Just a rebuttal to the Pajeet thread from before

>lived in the U.K. for 27 years and can genuinely tell you I’ve never seen a pajeet with a white girl
the other way around is actually quite common :)
Stay mad poo

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Other urls found in this thread:


indian men don't really care about white women.

that kid in nike hoodie could wake up in my brothers stead tomorrow and I wouldn't notice

Then you’re a bunch of fucking degenerates. Mixing is wrong PERIOD. But you are right that white men racemix way more than white women as much as everyone loves to blame white women who racemix the least

Rent free

Sure you don’t pajeet. Everyone loves white women, especially you all

Also those girls are all UGLY

only self hating indians and village retards who think all white women are whores do that.

No, all non-whites do, and that includes all pajeets

based and true. i love this big titty frog indian bitch. married an ugly old white guy though lmao

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>no pajeet category

You’re degenerate and she’s ugly

this doesn’t mean anything, everyone knows how thirst you pajeets are for white women

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Black,white and asian are generally what people think when it comes to race.Notice how there are no arabs too?.

cope dothead, look how elated she is

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Ugly white guys get away with a lot over here

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Didn't Zayn from 1D date a few white chicks?

He's an Anglo-Paki mutt, not Indian.


White women don’t racemix, and and he is like 90% white.

Indian here! I would never marry a whitoid, date yea, sex yeah. The reason is she might leave me cause most white women are whores. Also why should I not get arrange married to a qt who will most likely be a doctor or something and will feed and serve me till the day I die?

His father is Pakistani. How can he be 90% white? Go to your containment chamber Dave

Soon there won't be enough white boys left in Britain to satisfy the demands of semi famous Brit Indian/paki girls....sad

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Cope pajeet, you all are obsessed with white women. You will never marry or have s*x with one because you can’t.
>arranged marriage to a qt
lmao cope

He doesn’t look like a paki


He’s half-White...
>Harry was the heartthrob of the group
>Liam knocked up the hottest bitch
The other 3 were pretty much irrelevant - especially that Irish pikey bastard

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>white women don't racemix

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degenerate virtue signaling. White women love white men, see the stats

I know,just saying that you were false in saying that white women don't racemix at all.

No really....is there a single semi famous Brit Indian/paki lass that INS'T dating a white boy? As soon as these bitches leave the clutches of their conservative families they instantly jump on white dick

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Yeah only like 99% don’t


>Are these the stats you’re looking for?
White women are literally getting cucked by us lol

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>black males prefer white women the least

Ugly white dudes and Hot pajeetas makes sense. Blandest couple you could imagine.

Some nice titties on that one

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>He doesn't have a qt pajeet gf with an English accent to go to the Cricket with

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But atleast it stops them from becoming incels

Village chads are based and correct.

> Cope pajeet, you all are obsessed with white women. You will never marry or have s*x with one because you can’t.
Out of all the races, whites and backs are easiest to pick. I just go to the local bar near college on friday and have had sex with more "white" females than the times you have accessed /int. I should also mention the number of whitoids the rich arabs get. Any whitiod with sleep with you if you are rich.

>arranged marriage to a qt
> lmao cope
Cope? What are you talking about?

> He doesn’t look like a paki
and what does a paki/indian look like?

All instagram thots have Indians drooling over them in the comment sections of all their pictures. Indians should be ranged banned from euro/American websites.

She spends all day on twitter complaining about white men this...white society that...and then goes home to get smashed by her white twink bf

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because you’re degenerate and traitors

>Out of all the races, whites and backs are easiest to pick. I just go to the local bar near college on friday and have had sex with more "white" females than the times you have accessed /int. I should also mention the number of whitoids the rich arabs get. Any whitiod with sleep with you if you are rich.
Sure pajeet, sure.

>Cope? What are you talking about?
You are not happy about your arranged marriage and pajeetas aren’t cute so we know it’s not a qt

>and what does a paki/indian look like?
Not that hot for sure

only indians comment on pictures of instagram thots?.JFL

white girls are thots, indian girls are way better than them in every way save for looks

>Not that hot for sure
This is the prime minister of Pakistan

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cope white girls are better in every way

He’s not Pakistani

He is pashtun,they make up 15 percent of population of pakistan.

Sorry op can you tell me the purpose of this thread ?

Why are you calling out this pajeeta user and arguing about white/ Indian couples ?

* pajeet

So he is from a ancient European descended minority and for lucky with his genetics? Yeah, totally Pakistani

Pashtuns are the native Pakistanis. Punjabis originate in India

Whatever, that guy clearly is of European lineage

Have you ever seen the map of the world? He's a native Pakistani far away from Europe

To piss of the poos

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Doesn't mean he doesn't have european ancestry from the aryans that migrated.

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I’ve seen a lot of Indian girls who like white guys here too. But I would be lying to say I’ve never seen the other way around there are also Indian guys with white girls

lol,No one cares who some indians girls date in western countries.if anything you should be worried because number of whites are decreasing.

i've seen a lot in the US.

There is no such thing as native pakistani or native indian but have experienced mass movement of groups throughout history.

>White women don’t racemix, and and he is like 90% white
You'd fuck any above average brown man if you get a chance to, fugly

>can’t speak on Canada.
But in the U.K. it’s all one way traffic

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His ancestors were obviously European

All those women are ugly

You wish shitskin. I’m not a racemixer

Basically if they're attractive to you they're not S. Asian. I assume this Punjabi Pakistani is also European?

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She's bursting at the seams lads. Who is the father? What's his race?

>Conn married her boyfriend of over a decade, actor Jonathan Kerrigan, in late 2011, a few months before the April 2012 birth of their son, Oscar.[7]


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He is clearly not full, and is heavily mixed

she’s ugly

post a full indian.

Honestly it just never ends

>Parminder Nagra from Bend It Like Beckham

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Imran Abbas is not mixed. He just looks like a typical attractive Pakistani

I don’t need to, we all know what pajeets look like

i've seen pajeets drool over all kinds of women on instagram

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>He just looks like a typical attractive Pakistani
lmao no pajeet. That guy doesn’t look paki at all

>taking comments on instagram seriously

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>3 generations later
they’re white as snow
>the poo has gone

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the other Indian girl in Bend It Like Beckham also married a white guy

>Spouse - Will Middleton

You're a moron and have little to no understanding of the world outside of your tunnel visioned bubble

im not even a pajeet but i can confirm what this pajeet says. tall athletic pajeets slay white women.

i follow a bunch of asian women and even those have pajeets.

keep crying paki

lmao ok pajeet. I wouldn’t go within 10ft of one nor would any white woman

the irony so you follow asian women but according to you indians can't?

it's always pajeets tagging their own selfies with these women's acc names.


Indira Virma (Game of Thrones) and her half white spawn. Just one more bleaching and fully white, every Indian's dream.

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>keep crying paki
I'm half Indian and what I said was true you racist fuck

Oh you’re the Italian with the eyes LARPing as a poo. And no it not, that guy is clearly mixed and you’re not a pajeet at all

You forgot this cutie (insert pic)
>another white mans whore

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I love Lucy so much. I'll turn over to ITV just to watch her forecast even though the graphics are shit. Is she actually dating that Polack though?

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Yes because only Indians are that desperate and autistic

retard,just look at comments.There are beta males from all races there.

Indian women are whores for white men

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blue board retard