
/mena/ plays billiard edition

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we call those "gilal"

ahahahah pogle zaatavu hahha jaoooo sta se dogadja bracela joooij njoh njoh kale brdo brdo kale turci bili tu joooj

Are you being sarcastic ?

For how long does /mena/ stay up at night? Are you guys on vacation? I'll be going to sleep soon because I got a university to go to tomorrow

5th for Pope Tawardos' 2016 Easter speech

ثور الأسود

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ahah zogle xanadu haha dgaoo jta se zogla mogla

We call those دعابل

why do you hate whamen?

We call them bely (بلي)

see how my clever choice of edition sparked genuine international discussion?
we call them bis

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I respect all Queens.

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No we call it "gazgaz"
it makes "gez" sound, probably that's where it came from

Is that Syrian "Alive" guy still around?

u bong u gai

How tf do you say "bull" in Kurdish


How can a 2010 song make someone so nostalgic
Wait 9 years have passed, that's almost a decade. We live on average 8 decades so a whole eighth of our life has passed... in a blink of an eye

wrong, I'm hetero but I respect ALL QUEENS

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>2010 was 27 years ago

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You live in emirat... you(or your parents) get paid loads of cash and you still don't want to spend a penny ?

>That feel when no Somali gf


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I hate "nostalgic" people, just shut the fuck up already yeah time goes fowards jesus

Nostalgia could make a person depressed, i want you to feel depressed about reality like me.

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every day, i feel despair over losing my light eyes and light-colored hair as a kid.

For you

I used to have really long, silky strong jet black hair when I was younger. Now it's all frizzy and dry. Literally no one in my family is like this.

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>tur ala sud
I don't get it

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I used to look very innocent and small as a kid but when puberty hit me I changed into a whole new person for the worst,sometimes i'd rage really hard about my current state and punch the wall and start crying to feel better about myself

when i was young, i was ghost-tier pale, when i became a bit older, i had an olive-ish skin tone, when i hit puberty i became much paler and also pinker.
genes are weird like that.

Use keratine bro, that's what jabroids here use to make their shitty hair silky/smooth

my mom has curly-ish hair, but i got really fine straight hair that curls up a bit when it's dry and long (think 70s wypipo hairstyles)

I've kinda embraced it, desu. I also never use gel or any hair care products, cause it just looks shitty for the most part. Also on the topic of hair, why is it that so many zoomers in mena go for that shitty fucking fade every time? You know the one.

Hey not so creepy canadian
Why are you in love with him?

We call those "buntay"

Yeah I know that feel, it's hard to come to terms that any semblance between your younger self and now is nonexistent.

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I look exactly the same as i did as a kid except more stretched (i like to take this one literally as a cope) and some say i act the same too

Isn't it scary how much pain can be inflicted on a person?

Keratine is only used like once a year or something idk honestly. Even someone with negroidish hair gets straight hair.
idk, it's either a trend that increased over the last few years or a trend that resurfaced. They probably saw football players do it...
Like those isis people ?

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Yes abdo but what you just said is not something I can understand. I lack what linguists would call “word sense”

And truly I say, the greatest pain is loneliness.

My brother’s hair but not as oily and trimmed at a hairdresser monthly for €25,- (he lives lavish)
Not that beard though how does he have this much is it photoshop/a wig?

>people moping about how they used to look
might as well chip in too.
i kept my really snakelike cunty shoe seller resting face from my childhood, became emaciated through teenagehood then I gained some weight and look humanely skinny instead of spiderlike lanklet. my hair got curlier which was cool but it eventually had tha 'burnt' texture which I finally mended over the years. got swarthier and taller. i lost my HUGE milk front teeth at some point so that was cool. overall growing up was a mistake although i wish i looked more adult

I was waiting for you actually. Can you fill the void I have?

don't fall for the jewratine meme. a french flag beautician told me how to use shampoo (lol) and now my hair is nicer

Yes I am a Jew.

So basically you just looked like goblina but less stretched

they're called "kurds" not even meming

I grew up to look more adult than I should be

back when I was 14 I was at the store and some of the 12th grade guys were there and they... thought I was... 21...

kill me

Is that why you are looking for a jewish lawyer?

I have this jew fetish lately ever since I watched this barcroftish documentary about eli cohen


In french? Lol.

>look i said the name again!
kys boukhra you made people associate me with goblins i'll associate yours to feces forever
i wish i were like that tbqh

Can you blame me I mean there is only one greasy balding jew’s face I used to see daily and that was in this general. A rich powerful clever stable attractive stylish man is very interesting.

