Tfw mexican

>tfw mexican

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you have AZTEC BLOOD feel proud of it

>imagine not living in the land of the really free

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Mexican memes are based

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>mfw the AZTLAN posters got the jannie so mad he deletes the posts on sight now

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*Gets beheaded*

Why does my gf keep calling me wey?

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She's saying gay

s-sorry bout that

What's wrong with Michigan? I like it.

>tfw she knows

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thats an american meme though

it's all one guy


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>spanish phrase
>american meme

It’s 4 different guys, 3 Americans and a German, the 3 Americans all have different writing styles to so that’s how I can tell it’s more than 1 person

I'm a mexican american who can't speak spanish. Anybody else?



No. You're American. Stop roleplaying like something you are not, like the rest of amerimutts.

t. voted for AMLO and thinks Aztlan belongs to america

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It’s not autism one of the uses amerigobolos the other one always goes on a tirade and the third one says AMERIKKA it’s not hard to see if you pay attention

bro all of them except for the ameriglobo one is me

