Which Latin American country has the best looking women?

Which Latin American country has the best looking women?

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The white one.

Nobody is white in this godforsaken continent, even the ones that look the part are utter niggers on the inside. Although you could say the same for everyone in this day and age I think.

Culombia I guess, but it's just an specific place I think

Probably Colombia

Give colombian gf

Brazil has a tonne of variation, so imma go with them

Colombia for best females and shemales.

As in light brown to dark brown?

From the blackest black to the blondest blond.

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Every latin american country has that kind of range tho

I think

Dominican Republic

You'll find cake everywhere except maybe in Peru, Bolivia and Chile

Yeah, but Brazil is way more diverse than any LatAm country.

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argentina on average, colombia and brazil are hit or miss

idk, Brazil?

Arguably Venezuela

Which females has the better body and which has the better face?

body = colombia and brazil, venezuela
face = argentina and venezuela


also, there a lot of hot colombian women here but no one dates because they are batshit crazy, chileans and brazilian women are the only sane in the continent, even if chileans are 5/10

Dominicans have nice bodies too

That’s implying that the number of blondes is anywhere near the number of blacks.

anything below mexico and above panama doesn't exist

The hottest hispanic chick I’ve ever met was Peruvian, although I guess she was an outlier

Bruh why are you dissing your own women


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Which is why they sell themselves as wives just so they can escape from that shithole.

Costa Ricans and Salvadorians are nice tho

because i'm trying to be objective, average low class chilean girl

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There are places where there are more blondes than blacks. Reality is more complex than Consuela from Family Guy, you stupid Amerifart.

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Does the portrayal of Mexicans on American tv bother you?

is that marzia or a latina clone of her?

I don't watch tv but I find it funny when they use that yellow filter in movies, or when they portray Mexico as a huge desert without paved roads with some villages here and there hehe

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It also deppends on the region, for example girls from East Bolivia (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Beni, Pando) are way more attractive than those from La Paz.

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