Why is your cuntry so shit?

Why is your cuntry so shit?

Attached: hmmmmm.png (282x271, 22K)

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Surronded by people who dont like us and 75% of available budget goes into army

It's full of muslims

it's full of white people

because the black man and the white man could never put our differences aside

Because locals are shit

And yet it's still better than 80% of the world.

do americans really believe such propaganda?

Everyone is highly autistic.


Attached: Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (1235x650, 13K)

What I learned in high school, and I'm in no way making this up, was that when the Portuguese were colonizing Brazil, their gentry came here to enrich themselves and returned to Europe, and they only sent their worst people, criminals, beggars and prostitutes, to be permanent settlers. So we're genetically predisposed to being shitty people.

Most dishonest politicians on Earth

Attached: 60 percents of russians asked in new year to restore USSR.jpg (599x447, 31K)

It must be better or tens of millions of people wouldn't be flooding this country like it's going out of style.

>Most dishonest politicians on Earth

Attached: 1696039825-urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-190501-99-35313_large_4_31-2BNG.jpg (1000x563, 47K)


It should be a no-brainer for Russians. Would you rather live in a powerful nation or it's rump state?


full of boot lickers and uncheck corruption

Attached: boot licker 1.jpg (480x364, 25K)

Good agricultural / livestock countries: lands were sold in mostly equal sizes, farmers didn't have to rent and were free to do whatever they wanted with their lands

Argentonia: 10 families owned the whole fucking country, people had to rent the lands, couldn't decide what to grow and what to sell for almost 200 years.

The same families still own those lands even today

Io voto PD, l'unico partito onesto.

>its not that shit

Attached: 1560836968523.png (500x492, 9K)

every problem in the world, you name it
economical, social, racial, territorial, historical...

Government is basically on par with some ME Gulf state in competence and economic planning and it’s just a front for oligarchy.

no free speech, you get arrested immediately for thinking wrongly or showing any sign of patriotism
rape and murder occuring daily
60% taxes
shitty infrastructure, public health and education, despite sky high taxes, because all money gets used on replacement of the native population so we can import 85 IQ cheap work force
jewish overlords run the government
muslim overlords run the streets
public transport NEVER arrives on time
worse internet than for example Albania
no guns so we can't even defend ourselves
no military or borders, so this "country" would be overrun by some savages within a week

spaniards. and yes I mean basques and catalans as well.

so many gooks and shitskins its become our identity


too many germans

Cope, savages.
The bastard mutt children of millions of G*rman immigrants are finally starting to drag us down.

and this and muslims

african gangs


Niggers, unemployment and french lots of them