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no, algerian dialect

in french it's "bille"

Are you a tall, muscular man?

>Not that beard though how does he have this much
They don't cut it ? also they don't comb it so it appears even bigger
I to go cut my hair for 1 dinar(back then it was equal to1.5-1.9euro i think) since i was a kid lol, when i became a teen i started giving the guy 1.5 dinar(sometimes 2 i think) now i just cut my hair on my own hahahaha cheaper, less tiresome and cleaner

I am taller than the average (in this country) and I have some muscle mass

My mom already did that for me.

Assuming everyone here is an Arab, you all can grow full beards right?

I had one of those friends, he even started getting bald a bit from both sides.
Also a friend who had a fucking full beard when we was just 16 or something

most jews have the creatura look and have a really meek allure to them
the outliers who escape tha curse look great though
also ______ (idont want to summon him) looked nice in tha trenchcoat pic

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Nothing wrong with it, when i was 14 i already had to shave beard and was 182 cm tall.

No but when I use a towel my shit family used small hairs get on my face.
>don’t comb it
No wonder his hair doesn’t look greasy, I bet he only showers once a year. And yes hairdressers are a waste of money.

we were*


I’d agree with you but sadly he is poor and not clever so i have no opinion of him. His jew score is unironically just 5/10.

deep in the hustle
cash everywhere got me flexing my muscles
we making so much cheese
it's making us the world top enemies

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>just 5/10
i now believe in incel doomsayers who say trashy garbage piss whores have higher standards than they should. i'm obviously just rating him on looks, not character or acting ability.

Yur people have fun ramadan nights (soiree ramandansque)
No he is a 1/10
But his JEW score is 5/10

The reason why I said this
Tunisians can party but unironically would attend /10

We call this "plivara". (The ones who aren't made of glass are called simply "fakhar")
The bigger ones "tamango".
Iron ones "pous"
Small plastic ones "hab"
Slightly bigger plastic ones "tama"

I played this so much in my childhood, god damn.

I miss my white skin, now only my thighs are white and everything else is brown

Wait youngblackmind.wordpress.com/2015/02/21/top-5-reasons-thots-are-winning/
>THOTs have low standards. Honestly, this attract men because they are perfectly compatible with men who often have equally low standards The things that THOTs want from a man are very superficial, making it easy for a man to feel like he is on top. every man wants that. Women who are respectable usually look for men who fit the same description. That respectable man can, sometime, be hard to find in our demographic.

My cousin is obsessed with that, kek.

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Gonna meet my lebanese ex on tuesday
Thank you for subscribing to my blog

Haram, if you are addicted to gambling try investing in stocks and shitcoins.

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>Every gambler knows
>That the secret to surviving
>Is knowing what to throw away
>And knowing what to keep
>Cause every hands a winner
>And every hands a loser
>And the best you can hope for
>Is to die in your sleep

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every kid my age had these in Palestine we called them this or بلي

back then, this was almost 15 years ago

This is what my mom makes in an hour


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Not a prostitute she gambles.

nice save, I was just about to ask how she a found an corner in Europe empty of Slavic prostitutes.

hello basraanon,it's been a long while,how are you?

In the living room with a laptop, blue screen on hopeless face hoping to make 4k minimum wage monthly. You just insulted a hard working classy woman.


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Hello king

I used to have a period when I'd go to London every break and play my paychecks there, always broke even at the very least sometimes get back with 400 quideroos, once left a table with 8k and lost it all to depression couple weeks later.
how is imaginary coins trading any different from gambling? And stocks are a waste of time unlsse you already have hundreds of thousands
to actually matter in the trade

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بخير بس يومي كان سيء
من اي محافظة ؟
كيف حالك و من اي محافظة

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بغداد،جنت اسوي ال/iq/
واتذكرتك مرة سويت بوست اهناك

يوجد بغدادي يكره ناشري الانمي و الويبس هنا

كيف هيا بغداد هذه الايام هل تحسن اي شيء ؟

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اعتقد هذا اني (اليكره الانمي)
but I've fallen for the foxgirl meme and now I watch anime unironically

بغداد وضعها زين بس ممكن يكون احسن

i miss /3arab/ threads
you should make one

>git go
omg sorry for havinf drunk bored serb in chat mena. love yoi guys gona.

جيد اتنمى لكم الخير
غدا ان شاء الله حبيبي

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اني من السماوة، وانت؟

gud nide :DD