Is it true that mental illness doesn't exist in third world countries?
Is it true that mental illness doesn't exist in third world countries?
Russia isn't third world now?
it's actually even more prevalent in 3rd world countries, but due to lack of proper doctors and the everyday craziness of life there, people can't tell
yeah they have worse problems they don't pay attention to things like autism. and it is a huge stigma there too so it is not part of their culture to even talk about it. many 1st world problems don't "exist" there for the same reason.
this, or it's classified as a spiritual event or something. they still get mental illness, but a) they're less likely to understand what it is, and b) there's barely any outlet to treat it even if it is caught
I spent one month in a psychiatric hospital.
first world countries
>drink 10 litres of fluoride a day
>dunk their food in pesticide
>vaccinate everyone for everything
>eat chicken washed in chlorine
>most people haven't exercised since PE in high school
>exist in harmony with earth and mother nature
>farm their own food
>slaughter their own animals
>lands untainted by human progress and the march of industry
>can't afford cars so they walk or run everywhere
is it any wonder mental illness is more prevalent in firsties?
they become shamans
The closest I've found relating to this is occassional facebook mothers who happen to be "prophets" and claim to have had "visions from god", but women are crazy anyway. If I had a dollar for everytime I saw a post about some mega tsunami taking up large parts of our island, I would be rich now.
It does, they just die more often, much like with any disease or genetic defect in third world countries, which is a good thing.
did they sedate you?
did they tie and beat you?
>>vaccinate everyone for everything
26 six vaccinations recommended for a newborn. Since doctors are pressured to "recommend" them to generate revenue.
>>can't afford cars so they walk or run everywhere
thats the netherlands.
Yep, we are not sissy firstworlders
wtf I wish I lived in the third world now
We also rob and kill eachother for sport
it help us to keep our senses in line.
There is just not pussy diseases like muh depression muh anxiety, instead they have hardcore chad diseases like schizophrenia and treat it with voodoo and shamanism
This just die of the common cold bro, that's the true way of man.
c) we are more likely to enjoy it because we are not a bunch of pussy firsties
Nope, everything was excelent. It helped me a lot.
There are entire villages in Africa that are immune to malaria, let alone cold.
The way you describe third world countries sounds genuinely comfy, too bad it's nothing like that
It's exactly like that.
watch out for the dogs on your way walking to work though
My city has lesser stray dogs now they've all been taken to the pound.
But there's two kinds of third world, developing and underdeveloped countries.
Developing countries are okay tier but underdeveloped ones is hell.
I actually use a car, so I wouldn't know if there's a problem of stray dogs, I'm just basing it on the experience my mom told me of her childhood when she went to walk to school in the 70s. Most of the island was getting industrialized by then, but she lived in a backwater rural place.
I spent four months in a psychiatric hospital and I only talked to a psychiatrist about five times. Big waste of time tbqh
>>farm their own food
>>slaughter their own animals
haha I wish
all true, living in first world tend to be more stressful because life is all about competition, also anti depressant is a big thing in firstoid countries
t. Florida Man
It actually is in several parts of Indonesia.
>>exist in harmony with earth and mother nature
Stop lying to westerners. We value and cherish nature, as we believe it has been ordained by God to protect, just look at how well brazillians are protecting their trees :)
No, it's just a messy affair (see psychiatric anthropology)
Nice bait
Wtf is this?
It is a mspaint comic, newfriend.
For real?
Dunno about other countries, but back home in spicland in all my life i only met one girl who had some legit mental issues (like doing stuff and forgetting it, dissociation from reality) but she got better and there was also one retard who was being kept as a pet by his grandma
In Europe literally everybody has some kind of issue, girls suffer from fits of hysteria for random reasons, guys suffer panic attacks out of nowhere, old people are rude and aggressive. They are unstable as fuck, every day on the street you can point out the circus specimens. Perhaps in spicland they just die quickly
They are killed and eaten straight away
legorobotcomics / plasticbrickautomaton
also very similar to Laird Barron's story "the broadsword" , no cat though
Go live there then. I dare you.
Thanks fren
You're not cute
I am
The rampant consumerism and degeneracy of the first world will drive any sane man insane
You mean mexico or usa?
Prove it. Post boipuss
You first
I'm neither cute nor a faggot.
Sad. I want a cute finnish bf
they don't make these comics like they used to
Trust me you don't want one. The cultures are too different.
why are you replying to a tranny? leave him die alone
Look up amok.
It does but manifest differently, instead of mass shooting the guy grabs his machete and suicide charge the nearby battle tank or machine gun nest in hopes of a state assisted suicide and they either end up in hospital or die from blood loss after taking a bullet to an artery in the legs.
Mass shooters do exist but extremely rare, the last man who did that stole his friend's M16 and shoot at a fishing pond after telling everyone to get away before being mobbed and arrested.
But i want to live in a cozy cabin and make a finnish boy comfy in a sauna meanwhile outside is -20°C and make him happy with my cock
I'm not a tranny, I'm a full man
Because i'm a bored neet
>it's actually even more prevalent in 3rd world countries,
I see no evidence of that nor do I see why that would be the case.
i need more of these
I can't connect my old hard drive to the pc I'm on, I had a ton on it, sorry m8.
Diagnosed schizophrenic here. I feel like living in a shitty town that wants so bad to be Baltimore filled with gangs and street nogs induced a lot of fear and paranoia in me and a lot of things about this culture drove me insane . Thankfully based Obamacare covers my antipsychotic injection. Once every 3 months, no pills, symptom free, not a discernable schizophrenic. I read that people with schizophrenia in India are 3x more likely to recover after a psychotic episode. Also my doctor won't take me off my meds till I'm 26(when le brain stops developing meme) and probably wants to make the pharmaceutical companies shekels so she can make shekels. It's all just a shekel show.
It's not everyone's fault that you're a genetic dud.
Like half of iraqis have ptsd
Its just unpractical to treat so might as well not admit its existance
Pic is so good actually
He just told you why there's less diagnoses. The stress diathesis model also explains why real world trauma and stress would increase chances for developing mental illness
I worked in a psychiatric hospitals for almost a year.