Friday edition
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how do i get /timmode/?
British edish. Ok.
what's for dinner?
Mom made some risotto and there's still some left, so I'll have that with a poblano pepper. Maybe some wine as well.
A cuppa of tea with milk.
borscht with pork ribs. really tasty. gosh, i really love this dish.
that sounds fantastic
idk I'm too tired to cook tonight so I'll ask my wife to make something or just order in
kinda want pizza tho
I just ate 6 tomatos and now my tummy hurts aaaaaaaaaa
We are an anime free general. Take that shit to /polska/, thanks
dang, like you just ate em raw?
i like to think jordaan mason themselves wrote this so i kinda have their autograph
why is karen so popular AND CUTE?
I posted a video game character, you burger
yeah, they're yummy
>I posted a video game character, you burger
even worse
yeah, i know i look good.
what of it?
Why posting dead j*ws
i like his hair, it's cool in an eccentric and funny way.
It is literaly a nigger's hair
i don't know many black people with bowl cuts.
>he knows black people
yes, i live in the united states.
/cum/ is wicked, rad, cool, hip but most of all, it is based.
Should i report an unsafe driver? Driving extremely erratic, going 100~kmh in a 60 zone in dense traffic no signals cutting across three lanes etc. I asked why he was going so fast, blew telling me to fuck off and that if i wanted to go etc i obviously told him to fuck off but when traffic started moving again he was locking up his wheels like a retard beside me trying to get us to fight etc. I got it on dashcam just wondering if it is worth reporting, i don't want it coming back to me or having to deal with some bullshit police stuff. But the way he was driving it's only a matter of time before he probably kills someone.
Porco dio
what should I name my irish brazil colony
What about smegma
thank u 2 whoever shared this song with me
couldn't they have picked a better audi than a 2002 A4?
McCaca Poo poo
Only report crimes that affect you personally
At least in the US it's wise to avoid police whenever possible for multiple reasons
The police probably won't do anything, dash cam or not. Upload the footage to youtube and try to get a bunch of people angry, send it to your local news, etc. That's about the best way you could hope to get a response.
Or just say wewlad and go on with your day, whatever makes you feel bestest.
A poorly made protein shake
>For the last month I;ve been iving micro doses of cocaine/heroin (speedball) every morning instead of coffee.
Even with him doing it all on dashcam? I don't doubt the incompetence or flaccidity of the police though so it makes sense. Anyways this was the guy in some shitbox 90s Saturn, brand new-ish plate as well.
Yeah, probably best before getting entangled in some bullshit. The guy was a straight crackhead looking guy, so best to not get involved in his trainwreck of a life.
Did you get a shot of his face? If not then deffo not. The best they would do is give him a stern talking to. Even so the police are probably busy harassing minorities to do anything about it. Like I said, if it makes you feel good report it but you won't really hear anything back from it.
that's not even a microdose lmao. this dude is just straight up speedballing every morning.
>doctors HATE this one weird trick to make yourself feel alive!
Feeling like right shite today lads. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day
tomorrow is always another day user-kun~
get a good night sleep and eat healthy, and stay away from alcohol and drugs!
Tried Fortnite, building is gay
>shoot at someone and they turn into a 4-story wood tower in 0.5 seconds
got two words for you, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, BABY!
that's why you shoot at the base of their tower so it collapses you tardcard
Imma just leave this here...
Asinsdesa- blood sausage
Is this story reddit?
How do you fuck up so bad in life?
I would NEVER get a cat to go on a walk like that
Got a pee retention boner
‘fraid of getting up out of my seat now
just a regular american walk
rude. i like the other swede
Watch out I feel like cummin on somebody
roadtrip swede is based. sven is a proxy.
Sven has proved his location before
can't handle a little bants m8?
posting photos of places that could be anywhere snow exists does not equal proving his location
reckon these cathinones are a good enough reason to keep living
guess we'll see how things are tomorrow lol
Guess what
new memes have arrived?
>can't even oppose MASS immigration in Canada anymore without getting dogpiled and censored
This post was a huge cringe
he actually hasn't (unless you're incredibly gullible) but whatever who cares
You’ve never proven to actually be an American in the USA so...
imagine using a proxy
imagine using it to change your flag to sweden
sorry im trying to be too cringey today, but its too enjoyable NOT to shitpost rn
This smug bear is killing me
Whoever drew it is a comedic genius
bear market bear is a good meme
Why do they mock only chrisitianity in hollywood movies and netflix shows? It's never islam, or buddhism, or jewdaism. It's not fair.
turn 360 degrees and walk away
I aints doin that
Jews make fun of themselves a lot.
had to put a piece of gum over my tooth so it would stop cutting my tongue desu
can barely eat
my bulk is ruined
ale really let himself go, huh?
some of the best comedy is jews making fun of jews
>suck em
what do
aren't you the guy who flirted with ale? oh right, yeah you are
the grey means time wasted
When are you gonna come out to your family so they can gill u
you don't work?
not anymore
k puto