Why are Brits SO racist?

Why are Brits SO racist?

Attached: rory-stewart-uk-brit-smile-black.png (750x709, 776K)

... why are there nigs in england?

Attached: 1512582931586.png (512x468, 191K)

Most urban Nigerians speak English.

Why are there anglos in Australia

I agree

Dunno, black guy is dressed like a pirate, so he probably acted like one too

Or America for that matter

thanks varg
native europeans belong in europe

why are there wh*Toids in australia get out

pirates are nothing to smile about

Get the fuck out of Australia you faggot

isn't it ur fault?
two-faced fag

that's what you get for colonizing half of africa

what do you mean?
i only see anglos pure anglos in this picture

Probably not gonna happen, just fuck all Arab bitches you see and every generation gets whiter and whiter until they are pure. That's what we did to native Americans

He’s doing the face

Attached: wide-white-face-wojak.png (250x216, 23K)

Just go back home, dickhead.

Attached: 9bd.jpg (680x453, 49K)

Attached: brits-dumb.png (582x165, 15K)

They were invited unlike u

No it didnt thats how u get mexicans.
Disease n genocide did that