>had huge empires for centuries till very recent times
> germany is richer than them
I will never get this, they should be outrageously rich
>had huge empires for centuries till very recent times
> germany is richer than them
I will never get this, they should be outrageously rich
Other urls found in this thread:
Because germans breed like rats
Our empire was mostly squandered and we wasted an insane amount of money trying to keep onto it in the 20th century
Also Germany industrialised later and didn't have to spend so much on modernising 19th century techniques like Britain
cringe and cope
The Germans were blessed with the Ruhr/Rhine valley region which is probably the best industrial land in the World.
t. had the resources of 1/3 of the world
Not a cope Luigi, simple facts
Germany is getting less and less relevant
>90% of that was overseas in colonies
>they don't own the colonies anymore
use your brain
Beitain literally invented the chemicals industry, half assed it and Germany made a lot of money by using their research and techniques as a stepping stone.
Turns out high quality coal and iron right next to your biggest cities is more economical to use than iron shipped in from the middle of Canada.
british empire bankrupted us, it cost more than it produced
He's Italian, logic is not their strong suit which is sad given who their ancestors were.
>what are ships
they don't have colonies anymore (debatable), but what about all the money they milked for centuries from them?
Germany can keep their extra money, the bond we have with France is priceless and g"rman rats will never have a relationship like this
you are cucks, it worked for us ( roman empire) and I think it worked for you too but you are coping
>>what are ships
Things which take money and time to build and maintain and then more time to ferry goods around. Then with modern engines you trade the added cost of fuel for speed.
what about that money? Do you think wealth generated 100s of years ago sticks around?
your wealth doesn't come from the Roman empire, it comes from the Venetian and Genoan trade cities during the middle ages
and it's good to hear that you are personally reaping the financial benefits of the roman empire 2000 years later, i'm happy for you mate :)
>us (roman empire)
>the small bore hole on the right
You just know
More like Empire opened up new global markets up for Europe as whole, essentially letting industrial powers become rich. Spain had a fairly large Empire but was bankrupt with no industry, the Germans had no Empire but were rich with a massive industry, Russia had a huge Empire but no industry and therefore was poor.
yes apparently and you need to add all the gold of the vatican
gold is meaningless since the world adopted FIAT currencies
Not everything is about money.
Their influence is their wealth.
yeah tell me this after the big reset
Germany benefited from the Holy Roman Empire and the colonization of Polish lands.
Germany had everyone propping them up so they wouldn't go full Nazi again and they took full advantage of it.
this will never happen
>this is your brain on yankism
why is russia so poor?
You aren't Roman, you're descended from the Ostrogoth niggers that ruined everything.
It's about us again!
evil yanks and brits with their sanctions innit
having empires is very expensive thing.
no I am roman
yes having unlimited resources is suh a bad thing
it's always about
seething posters from shithole countries are always talking about us and try to tell us how 'irrelevant' we are now yet they can't stop making threads about us
Russia never truly industrialized, they don't manufacture anything nor do they have a service economy. They have a third world oilnigger economy
it's not that simple though, there are many factors but for one, just imagine how expensive the logistics is to bring these resources back to britain in the 19th century
Today? Massively corrupt, poorly managed transition to free market economics. Stalin made Russia the nation with the second highest GDP in the World.
>I will never get this, they should be outrageously rich
They wasted it all by starting a retarded war in which they spend almost all of their wealth and power just trying to murder us, and then they failed to win said war. The British thought they could conquer the world, they gambled and failed and lost everything in the process.
>were blessed with the Ruhr/Rhine valley region
>blessed with
We spent over 1000 years defending it tooth and nail against greedy french bastards encroaching on it and trying to take it from us. We weren't "blessed" with it, we took it and then fought to defend it.
germany is the center of europe. it will always outdo other european countries
Germans know how to administrate their money instead of getting drunk like a shitty anglo and pay for shitty black gigolos from paris.
Industry is what made a nation and the people rich. The best coal and iron deposits in the World were in Europe. The Imperial model was to trade industrial goods for raw goods in the colonies, mainly things like tea, cotton, rubber, spices etc. not iron and coal.
