Why don't country girls want to date brown Indian guys? They're mean and racist as hell when I try to ask them out too
Why don't country girls want to date brown Indian guys? They're mean and racist as hell when I try to ask them out too
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They may be into incest, but they sure as hell aren't into bestiality, Pajeet.
They're racist which is based and redpilled btw
she looks like she fucks dogs
Yeah lol just no. Unattractive, unattractive accents, unattractive scent, unattractive behavior towards, no about just everything. We’re also generally raised to be conservative in values. So on all accounts a pajeet is an automatic no. Pretty much the opposite of everything we are.
Women will date anybody who is rich or "has money"
Are you are girl? Also country girls are far from being actually "conservative" and will fuck a dozen men before marriage
Indians are the highest earning ethnic group in America yet no one wants to date us. White whore chase after gangbanger Jose and Ahmed the jihadi but give me this look when I approach them
she looks like she fucks horses
Women want barbaric savages m8. Their lizard brains tell them these men are the most fit for survival.
Yes, and they are very conservative. This doesn’t even make sense because so many get married young, and usually don’t go through more than 1-4 boyfriends.
Lmao I have never seen a white woman with an Arab
Maybe you should lower your standards to something reasonable for how you look lol
Reads like extreme aesthetic cope are you sure you're even decent looking
>1-4 boyfriends.
They have sex with most of them and give bjs. That's not my definition of conservative
How do you know this? So many of my friends are married or engaged, and many are just with their HS sweethearts desu.
Because indians are cringe. There is literally nothing you can do. You look cringe, you dress cringe, you say cringe things, the way you see things is cringe, the way you behave with your fellow pajeets is cringe.
cope shitskin, even your shit woman prefer the white dick
Your 4 friends in rural Oklahoma aren't indicative of shit retard
I'm half white with blue eyes but I want a country girl cause I grew up in Arkansas but my moms a liberal hippie type that I don't like. Country girls dated/married mexicans and arabs at my high school but the mention of my hindu heritage repulses them
Have you tried doing the needful?
>US white girls
Move to the UK pajeet user and stop thinking about race. Dating is much easier in the UK for Indians, but it will always be rough. I’m Bengali and it’s definitely hard-mode in the US, but only thing you can do is stop being a thirsty savage. There are white women who’d date an Indian, but they’re usually in cosmopolitan cities or in the UK.
I think them plus my huge family and extended family and church are indicative enough.
Wait wtf. Those are not your eyes. Those are some of the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen and only Meds would have them, not some shitskin.
Pajeet, they are into beastiality and incest
Country women are better breeding cattle compared to other women across the US. They're whiter too if you got a thing for real blondes. Also the Country side is a fucking shithole and I'd rather not move from the Coast.
I always get told I have the most beautiful eyes and I can get liberal white girls but I want country gals
You need to be white, black, or Hispanic to date that type of thot in this cunt. Accept the truth and find a Latina/Pajeeta.
White women are the most loyal, this is a statistical fact.
This video literally ruined any (already small) chance any Indian guy had
>Lmao I have never seen a white woman with an Arab
maybe you see them and don’t necessarily realize they’re Arab. Most Arabs here are from the Levant (inb4 Taleb memes,) maybe you’ve assumed they were spics or something. Would pic related stand out as an explicitly Arab/white couple to you?
There will be time in the in the not-so-far future where indians are part of the ruling class next to jews. You were born too early
I don’t believe you’re Indian desu and I still won’t even if you give a time stamp. You can probably get almost any girl with those eyes provided the bottom half of your face isn’t deformed. You seem gorgeous. You are not a pajeet.
You just need to look like a gigapajeet
Unless they are trash they pretty much stick to white guys. Fat white trash will date blacks but you arent black and you dont want them anyways. Why do you care anyways. My Indian friends pretty much only date Indian girls.
>always a hispanic
find yourself a hot pajeeta
I'm half Indian and my name is very close to being Pajeet which was enough to ruin my high school years when the streetshitter memes were in full swing. I can't time stamp cause my cameras broken, i'm not deformed and I can get girls just not country girls which I don't understand cause I went to a high school with two brothers named Mohamed and Ahmed who married blonde daisy duke wearing, confederate flag waving girls and it pisses me off.
Like are you the OP? Did you take a DNA test? Are you sure you’re half pajeet?
they won't date autists like me either...
why couldn't I just have been born with a normal brain?
You can’t be a pajeet because pajeetas aren’t hot. I think you’re a larper. Even your story about the blonde daisy duke wearing girls married to Mohamed and Ahmed (you must have thought long and hard about those names) sound fake because white girls (especially blonde country girls) don’t racemix. We are very conservative.
I don't need a DNA test my dads a punjabi immigrant. I just got lucky and ended up with blue eyes
>two brothers named Mohamed and Ahmed who married blonde daisy duke wearing, confederate flag waving girls and it pisses me off.
