One hot season

>One hot season
>"Hurr durr duh erf is meltin"
Why are yuropoors such pussies? No wonder sandniggers are replacing them.

Attached: 1567195017466.png (722x1144, 141K)

fat and stupid

>Not a single Europoor gets to enjoy the sun as much as I do
Who else here /sunbelt/?

What would happen if you were exposed to more than 2000 hours of sunlight per year? Would you melt? Instantaneously contract melanoma?

>hurr durr what is humidity??????

it's also why euroniggers are the biggest whiners about climate change. bunch of heat sensitive weak bitches

You do realize Europe isn’t any more humid than the U.S right? Certain states like Florida are more humid than any European country

Both of you are too sunny for my tastes

Attached: sunshine.png (2753x1400, 267K)

Your mom.

>North America doesn't have humidity
Gypsy education

>amerimutt education

Attached: humidity_maps_world_1800x1000.jpg (1800x1000, 204K)

Wait what, you just proved their point. The US is just as humid as Europe, and depending on the area even more humid.

Because we don't live in the same latitude as africa unlike you

and thoose sandniggers thrive in the north where the sun dont shine during winter. no they dont, they want to go home again.

Europe is a lot warmer than that image implies because of the gulf stream and Mediterranean sea. Italy is obviously a lot warmer than Wisconsin despite the fact that they get similar amounts of sunlight.

Can we keep this discussion in one thread?

To reiterate what I said before, this wasn't a hot season. Last summer was significantly hotter.

>Eurofags get a little extra humidity, literally ~10% more
>Hours of sunlight is still significantly lower in most places
Do they really?

Yeah, but we get polar vortex cold too

Actually, you don't want to live in a cloudy place if you're heat sensitive since heat tends to get trapped beneath clouds. That's why my city which is right in that light blue area in Central Germany heats up to 40°C in summer.

Orange is the least populate parts of the US, it's all desert. Other than that American humidity is very similar and arguably even more in southern states

Yeah and only southoids here complain about cold weather you know why?
Because we don't have as massive temperature changes and our bodies never grew up to tolerate really big changes like you burgers did