>this is your average black Florida man
This is your average black Florida man
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But he's not on meth or bath salts, he's not emaciated, and he's not attacking anyone
He's clearly on something, I'm guessing either percs or spice.
Why do everyone talks shit about Florida? I was watching a yt vid about some guy sailing in Florida and it looked very nice
Everyone in Florida is batshit insane, apparently. Google "Florida man" and you'll see why.
Florida's the third highest populated state. Behind Cali and Texas which are both xboxhuege. More numbers = higher incidents in the news and crazies. Simple as
>google "florida man"
Oh nevermind, I see you're from leddit / twitter
>>google "florida man"
>Oh nevermind, I see you're from leddit / twitter
>More numbers = higher incidents in the news and crazies.
not quite.
Florida actually has hilariously lax public information and privacy laws, so it's relatively easy (and common practice) to dig up information on random crimes and incidents committed here.
They make for inoffensive, cheap, and easy news stories and thus lead to the seemingly prolific legend of Florida Man
i thought it has something to do with laws, apparently in florida you can post photos and full names of criminals
That too.
How are things in Chile?
Keep talking about this.
Is Miami safe for Canadians? I was thinking of heading there for a few days after visiting Cuba.
Photos and full names are allowed
I'm literally going to rob you if I see you. There's a huge crime wave in Miami Beach right now they don't like to talk about. I got in it.
Why though?
The answer depends entirely on if you're from Quebec or not. One results in getting welcomed with open arms. In the other scenario, I will personally drive up to the airport and protest your arrival and request that you go back to your country
Yeah I'm québécois.
Then on you go.
nah i'm just eating shit here. You'll be alright either way. The driving is worse than any actual crime or other dangers IMO
And if you're bored and evidently so interested in the topic, maybe you'd like to give this a read:
Thanks dude.
Les québécois sont une race des perverts.
actual Floridian here
yes Floridians are crazy
nearly everybody is a senile old cunt from out of state, a cousin fucker with a lifted pickup, a drug dealing spic, or a delinquent addicted to opiates/crack
everyone is armed to the teeth
the cops are all crooked as fuck and are either shooting black people, planting drugs during traffic stops, or conning some schizophrenic geezer
turn signals simply are not used here and everybody drives 10 under or 20 over at all times
if you dare ride a bike then Cletus will be swerving into you with his f150
if it wasn't for based Cubans this place would be completely irredeemable. I say that as a white guy. Cuban girls are extremely fine (and easy) and Cuban food is incredible
>t. Marco Rubio