America is so retarded. I bet this is in Tayxas.
No, you’re not a pajeet fuck off larper. PAJEETS ARE UGLY AF.
Yes we are you're just a dumb racist cunt who's been brainwashed to hate us
I bet hes full of shit. We don't even have many ahmeds.
Ahmed, Pablo, Jamal, whats the difference?
No you’re not
Nope my parents were just good at parenting
>mixing Pablo with Ahmeds or Jamals
Don't mix the 10% of us who look good to the rest of "them"
Because Indians (Indian not Amerindian) guys look like hipster trash twinks
Because you're all black skinned manlets.
This website is filled with young grandpas.
you sound like you fuck dogs
I can't prove my half Indian heritage but this is Ahmed and his wife. I'm not larping, when I tell girls i'm Indian/hindu they act like i'm a disease even when though they approached ME! Country girls hate us for no reason other than being brainwashed to instinctively dislike India
Have you tried asking them to open vagene and bob?
I know quite a few Indian/paki that get that eye color mainly people from the northern parts of india
The countryside tends to be a lot more religious. If you are mentioning that you are Hindu it probably throws the whole thing off, since Hinduism is not common here, and most people know absolutely nothing about it.
no offensive pajeet, but Indians are generally seen as dirty. they smell bad, their food smells bad, they wear sandals or go barefoot everywhere. they are also not masculine, and have funny accents. Indians are also terrible to their women and expect them to act like their mothers.
>tfw no country sister to bang in the barn on our dirt farm in hicksville USA
rural folk only have sex with their family
same reason you don't want to date aboriginal and african women.They don't want their offsprings to have your genes and suffer.
>Also country girls are far from being actually "conservative" and will fuck a dozen men before marriage
Maybe "country" girls are like that.
Indian Men are so damn handsome.
They just scared of Big Indian cock.
You will regret barn sex. You most assuredly will regret sex in a hayloft.
Dogs, Machines, Blacks, Muslims/Arabs, Balloons, A car’s shift stick...Indians are the true alternative, based Alphas!
You say that, but you ain’t even try, bitch,
Just like you basic bitches ignore black guys, until it is convenient, then your blacked fo life!
Exactly. Indian Men are up and coming studs.
If WW will degrade themselves with Muslims/Arabs, they will eventually see how much better Indians are.
I know that feel bro.
But if it’s any consolation, those basic bitches either end up dead, in a dead end relationship with blown out buttholes, have multiple stds or come crawling to us in the most pitiful manner, lmao.
I get your feel my fellow Indiaanon, being an average pajeet can suck ass sometimes.
Man i'm kinda white but no girls want no date with me, and here you ask why? because fuck us that's why. We just were born under unlucky star.
Oh yeah, just being a brain dead “strong” guy works.
Muslims/Arabs are strong? Sounds like coping, Mohammed!
Haha, Arab/Muslim Men are hotter than lame white guys.
Sorry, but NOT sorry ^_^
And Pinkos don’t? Lmao, we own the UK, and Canada.
Australia, proper Europe is next.
USA is tough to crack though.
>Indeeans are de haiiest erning etnic gruupe in Amerika yet nooone wants tu daet us. Waite whoar cheise aftar gangbanga Jose and Ahmad da jeehadi bud gibe me dis luuuk wen I appproch dem.
Nice try, faggot.
Bitches line up for Indian cock in UK and Canada.
It’s true!
As a girl, I’ll only say this once, pajeets are ugly. I have pajeet friends but I’d never consider dating one. Your uppity attitude doesn’t help.
You forget Muslim/Arab, you dumb R-neck!
Lmaooooo, the fucking cope.
No, they ain’t. You cannot stem the tide of interracial ness. Keep crying cuck!
tranny freak.
Keep crying pajeet
Pajeet could rule the universe and he'd still be unfuckable.
Go fuck him then, faggot!
This seems to be the consensus Indian and Asian men are just viewed with disdain by women even when we're attractive
>We’re also generally raised to be conservative in values
Well arent pajeets preetty fucking conservative, more so if they are muslim? Or is it Just code for "We are thought to only fuck White guys"
Lmao, I can hear you crying as you typed that.
Absolutely. It works 101% of the time!
> projecting
>brain dead
Where is this meme from? You consider your slimmy scheming intelligence?
No, you are just a racist person.
Once again, R-necks always play the “friend card”.
That doesn’t absolve you of anything. If you weren’t so inbred, you’d give them a chance.
No girl has time to type out that bullshit, since her hands are busy wrapped around big Muslim/Arab or Black cock.
Nice try, Cunt!
Post an attractive pajeet
Wrong. Thots like that believe hate speech isnt free speech.
Once we kick out the Chinese and Germans, we taking over, bitch! You cannot stop us.
Your women practically throw themselves at us, when they visit here yearly.
Cope harder! :)
No woman likes Orientals.
However, Indian Men are rising. The TRUE Asians, you retard!