your cunt
how do you cope
i will kill myself
Your cunt
my gf is blonde/blue eyed and she says my eyes and hair is one of the main reasons she liked me at first
Why do you even care lmao.
because i look like shit
Just follow the suicidal calls of your blood.
You’re probably the only one that thinks that.
How should I feel about having black hair and green/brown eyes
This is only white people though
i am balding, i am short, i have d*rk "blonde" hair, br*wn eyes and shit face. I am most definitely ugly.
You should feel good.
Only for people that are Europeans, Muhammad.
How short? Post hair.
earliest known painting of him
Art that was probably created by the gentiles convert, the early christians jews didn't create any depiction of Jesus and made efforts not to create what some might have considered idolatry, so we don't have any contemporary depiction that we could rely on to show his actual appearance.
I don’t know, you look like you have decent brows as well. My friend who is half Greek started balding at 19 and he got it fixed. I have no idea how it works, but his hair looks fine now. Anyway you shouldn’t look at yourself as ugly, you need to accept the part of yourself you can’t change.
how the hell should i accept the fact that my genes are inferior? It's the same thing as being a cuck
Either try to have children with blue/green eyed people and hope for the best or just wait until you can naturally change your eye colour in the future. Might even happen in this century.
You can’t change your genes my man. At least you’re not retarded or anything. Do you have any genetic diseases? If not then you’re fine.
i am not fine. I am genetically inferior in appearance. People like me should be purged
No one would love genetic freaks, such as myself
You are terribly black pilled. You're Lithuanian, you probably have European facial features aka the most attractive and desired worldwide. Who cares about fucking eye color? Only autists with an inferiority complex. You're just a pussy that wants to have an excuse to not make an effort to improve himself.
I won't kill myself but after a girl told me she loved another man's greeny eyes over my shit-colored ones I stopped striving after women altogether and I'm not a prison gay.
I've never been happier
i don't. I would be considered ugly even among nonwhites.
(disregard the blonde appearance of my hair. It's due to yellow lamps in my room. For my true hair "colour" refer to )
Drugs, alcohol and self pity.
I will get someone else to kill me since i am a worthless pussy
how would one even do that?
At least I'm not brown or a manlet
Both your nose and eyes are completely fine: small (not Semitic-like), short, nose is pointy, strong chin, smooth skin, round aesthetic head shape, fuck you you humongous douchebag you're actually good looking and unable to see it
>post on radical boomer kryptonite boards
>no social media
>leave a trail of radicalization with crappy opsec
>display fake armaments on forums anonymously
>get on the right list
>when they come, reach for the water squirt-er and Naruto run towards salvation
>implying you'll do it
>strong chin
>sloping and balding forehead
Falling back on the fact that your skin is light for solace is a shitty Jow Forums tier Jow Forums meme. White people may have many good qualities but the fact that you're brown or not brown isn't some deal-breaking test of whether you've won in life. You look silly to normal people.
inb4 cope cuckjeet etc. etc.
cute 2nd worlder
Your chin is fine. That’s just a terrible angle and you know that. Pull yourself together dude, honestly.
yeah good fucking angle mate maybe aim at your neck next time, you have a round protruding chin (an interesting feature in a male face), smooth skin, a Greek profile with almost model-like facial features, blond hair and a good head shape but you care about receding hair and brown eyes
>implying i did not create this plan with hard work
>implying i was not under surveillance for a good 6 months until the local coppers got tired
>implying the interrogations was not the cringiest experience of my life
>implying my posted plan was not refined with true, hands on experience
Also you should read about "integrity initiative".
Take a normal side view angle, perpendicular to your face
What does Integrity Initiative have to do with your epic autistic self destruction plan
He already did
The fucker is actually attractive, he's just pretending to be le ugly for validation, if this was an incel forum he'd be banned on spot
I look like eliot rodger
It will help you get on a list quicker. Check out the Spanish cluster and the anti-democratic actions detailed within.
Getting put on a list is a bit like professional networking. Once you are on one it expands horizontally, if you become a real person of interests, it will climb vertically. If you get found out as a fraud, you get banished.
What sort of radicalization gets you targeted quicker?
Don't (You) me attractive person I'd give my bright blue eyes for your face
Don't fucking call me attractive. I fucking hate when people lie to me like that. I have never been complimented on my appearance. Never. I am a fucking subhuman. I curse my ancestors every day.
>What sort of radicalization gets you targeted quicker?
Don`t rush it. Then you will end up as pathetic as yours truly. Slow, and managed. You need to appear sophisticated yet a brain-let.
You want to end up on the same list as suspected foreign agents among other things. Thats rather easy if you know how to spoof your phone gps. Its rather easy to imagine where you want to go. I mentioned said list because you have an opportunity with the Spanish cluster. It was a nice dump. Scrubbed from clearnet\google, but i`m sure you can find the original documents.