Why are NYers so rude?

Why are NYers so rude?

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steamed hams


would marry


Blows my mind that people live in New York outside of NYC and Buffalo

She looks so cyberpunk.

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anything north of Hudson Valley is desolate

What is that white woman even doing in Albania? xD

Because they’re walkin’ ere

Only tough if you know he cant hit u back

White womans should start (sexually) assaulting muslim mens because we didnt respect wamen.

Fucking retards the only people in NY live outside NYC and Buffalo only "People" and i use that word loosely live in those shitholes
T. Upstate

They should start facesitting everyone below 6'0'' for wasting their time.

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Why didn't the muzzie slap the bitch to the ground? I thought they didn't take shit from women.

It says he's from Trindid and Tobago. How and why are there converts from there?

Why is a white threatening a muslim newsworthy, but the dozens or hundreds of people who probably died in the name of islam every day isn't?

It wasn't newsworthy and you can see all the anti-islamic propaganda you want on breitbart

i am sure in america white does threatening muslim everday than muslim do the same.

is that Mary Louise Parker?

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they already do.

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