>"How she is really attractive!" - Averaage fat, brown and short mexican.
Why are they like this Jow Forums?
>"How she is really attractive!" - Averaage fat, brown and short mexican.
Why are they like this Jow Forums?
Sometimes I'll see a car from a cleaning company pull over, and three Mexican women will get out, and they will all have the same face and all have their hair dyed to a really ugly shade of blonde. And they'll be slightly different heights but have the same body type.
Very creepy.
those are hondurans & nicaraguans
report them to the ICE
t. chicano
But this is not Hispachan m8
Where are the skinny ones
Are they racist towards people with ethnic features there as well
This is your average mexican, memes aside
In Hispachan they hate all brown and black people, but they're Mexicans lol, many such cases! Sad!
>they hate all brown people
hello /leftypol/
As said before, that shithole is Jow Forums in Spanish. Imagine the cancerous abomination as a result.
didn't that place get shutdown? also if you're coming from there please go back
no don't send them back
the based hispachan anons actually believe in la reconquista and aren't making cringe chicano hate threads on a daily basis
Maybe they think they'll get a pat on the head by some white feller because they insistently hate people with the most indigenous looks? What's the plan there
It's literally spic Jow Forums
on my bed
There's no actual explanation. Just take a look at Jow Forumsturds on this site. They're just mentally deficient.
I mean, American White supremacists have some basis with the 13 50 but Mexico's indian south and white north are the exact same, are they retarded?
I've seen some hispanic Jow Forumstards admitting they aren't white and want to abstain from reproducing. They're REALLY self-hating.
Mexicans in Hispachan ARE retarded and they actually believe they're white. Some of them post their photos and they look like...this.
>Some of them post their photos
Wait, they DO? One of the cases I'm most familiar with is Jamundi.
>they look like...this
They could look like one of them telenovelas blonde fucks and it still would be extremely cringe to be so eager to detach yourself so incessantly from your fellow citizens of more pronounce indigenous backgrounds tbqhwy. That obsession of 'look at me I'm not like these brown people right here' is so embarassing
Does anyone else want to cut her jnhead with a 2handes sword. She's like an uggo goblin.
I half*