british culture edition
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for me it's denigrating politicians as a populist for actually successfully implementing democracy and responding to the needs of the electorate
one of the most obtuse and grim buzzwords ever to exist in the english language without a doubt
cant wait to be a pirate
you are absolutely unstandable
>these hometown clowns think i check their shit
nobody cares about you dude
go suck a nigger on your own time
All I want is to have sex with Emma Watson.
based and pirate pilled
the absolute worst meme form of government in existance
the irish need to be put in their place once and for all
the carrot method hasn't worked so it's time to revert to the stick
question for you lads
moving house tomorrow and im thinking about buying a bedframe or just going straight boxspring mattress on the ground
i dont really care either way comfortwise but is no bedframe an absolute povvo move?
fling it on the wall
>Janitor applications are now being accepted for the next ~48 hours. Apply here.
women appreciate frugality because it shows you're responsible
t. never lived in a dictatorship
make sure you buy a mattress with the bed, apparently they don't come standard
unless you have an uncle with a spare in his van
>women appreciate frugality because it shows you're responsible
need to go to the shop and get some sugar but cannae be arsed
Tim vs Harvey Price.
Who wins?
ah yes
Agreed. Glad our founding fathers knew better.
Tim would teach him how to sweep
Hello all!
wish i could stay up late enough to look at aus/pol/
Trump's America is a dictatorship
Actual democracy has only really existed a handful of times on the level of a sovereign state.
i already have a mattress and box spring im just debating one of those posh ikea bedframes or just going rawdog
Better pick up a few cans for the roast chum
distill it from your urine, should take an hour or so
fucking wogs
sounds like they had a lot of fun chasing fenians out of glasgow last night
need this darkie out of business pronto
as of last night, I am a single man again
fenians you say?
Do I wake him?
better start looking at fin lad
Pure democracy only existed in Athens. The ability to vote on who you want your leaders to be has existed countless times, often in the form of a republic.
is this the vibrant culture that labour are after
baka lad leave them alone or call an ambulance/police
would root this bogans hole silly
ah yes, i now think extremely uneducated people should make complex decisions that they don't understand because one guy was mean once, thanks for showing me the light
bro u just posted cringe
Good, post your ex.
is that farage
the builder thing has completely broken tims mind
he used to be a functioning schizophrenic with semi-rational thought. he isnt anymore, hes now totally insane, in every sense of the word. simply a raving animalistic lunatic and should be incarcerated in an asylum/mental
hospital for public safety
>ah yes, i now think extremely uneducated people should make complex decisions that they don't understand because one guy was mean once, thanks for showing me the light
Pure cringe
getting ready for the 'cane
ur glasses look like little tvs
Democracy isn't perfect but it's way better than dictatorship
Could turn him into a trap desu
what would you buy in this situation?
would buy literally all the bottled water and resell it at a massive markup
will just get plugs when the time comes
Didn't even know you had a missus
it only works in an american accent, kind of like mate doesn't work at all in an american accent
what does it mean when someone tells you to dilate? I thought it meant when ftm trannies have to blow their pretend cocks up or am I just thinking of inflate
>everyone going straight for the chips and m&ms instead of canned goods and water
yep it's yankland alright
hope they all drown in their basements
don't get it, what did finlad do
Am I to wake homeless Corbyn or not?
you would drown in 3 feet of water manlet
nah, opposite lad, dilate is when you spread your pretend fanny open
there is nothing wrong with being fat
t. likes fat women
good post but he needs finasteride for his imminent balding
dilate's the opposite, mtf transexuals who have to put a dildo-like rod into their opening an hour a day for the rest of their life to stop the wound from closing
applied for the jobs lads
Based. Fuck racism. However banning weapons is not the answer. Proletarians should carry more weapons and form their own militia to defend themselves.
aye since end of last year
well as the french would say, c'est la vie...
I follow the example of Mormons and fundamentalist Christians.
Peanuts and peanut butter are easy to store, cheap, high calorie, and delicious.
very redpilled band
got 3 essays to write by monday and i've only done one of them
niko cousin
lets go bowling
same lad but at least I get 2 weeks off (aka working three days a week + saturdays)
give me a quick rundown on the latest hurricane
What the fuck is this?
what the fuck are niggers
arrogant students
that face ahaha
bread and milk is a meme whenever we get a bad storm. ironic since the milk will go bad (and not last long) in an extended outage and the bread will go pretty quick too, while being low calorie
a bunch of Floridians will probably die. Nothing of value will be lost
Just went to see the new Tarantino movie it was awful
disabled tradie welfare bludger
the liberal coastal elitist jews are using black magic to drown the good ol american south
in what world is bread low calorie
mm sorry to hear mate
quelle surprise
Fuck it going back to the bus stop, if I die at lest i outlived Bury fc
night xx
tbf im seriously considering dropping out
reckon i could make more money being a miner out in bumblefuck
>liberal coastal elitist jews
describes florida too tbf
>hurricane cake
a loaf of wheat bread is only like 1400 calories. that's like half a day if you're in a bad situation
good luck
I'm alright with it tbqh, mostly just feel bored
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar
The Englishman wants to leave, so they all have to.
is Tim temp banned from twitter or something? want to see more of him...
>Missus' actual BO actually, somehow manages to smell not bad, in fact quite pleasant this morning
how do women do it lads
Ireland and Scotland are not countries