Do nations where the people live primarily in terraced housing like it? It always seemed to me terraced housing was the best and most efficient solution as the costs:quality of life ratio is considered but I often see especially British people complaining about their housing. I wish I could have my own backyard I could read a book in in the summertime, even if it's small.
Do nations where the people live primarily in terraced housing like it...
Looks like a nightmare
It is.
Move to America, sure there are alot of problems but there is room to avoid them
I live in a ranch in the woods
do you have any better ideas how to improve housing quality in a densely populated country provided all the people should be entitled to own a personal backyard?
Yeah it's fine. New houses are shit though with their thin walls. Narrow roads are inconvenient.
You still have to live in the usa (read: that's bad)
I wish we had Berliner apartment buildings here, but most Dutch want their own silly backyard.
How can you not want a backyard.
These could be OK but one bad neighbour ruins it for.
We're not as big as Poland. I'd prefer public recreation spots over private backyards any time in an urban environment like mine.
Sounds cosy. But how would I move to America, what qualities would be required of me?
It's not about size, it's just a basic human need to own at least a tiny piece of personal space.
give me a good reason besides the unlikelyhood of >get shot
no NHS and no joy of waiting 3 months to get an appointment with a Pakistani doctor who barely speaks English only to receive a prescription for Paracetamol to cure your cancer.
but hey, at least it's free
this is a good point but I still think that the positives outweigh the negatives. living here is really comfy
first of all, no whites
I don't like it, it's all very grim and upsetting, especially the people.
That's subjective but whatever floats your boat
There's nothing wrong with terraced housing intrinsically (I'd prefer that we build more of them) but a lot of them are pretty run down since they were built ages ago
travel to england and see how many actually keep their backyard respectable. remember its no wider than your part of the house, everything you do back there needs to be transported through your kitchen or whatever. cant just jump the fence and go straight to the garden if you want to, your neighbours see everything you do there. it becomes a liability you might as well live in a commieblock with a janitor that cuts the grass and keeps it clean.
It's possible to have a private garden on the roof or something like that.
still not the same like backyard you can make a bbq party in
I guess they prefer classic european blocks that cost 1300€/month for some reason I don't get either
what about Japanese type of housing? seems a bit messy
Still no backyard