>One way ticket from Islamabad to Colorado costs $1468
One way ticket from Islamabad to Colorado costs $1468
Good thing it’s a suicide bombing so you don’t have to worry about jack shit
why airplane ticket prices are so ridicolous
>one ticket to flyoverville
Now check NYC, DC or LA and see how much it costs you dirty homosexual
It costs $652 which is still alot. Like over 1 lakh rupees. I wanted to go to Colorado because it is beautiful, my first choice was Montana but there were no flights for there
Actually it's quite cheap for international flights since you don't have to go through Canada
>wanting to see nature
Fuck off and die. That shit is retarded
whats the best state for a brown boy like myself to go to uni in?
Go to LA and drive to Colorado
I fukcing hate LA
What course? I just moved back after 8 years there.
My friend used to live in Florida. He lost his virginity to a thicc cuban girl
652 is the cheapest you'll get em for.
BS in computer science, also what are SAT requirements?
Have you ever visited? Just rent a car at the airport and leave.
i've never left my country
stop being so god damn poor
652 for a flight is dirt cheap
You made me laugh out loud so my whole family can hear
>complains about paying a thousand bucks
>wants to enroll in American university
University isn't problem flight is, every time I want to move back and forth I'll have to pay around 700 to 800 dollars
Why would do undergrad again if you already have a bachelor's? I understand how shitty the teaching in our countries are but I don't think a new bachelor's is needed. Go for a masters program. Get a gre score of 325+ for a good university, make sure you learn at least one programming language in and out, also do some projects on the side too. Toefl shouldn't be a problem for you. Remember you are on a limited time there, 5 years for F1 visa, so work your ass off during your masters. My suggestion is to try for universities in and around bay area or reputed unis with really good comp science department.
why do you want to move back and forth??
Don't do that. Your shithole has really unstudy diplomatic ties, my Paki Roomate wasn't allowed back because he kept going every summer and winter break.
Eid and stuff
damn, what happened then?
Also of you get into a college in the bay area I can get you a job if you aren't a total tard. Already helped out a Pole user and Apezilian from here.
>a new bachelors
>he thinks Im doing BS from a uni here right now and not just graduated High School
He wasn't allowed back in for 3 years. So he had to quit his masters in the final semester. They have your scores in record for 7-8 years I guess, so he came back after that and finished it. He got married in those three years and had a kid too.
Eh... Go for it I guess. Look into 2 year transfer degrees in community colleges, you'd have to pay way less that way. De anza in San Jose is pretty decent.
That is like 3 months of sallary here.
admission requirements? Like SAT and stuff?
Look it nigga up.... I did my studying a couple of years ago. De anza community College
It better be good
>Not driving
The United States is boring dude why don't you visit Europe?
Im too burgerfied, gonna be hard to integrate
How does international driving work? Is a foreign licence valid there?
based pakiburger
redpill me on community colleges
Nigga it's a cheap option. Don't think your ass is getting into any top tier college unless you already have extremely impressive resume
Yes and no. Depends on the cop and the state. Correct me if I am wrong burger anons
Cheap option. Majority of em are considered a joke tho and will be filled with non-serious poor fags
Just a mid tier, can get above 1200 in SAT so I was thinking about a mid tier cheap one. I can afford about $5000 annually
Than like wouldn't it be a waste of money? Wasting all that money for a degree from a meme college that wont get me anywhere
You have a license? Then you can rent a car and drive. If you get pulled over just show the license and the rental vehicle and you'll be on your way after that. That's how it is for most states though some places like NYC can be finicky
Go to CC you fucking tard. It's not only cheaper but easy as shit and if you apply yourself you can transfer into a great school
How's Santa Barbara community College?
You transfer into a better college after 2 years. Also don't ever stick with Pakis, they are some of the dumbest fuckers that you can come across.
Just Google it. My suggestion, apply for de anza community College in San Jose. Enroll into their transfer degree and move to any of the good California state universities. Agar aap ye karoge tho mei aap ko part time job bhi dilwa sakta hi. I already helped a Pole user from Jow Forums with this
>dumbest fuckers
and the ones in the U.S were supposed to be smart, sad
also I have a severse disliking of Cali but It seems that I will have to overcome it. The women are vapid and everyone is a turbo normie
>severse disliking of Cali
It's the best place for immigrants especially Muslims.
>The women are vapid and everyone is a turbo normie
If you are planning on being a neet then don't waste your time. Stay in Pakistan and invest in real estate or something. Also most women aren't vapid, it's only in SF and especially la where you will run into thots
Imma sleep now. I made a few millions by working in USA and I am set for life. I suggest you turn into a turbo normie for at least a decade or be really good at hiding your powerlevel. Make another thread tomorrow if you are actually serious about this.
sweet dreams chadjeet
imagine the smell of this thread
I thought Argentina was white. how are you guys so poor and can't organize a society?
one way tickets cost twice as much as return flights
what are the requirements for some mid tier uni in estonia? Do I get any Brown boy points?
>Wasting all that money for a degree from a meme college that wont get me anywhere
Unless you're going to an ivy league school a degree is a gamble. and it's not enough to get a job
why would you want to come here anyways? it's just denver, colorado springs and the rest is just a suburban wasteland
I despise Canada even more than California
does being a minority help?
DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!
Colorda and Montana seem pretty beautiful, mountaneous like my town and cold.
eesti are huge nazies. even for other whity.
Know some feller there and say its swell. Ofcourse they're in Tartu which is a uni town so maybe its different
being black or hispanic helps. Pakistani can be classified as asian or as white in america. If you're pashtun above the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa you're white, anything below that is considered asian. But being asian or white doesn't help with affirmative action