've never been in a building that has floors below 1
We really do not have 13th floors though, we also don't have any 666 rooms
>It's (the) first floor (above the ground) you stupid mutt.
Really? Are buldings with an accessable basement so unusual? It's really normal here
>We really do not have 13th floors though, we also don't have any 666 rooms
Wow that's ridiculous. I didn't know Americans were that superstitious, that's really silly
Japan does the same thing with 4th floors. Cultural autism is a powerful thing.
Well I've just never been in a building that has elevator access to a basement
And yeah americans are very superstitious
Loads of normalfags take things like astrology seriously
It's also important to remember that the majority of america is protestant """christian"""
You're literal 2nd rate Anglo's
Triggers my cultural autism desu cause it's so illogical and inefficient
Also check'd
Nigga we do the same shit
Krijg kanker achter je oogballen
I get burnt out on coffee, and usually switch to tea to mix things up a bit.
Hou je kankerbek teringhond
Europoor countdown be like 3, 2, 1, GROUND, BLASTOFF
>why yes, I love to waste energy and polluting the environment. How could you tell
Most elevators I've been in do 13 nowadays.
It's cute.
In NYC I see a lot of 12As still
I've seen a lot of buildings with sub-1st floors. At least in NYC
Is that how you poorfags cope about this? Wonder what you did before the whole greenhouse gases thing kicked off.
good lord what a shithole..... nigs are really subhumans
>why yes I enjoy bathing in the sweat of my M*d countrymen.
>ahhhh yes stupid yanks will NEVER know the joy of the smell
>I've never been in a building that has floors below 1
You've never been in a building with a basement?
>Posting an anti-euro picture to a Peruvian
Ah yes, American education
>Those mirrored hotspots in the Southwest and Chile
Sven and Hans will always be triggered by this
Kill yourself
Facts and logic itt
>the ground floor is not the first floor, since it is just part of the ground
Was zum Teufel habe ich gerade gelesen?
ground post best post