What would gun laws be like in your ideal country?

What would gun laws be like in your ideal country?

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Completely legal.

zero restrictions
straight Wild West style
imagine how fun it’d be

Only bolt action, break action, lever action, slide action or falling block action hunting rifles allowed.

No restrictions.
Serve in the military? You get to keep whatever firearms you were issued after your years of service.


just like they are here today.

That isn’t how that’s supposed to look

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Zero restrictions! "Shall not be infringed" is pretty clear.


No laws regarding guns will be the best possible scenario since this will spark a massive civil war which is what this country needs.

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Would you surrender them to the sheriff in town?

Meme answer is SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, non-meme answer is
>lifetime certificate instead of license with annual dues
>safety course and background check for certificate
>violent or serious crime is a lifetime prohibition
>must be 19 and finished high school to buy, own, or transport firearms
>must be 14 to shoot with supervision, 19 without supervision
>home and shop defense with rubber/beanbag/other less-lethal rounds is fully legal
>guns and all lethal ammo must be locked up, guns with less-lethal rounds can be left out but should still be in a safe place
>potential lifetime sentence if an infant or toddler is found with one of your guns
>full auto, bump stocks, drum mags, grenade launchers, suppressors illegal
>no other restrictions
Makes it harder for incels to shoot up schools, for boomers with dementia and faglords who failed military psyche tests to kill people who stepped on their lawn, and for little girls to accidentally headshot themselves at the range by going full auto. No restrictions for scary looking things, you can buy a black AK with 4 rails and 5 attachments that says "FROM MY DEAD HEADS" on the side for all I care, as long as your a law abiding S H E E P D O G

I think what they do in Hawaii is alright. I would have similar things throughout the country but include a federal registry and have stricter rules for handguns. No open carry when you're not hunting

Why are the French so eager to burn down their own country?

Do you mean to include shotguns?

They're eager to stop it from burning down.

haha where the fuck is that picture from?

Pistols and slow-firing hunting rifles allowed, but classes and a basic background check required (ie you haven't done any violent crimes recently). Something enough for a shitty viet cong, not something enough that any old nutjob can walk into a mall and mow down a dozen people in a second
Maybe make the hunting rifles a bit easier to access and the pistols a bit harder

>guns must be transported in locked cases
>all wepons are legal
>background checks including social media checks are manditory
> posessing an illegal firearm results in life sentence
>school principals and certain faculty are to be armed

I am allowed all the guns but noone else is

Also pistols and small machine guns are illegal

No restrictions for everyone except male virgins, who get the death sentence if they even touch a gun.

Like they already are in my cunt but:
>.223 allowed
>7.62mm allowed in semi-auto too (currenlty only legal in bolt action rifles)
>Suppresors legal
>No need to participate in competitions to have handguns
>Without ammo quotas
>No mag limit
This is it

Yakuza 4 for the PS3 I think. Also gonna be on the PS4 due to remastered version coming out.

unrestricted, mandatory gun safety classes in high school and then a free government issued handgun for everybody once they turn 18

You would be required by law to own at least 1 gun and 100 rounds of ammunition for it

this is quite smart

Non-meme answer:
Background check
Some form of training
Approved gun safe

Beyond that, anything goes.

Whatever you can make and have the balls to shoot is legal.

How does gun work again? Do you need to replace the gunpowder like the old flintlock?

so your ideal country is your country burning down?

Total freedom, because in my ideal country there would be no Amerifats, Blacks or Gypsies.

Ethnically whites allowed to carry, all other persons not, stand your ground & defend your home laws.

most vets would just use the guns to kill themselves

>Ethnically whites allowed to carry

You mean except White Amerifats, I hope.

16 year olds buying legal machine guns fag

every citizen gets a gun on their 18th birthday

Meme answer is
>lifetime certificate instead of license with annual dues
>safety course and background check for certificate
>violent or serious crime is a lifetime prohibition
>must be 19 and finished high school to buy, own, or transport firearms
>must be 14 to shoot with supervision, 19 without supervision
>home and shop defense with rubber/beanbag/other less-lethal rounds is fully legal
>guns and all lethal ammo must be locked up, guns with less-lethal rounds can be left out but should still be in a safe place
>potential lifetime sentence if an infant or toddler is found with one of your guns
>full auto, bump stocks, drum mags, grenade launchers, suppressors illegal
>no other restrictions
Makes it harder for incels to shoot up schools, for boomers with dementia and faglords who failed military psyche tests to kill people who stepped on their lawn, and for little girls to accidentally headshot themselves at the range by going full auto. No restrictions for scary looking things, you can buy a black AK with 4 rails and 5 attachments that says "FROM MY DEAD HEADS" on the side for all I care, as long as your a law abiding S H E E P D O G, non meme answer is SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

Like in Russia but with pistols

State issued guns when you turn 14 but you only can get your own personal assault rifle when you turn 18, with state aid of course, we live in a socialist country after all

>i am allowed all the cunny but no one else

No gun laws whatsoever.

Free ownership of white weapons (clubs, knives, swords,etc), decriminalisation of knife self-defence.
Ownership restrictions for drug abusers and mentally ill.
No restrictions on purchase of short-barrel firearms.
Introduction of the laws regarding duels (duelo irregular)
No restrictions on rifles.
Full-auto firearms demand a collector's license.

Everyone get's a snubnose .22 and that's it. Death penalty for any other firearm.
Good luck, have fun, see ya next week.

death penalty for owning a single munition

If you can fire all rounds in a fully loaded Pfeifer-Zeliska .600 nitro express with one hand, standing up you are allowed to keep it.
But nothing else.

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I like it the way it is

who cares

Like the founding fathers of the USA originally intended.
Not like the current cuckery in our current pseudo democracies, where the citizens are willingly getting stripped of their ability to defend their power by under cover tyrants who don't give two shits about votes and protests.

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The ideal think would make everyone forget about the existence of guns, then in contact with the existence of guns deverlop complete fear to guns.
Any other sistem results in pain

Shall NOT be infringed