>Americans were nice enough to implement the Marshall-Plan
>Germany and Japan became economic powerhouses
>Now our country is one of the most productive ones and influential (for better or worse) in politics
>We've had peace for over 70+ years (!). Isn't that something true warriors strive for?
Holy shit. Didn't notice until now what the power of kindness can do to a country. How it can turn a bunch of miserable angry people into decent folk.
I can't stand those who still pretend that the war hasn't ended after 70+ years. Just shut up for a second.
>roman empire
Based italian bro.
those resources are worthless if it costs more to extract and maintain the colony than the resources are worth. Then you have to take into account that not all of the companies doing the extraction paid their share of taxes to the crown, which made maintaining the colony more encumbering for the government.
>us (roman empire)
>When some third world monkey tries to take the piss out of you
cringe just take it with force, holy shit anglos are such cucks
What about East Germany?
>When a shitty anglo replies you
Disgusting i'm going to wash my eyes.
wow what a rare insight, wish more Germans thought this way.
>The Britiish started WWI
Stupid Hans, they have less responsibility for that than all of the major powers, including Serbia, Austro-Hungary, Germany, France, Russia and Italy.
>Americans were nice enough to implement the Marshall-Plan
The Marshall plan was only implemented because the global economy notably failed
to get back on track without us, and since almost all of it to us was loans which we had to pay back its not a "favour" in any way shape or form, just self-interest.
So you can drop the proxy burger.
If you guys got there before the Russians (or even took the Warsaw pact states) things might (emphasis on might) be blossoming up there quickly after the war but resources might be too scarce for that. Beats living under the red flag.
If we left the peace terms up to the French and British your country would be 100s of tiny city states right now (then conquered by your neighbors)
I-it's not as if I didn't hate you fiercly.
I'm not talking in English, it's not true putain de bordel de merde !
it is more than geography though, gerrmans are efficient hard workers and are reputable for producing high quality products
the average british worker is unmotivated, underpaid and inefficient and the french spend more time striking than they do working
If you weren't so inbred and deluded you'd know that the british played a huge role in agitating the Tsar into invading Austria-Hungary, to distract Russia from central asia and contain the emerging continental power Germany.
There is outright correspondence we have now to that effect.
The brits are almost uniquely to blame for WW1, because of their agitating for a war, their role in prolonging it by convincing everyone else to ignore our offers of peace in 1916 and their role in dragging the US into the war which prolonged it even further and cost even more peoples lives.
sorry but Italy had literally 0 responsability for ww1
>If we left the peace terms up to the French and British your country would be 100s of tiny city states right now (then conquered by your neighbors)
Retarded mongrel, the Morgenthau plan to do exactly that was also american. Neither Britain nor France would have had the capacity to even try breaking us up like that, especially with the Soviets at the gates.
If you hadn't broken your word at the end of WW1, WW2 wouldn't even have happened so shut the fuck up.
it would be effortless, Germany didn't exist after the war, only occupied territories.
remember when britain was like
>oi anzac lads how about you lot try to take gallipolli, will be an easy mission haha nothing to worry about
then you gullible cunts actually fell for it and went there to get slaughtered en masse by turks lmaoo
Embarrassing from start to finish..
Truly a nation of insects
you lot were the only ones breaking words
kek we did even more for you after WW1. The Frenchoids wanted to make you pay way more reparations than what was in the Versailles treaty and take some of the Rhineland for themselves.
That's because maintaining a huge colonial empire require way too much resources.
Their colonies drained more resources than they contributed. Only bankers and merchants benefited from imperialism.
That's one of the reasons the USA managed to surpass the UK even before the WWI, The burgers didn't needed to spend huge amounts of gold in keeping a fleet to protect some far away colony with nothing of worth
Kind of but the legacy of you empire is greater. In the early days, British colonies were handled in a better way. Spain were the massive fuckups, they pretty much just sent Dukes to """""govern""""".
