Post your country's idea of a handsome man.
Post your country's idea of a handsome man
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>São Paulo
Canadians are total faggots and they like boys more than men.
>You mean gay?
this tbqh
yeah see i'd take the twink 100% of the time
I'd take the Canuck stud
for me, it's Rodrigo Raffetto
We have very handsome neighbours.
that song is dumb
I rike it, and he's really good live
The song was definitely several times better than what Germany delivered in the last few years :^)
You mean "pofta"?
he's not a model though...
Why there are too many faggots in int? I noticed that there is a considerable number of poster who post gay shit. Is there any logical explanation to this?
Because gay people are interested in traveling and meeting other cultures and people while straights are interested in stupid shit like rape, clean toilets or being a construction worker.
>Jow Forums
>homosexual males
there's unironically a few girls here who larp as gay men
/lgbt/ is just trannies, so refuge is sought on random boards. Jow Forums are straight incels, Jow Forums and /b/ are what they are. Jow Forums is essentially random and is pretty neutral to faggot shit so it's the prime candidate for being a faggot.
Where could one find one of those females?
mexijoto vuelve a tu hilo de contencion (lat)
Men are cute and lgbt is full of trannies
Yes, that would be me
Y tú googlea a Dario Beck
They are basically everywhere on Jow Forums, not just Jow Forums. Also I feel like there's many people who are bi, not gay. But since there's always threads for posting girls it's more interesting when a thread about guys pops up. That's at least how I feel as a bifag
They won't tell you about it cause people like you exist
Why is it that all the men in this thread look MED? MED master race wins again cumskins be mad yo
Sure, getting fucked in the ass by hundreds of faggots is equivalent to meeting other cultures. Enjoy aids fag.
can you shut the fuck up about race for one second
get out of my country hamaladuul
The most affected countries by HIV and AIDS (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesottho, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique) are in that situation because of straights introducing their filthy dicks in any woman, girl and even baby. And the most stupid of all is that in some of these countries homosexuality is illegal.
So you are assuming that I am muzzie because I posted facts that shows the correlation between fags and aids.
I love blond aussies too
>They won't tell you about it cause people like you exist
Don't they want to have fun together?
med aussies are better tho
>all men
Look again
But you're right, many gays like swarthy men I guess.
Personally I think skin can't be pale enough and it's even better when it's paired with dark hair cause it's such a great contrast.
Why do you think that dealing with thirsty incel orbiters who are only interested in them cause they have a bagina is fun? Seems pretty annoying to me
Left one billion times
That's the only correct answer, good job
Those countries have high HIV/AIDS rates because they are niggers, not necessarily because they are straight. Niggers are pretty stupid and only follow their primal instincs like animals. Faggots have high HIV/AIDS rates because they are promiscous and degenerate.
There are more chances to get AIDS in Russia or Ukraine than having gay sex in Iceland, 2bh.
>only interested in them cause they have a bagina
If they had a personality beyond vagina that wouldn't happen.
And that's why they never say they are girls, so they can actually express their personality instead of being reduced to "will u b my gf???? pls"
It's literally that easy
This one looks creepy
this is gay country
Come on Gisela, stop playing around just show us your fanny.
right one trillion times and that's not even a question
Extremely wrong desu
Face looks so much worse shaven
well, I dislike when men hide their real figure to me. also if you ever embraced a clean hairless man's torso you probably get what I mean. You won't ever want to feel anything else again
The first point is understandable.
I disagree on the second one though, nothing is better than the soft, fluffy feeling of body hair. Problem with shaving is also that it's only nice for one or two days, then the stubbles come and it starts feeling abrasive. Not worth the smoothness
alright, I respect that
Yes, and most of HIV/AIDS cases are related to drugs injections and syringe use, not to heterosexual sex. Also comparing russia who has huge population to iceland that has pretty small population is pretty stupid.
No, Canada was once a beautiful Christian nation with not signs of degenerancy. Right now, sodomites are trying to subvert the morality of the Canadian society to convience people that pic related is normal.
Here is another one
That's why we use percentages and cases per 100 000 people you retard, so all countries can be compared.
>Canada was once a beautiful Christian nation with not signs of degenerancy
Every Quebecois male under 50 years of age got fucked by their priest. That's not a degeneracy-free society.
>Not degenerate
Whatever. The percent of faggots in iceland is very low, and yet is still there are more cases of HIV for fags than straight people.
too bad for you isnt it
*ahem* gay men are 2% of population but 67% of All New HIV cases
this actor is the chilean equivalent of brad pitt
Thats basically univeral just add muscle
People with similar mindsets tend to gravitate towards the same internet places. There's probably no one here who isn't at least a little bit gay
Men are aesthetically superior to women, men can be handsome in all ages women not, you don't need to be a fagot to know it.
You have a point you know
Also women need 3 tons of make up to look good, men are naturally handsome.
>trying to get me to doxx myself
Nice try but I'm not falling for that.