Euro-African is hottest. Rest look like abos.
Marry hapa
Fuck mulata
Kill that other thing
Euro-African looks like a man.
Kill myself. Sex (very naughty) is yukky
Fuck all three.
Marry Afro-asian
fuck kill marry
i too watch masaman
Marry euro asian
Fuck euro afro
Kill afro asian
shot them all in the face cause i am based and blackpilled
marry, fuck, impregnate, and make babies with afro-asian
kill, marry then fuck all of them
>why yes, I'm a gentleman that doesnt have premarital sex, how could you tell?
Marry mulatta
Fuck Blasian
Kill Aya
That Blasian doesn't belong next to those girls she's like a 4/10
same order
Rest can die in AIDS fire
Absolutely taste.
I kill all three of them. Thots are worthless.
For me, it's Aya
kill aya
Marry euro Asian. Fug euro African. Kill afro asian