it happens constantly you only care when American media wants you to care. This other woman in pic lost her eye too for a rubber bullet in a rioting and nobody outside of Spain noticed it
Cops of your country
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People protesting for socialism deserve to be beaten.
i hope you think the same thing for ppl protesting for nazism
rangeban spain
todos son o normies o maricones
o ambos
This cute russian boy lost her eye beacause of police brutality and no one cares
That's because no one gives a shit about spain, you are due for a civil war and more importantly HKers used it in their protests.
That was in the news you mouth breathing retard.
I though Chinks were insects according to racists
Why are you pretending these pictures were never in western media and that everyone was ignorant of the protests?
You fuckers had one job, to devolve into a civil war where the Catalans would collapse and fascism would rise again making you a pariah. You couldn't even manage that.
Not really. It may have been mentioned but was being constantly promoted like the HK protests are.
you started clearly a propaganda campaign to desestabilize Hong Kong, it's so obvious
HK protests are more interesting than the ones in spain because spain is a democracy, hong kong isn't.
people in my country have been losing eyes and hands because of the police every week-end for more than six months and no one cares
HK is a democracy Zhang (and always has been.) China wants to change that, which is why they are protesting.
good goy
Catalans aren't humans, this is all fine
arent these ppl super rich?
i read somewhere the folks from Catalonia are rich
This is a high level Jew subversion tactic. Nice.
The ones pushing for independence politically are rich, the rest are brainwashed plebs
catalonia is the south brazil of spain
hehe corrupted pigs xou can buy them for 5 euros...
>Russian boy
>Lost her eye
Well which one is it?
>going to protests without sufficent protection
And that's why liberakhas will never win
Even the other cops are intimidated by the gigacop.
Hong Kong was already destabilizing itself without our help, but when you see a crack in the adversaries armor you exploit it, which is what is happening now. Spain is not an adversary, so a bunch of useless rioting for a cause that will never happen is of minimal interest in the US compared to China's handling of Hong Kong.
Is this in St. petersburg?
Chad Rightwing football fans vs virgin liberal students
Hong Kong is a shithole. If the government collapses Beijing gets full control. This isn't a good idea.
yes, catalons are richer than every region in spain except basque country (basque are even more based than catalons). spaniards seethe because we are usually envious of catalons and basque people
faggy bootlickers seething lol
Here if you see Gendarmeria being movilized to your protest, you know you will be beaten..
Madrid and Navarra are richer, Madrid is the richest region
Fuck womens, get rekt ugly fat whore
Can you throw some pills about our mass-murderers, corrupt and loveful gendarmes?
lower middle class third worlders will disagree and rush to their defense.