Is Brazil white?
Is Brazil white?
>tfw no br bf
looks white
Is dogshit white?
monkey, monkey, monkey, always insecure about himself so he spends all the day here being butthurt about others, using the same cherrypicked images
it's like a child, repeating the exact same thing thinking some day it will have the result he expects
cuckposting, raceposting, crimeposting (bragging about violence)...
lol why so upset, fellow monkey?
Can't wait for this user to quit Jow Forums forever.
I think just him existing justifies our country being rangebanned.
If I become janitor of this board I promise to erase all his posts whenever I see them, he spams way too much, needs a rangeban
yeah, it's that, probably has no real life friends
Brazil is all mix.
Because don't care about detailed things.
the most autist user of int, since its creation
That guy in the picture is retard. That's not how rangeban works, they just ban the part of the country that he lives not the whole country
What the fuck do you think?
No they're impure mutts
It's possible to rangeban entire countries/continents.
he thinks somebody considers brazil white and germanic
he's retarded
I know
actually, he himself considers brazil white and germanic, judging by his cringeposts and some data he uses
guy is too schizo
Isn't this the kid that shot up some school? That's wh*te enough for me.
I think he used an axe actually
maybe some day OP will achieve his dream of everyone in the world considering themselves his friend, ignoring his cuckposting, racebaiting and his bragging about violence being good (just because niggas are violent)