Amerisharts, redpill me on the Pinkertons
Amerisharts, redpill me on the Pinkertons
Never heard of them
They're a private security company that began as a Private Investigative service that also did parole officer work and bounty hunting. They primarily served railroads, who were having troubles with workers complaining about working conditions like textile workers did. But unlike textile workers, if union workers stiked trains would stop and industry would halt too. They were paid to monitor employees on the job, monitor them in their homes (many were required to live in barracks and rent their children to the company), and monitor local bars for union activity. Unions were illegal back then so anyone found trying to bargain with others for better wages or working conditions could be immediately arrested on conspiracy charges and sent to work in a company prison. They were successful at doing this until the late nineteenth and earth 20th century, when more and more people wanted better working conditions creating a situation where companies actually had to compromise. The FBI, originally built as a public forensics lab to support private policing operations, was expanded into a national police force that effectively banned unions until FDR was elected. Unions were legalized after we entered WW2, with railroad, marine, motor and aerospace workers all threatening a general strike unless it was legalized. By this point most urban police were unionized too.
Pinkerton had already expanded to South America by that point though, and they were instrumental in guiding OSS operations. Postwar they assisated the creation of the CIA and NSA which they supply with contractors. These days they are a private military corperation that assists the military in operating and securing places deemed important, in Iraq it was oil wells and railroad junctions. They were the ones whom infrastructure contractors worked with when we rebuilt Iraq. They also secured Puerto Rico's operating power plants after their last hurricane.
Anything else?
Also Pinkerton was so notorious before the Civil War it pissed off Karl Marx and influnced his writings The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. This is also why both books were defacto banned in the US, anyone found with copies (which had to be imported as any US publisher that printed them wouldn't have rail or freight service) would be added to a national Pinkerton blacklist and banned from most places of employment. The south was the exception because the south hated yankees, which Pinkerton was and is.
Your parents might know something about them as they were taught in Soviet schools, or so I'm led to believe. Most union workers here are informed of them and told not to talk to them, which can lead to issues if they are unionized police officers.
You won’t get much better than what the user above already said. That aside, some old german speaking lady near me is selling a vintage Pinkerton Jacket, should I buy it?
Where are you even getting this from?
I've never heard of pinkerton even once
Nor have I ever heard about Marx's writing being banned
Only if you get the badge and gun too. Standard Pinkerton cops had a badge with the company eye on it with whatever company they were contracted for, same for their gun (usually a .38 revolver). Easy to see where modern conspiracy theories involving illumanti eyes come from, it was the standard for corporate policing a century ago. You can still see it on some TSA equipment which Pinkerton likes to mark because only their inspectors are allowed to repair them.
They killed my nigga John Marston
>Where are you even getting this from?
unfortunately I live in a cuck area (oakland) where all the schools are required to teach communism. Workers hand out flyers on buses too that link to books about US labor history because they are upset at tech people for having more money than them despite being renters. It is a strange dynamic.
i read that at one point they were better armed than the US military, and i think staffed more people
So it's basically communist propaganda? Or what?
I scarcely believe that to be anything more than a conspiracy theory (in the proper sense) since it was never mentioned once (none of what you said) in my schooling
That's not hard. US military was a joke for must of US history
pretty much but that was typical. Leland Stanford's railroad collected more in fees than California in taxes and owned more property than the state government. His house is now Stanford University and his summer home is now the Governor's Mansion. The university trust also owns 1 Market street which is the most expensive property in CA by land value.
They were also friends with Bechtel who built all of our nuclear bomb production facilities, NASA's launchpads, and the transcontinental railroad.
>I've never heard of pinkerton even once
el educación americano señores ASDFSDGDSG
it may be propaganda but it's not entirely untrue. there's a pretty famous instance where they were supposed to quell a strike and ended up massacring a bunch of workers
Are you referring to the Ludlow Massacre?
I remember learning about it, though it was just part of general discussion of gilded age problems
My state education only skims over Gilded Age generally speaking.
Just to be super clear OP the ring of cancer is:
>Wells Fargo
>Southern (now Union) Pacific
There's probably more but this is the basic setup for California. Pinkerton was and is a global company, they were one of the first true multinational firms so they had different offices with different needs. The FBI and then CIA would use it as a model for their own operations today. In CA the activities Pinkerton did led to San Francisco nationalizing their mass transit and LA nationalizing their water+power utilities because the combat associated with both were getting out of hand.
homestead massacre
You're not familiar with the history of Appalachia and/or the wild west?
>They were paid to monitor employees on the job, monitor them in their homes (many were required to live in barracks and rent their children to the company), and monitor local bars for union activity. Unions were illegal back then so anyone found trying to bargain with others for better wages or working conditions could be immediately arrested on conspiracy charges and sent to work in a company prison.
lmao this is the closest thing we had to ancapistan
Peter Thiel is fully erect.
he's probably from new england, the worst and most un-american part of america that should be given back to canada