The difference between Anglo and Latin America is obviously massive
just embrace it pierre, you don't have to be ashamed
i love france and deep down you love britain back
you broke your words with us though en.wikipedia.org
imagine being american enough to believe in that
Serves you right. Italians are notorious backstabbers, much like the anglos. But unlike the anglos, italians don't have the brain to gain anything of worth from a betrayal
All major powers in WW1 were responsible. Can we finally agree on that? No? Of course not since everyone wants to point his finger for something that happened literally a century ago. Shut the fuck up.
If it were by the Allies we could have also been carved up into tiny states or colonies for Dutch, Danish, Polish, French neighbors. They might have also implemented a "long-term solution to finally stop le-eternal-kraut from commiting yet another war". But they didn't.
For the Americans it was an operation to rebuild the world economy (to hinder another event that might play into yet another fascist partys hands) and to set up a strong fortification against the communists, yes, but it was something I believe was necessary. Like I said, it could have been WAAAAY worse for us. I'm not an US shill (not for their foreign policy, leftist Hollywood propaganda, crappy health care, poverty etc) but this is one of the things I have to give them credit for where credit is due.
Germany never stopped existing but for that period they were just controlled by foreign powers
Britain, Italy and France have had a bigger cultural influence in the world than Germany. Not saying Germany isn't relevant, that'd be silly, but the three aforementioned countries have had a bigger cultural impact.
I think this is a much bigger motive for feeling proud than being rich. Or do you feel inferior to dumb Americans/Arabs that are richer than you?
if you're making that argument then Americans should feel proud for Americanizing a lot of the world.
>All major powers in WW1 were responsible. Can we finally agree on that?
Britain was of course partly responsible in the end but I believe that we had the option to stay out of it and maybe if we had then the war wouldn't have escalated to what it became
But we had no choice but to defend ourselves in WW2, neutrality wasn't an option
if Italy ahd had such a vast colonial empire for centuries in recent times it would be richer than luxembourg
The yanks ITT are unironically correct for once. The Morgenthau plan was never realised and both the Americans and Brits unlike the French and Russians didn't believe in keeping Germany down.
Both single handedly bankrupted and cucked by based Austrian art man
Indeed. So?
Historically maybe, but in recent times Germany is unironically more relevant
In your house, how many things do you own from Germany? For most people it will be more than British, French and Italian products put together
sorry but almost all the stuff i have is made in China
Schools here teach English as a mandatory subject, French mas mandatory too until about ten years ago. For me that's more relevant than owing a german water boiler.
so your second statement doesn't make any sense
The most prominent anology for WW1 was that all of Europe was like a powder keg, where every country was primed for detonation and all it took was a match (the killing of the Archduke). I'm not entirely sure what the winning conditions even were for each country, beating their enemy into submission? The results were the economic crisis and the creation of the Soviet Union, not much of a victory at all. It was just a big mistake in human history in general.
WW2 was complete madness. The last major attempt at land grabs by complete madmen, built on a false belief on superiority. And thank god it was the last one. Empires fell and broke apart but in return we got the UN and it was imo the most important and valuable legacy of this period.
we are still producing stuff, b0i
No, the empire was bankrupt because they wasted all of their money in wars with half of Europe defending catholicism and the pope
the theory only applies to middle class people that invest in high quality products instead of the cheapest version available
yeah i suppose you could say we are still more 'relevant' than germany but relevancy doesn't pay and the germans are superior to us by other metrics that are actually beneficial to the average citizen
But British legacy is far supreme.
>French mas mandatory
It would depend of the school tho. German was also taught, especially in southern areas
But this practice ended by the end of the 80's
lmao this image is incredibly embarrassing for the UK
brexit might have been a good idea if thatcher didn't sell off all our industry and made us heavily dependent on other countries
Why? If you were an influential intellectual or scientist, would you feel inferior to a dumb guy who is richer than you?
In Britain, foreign languages is only mandatory for 3 years between age 11-14 then you have the option to drop it
Predominately French, Spanish and German with others at the posh schools
French was mandatory in all public schools until the educational reforms of Ricardo Lagos. German was never mandatory in a national level.