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here are your pakis western europe

just a reminder there will be nearly 4000 more turks than greeks tomorrow

why are TVRKS such CHADS?

I don't mind a few more turks as long as KVRDISH BVLLS grow rapidly

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that ukraine lol

That’s terrifying

>plus 1131

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Better turks than americans in europe though, let's be honest.

Italy, Poland and Russia should be decreasing Estonia and Spain should be increasing
Bad map

Idi nachui


Probably would’ve fallen for it if it was anything other than T*rks. No one is stupid enough to want them in their country. The Dutch did it and look what happened to them


It's not all about birth rate my friend


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>The Dutch did it and look what happened to them
Youre thinking about nafris

Why does increase in population equal good?

UK wtf are you doing? pls stop, I dont recognize you anymore.

Most of our people are just increasing the Western Europe's +

They will come back when Neggroids rise up and destroy your cunts!

I used to work next door to the Portuguese Embassy. Let's just say your country's clownshoe policies gave India a back door into Europe.

no fucking shit, I'm talking about population change

It's glorious, very much looking forward to this country's collapse

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Not funny

Do you filth really think those +165 are rusky? Then look at birth rate in russian areas, ahah.

ask Lithuanians and Bulgarians what they think about going excint. Soon half of their country will be deserted

cause our system would collapse without it

you have low birthrate and high suicide rate

Yes we will invade you.

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Yes, young people are getting that foreign Social services money !
>high suicide
True. Don't understand why. Japan and Korea also has high rates. WE BROTHAS

Ukraine, get your shit together...

Ask UN.

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thx danbro


i was expecting the immigrant dense counties to have the highest fertility rate.

>not autistically calculating the figure for all of those countries combined

all the positive numbers in western europe are blacks mena people and south asians

>purple parts of turkey are the ones with Kurds and Arabs
Why are Turks allowing themselves to get replaced?

your fucking fault tbqh

Enjoy our gypsies lmao retards

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>Serbia -111
>Croatia -41
How long until they have the bigger population?

> implying everyone doesn't say they are the same shit

Might as well use them to invade the Balkans again.

Upvote if you think women should be enslaved to make babies and save your country!

This many pakis.... Its over lads