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Why do they push this shit so hard?

>It is also a dying country.
The Washington Post is also a dying newspaper.

>"We need immigration but we also need less people because climate change"

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im pro open borders
why is it bad that japan have dying country, it has overpopulation anyway

Why do they push this so hard? Can't a country just be its own?

>Trumpian paradise
holy fuck that's retarded
they should be sucker punched for writing that

wtf Japan is canceled

>reducing population is bad
Everywhere it should be reducing, particularly in the third world

>Have fewer children, but let in these foreigners because they have more children
Why are firsties like this?

>(((The Washington Post)))

Japanese need a new portion of Indians to poo in the wombs of their females ASAP.
Those 7/11 pajeets can’t do all the work at getting Japan brown

>Can't a country just be its own?
Not you

Reducing populations being a bad thing is only true if old people are dependent on the state for retirement benefits.
Or if you are a part of the elite and desire never ending growth.

>nooo leave japan alonee

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Cancelling all anime subscriptions rn

quality over quantity. I would rather live in a world with 5 million Japanese than 5 billion african dirt farmers.


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americans come to japan and help our lonely ppl.

As the Mexican lad below you knows, its not organic, its part of a Jewish plot to turn the whole world into a mixed race slave class with no identity or connection to a culture or nation
Whites are first on the chopping block because we are historically the biggest cockblock to their plans for world dominaton
Now that most white countries are heading down the path to destruction that are starting on East Asia, after that they willgo for any Middle Eastern or Latin American countries they see as a threat

Back in ancient times, countries with a low replacement rate died quickly. Low replace rate is the most unnatural phenomenon in human history. Our populations were only reduced via war and disease, not by people chosing birth control.

t. seething russian hacker

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This, he literally said he wants more legal immigration than ever

why do Americans hate Japan so much?

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Every rich country is a "dying" country. Something went terribly wrong with capitalism.

Saudi Arabia is rich and flourishing. You know what's the cancer and you know what's the answer.

Our societies fundamentally don't work if people in them don't have children.
Immigration is only a temporary solution and a potentially harmful one at that.

Fertility is lowerin in shitholes too like lebanon n iran are less then 2.11

Reducing populations is great, the world is getting overpopulated as it is and with automation on the rise the amount of jobs that exist is flat out going to shrink. With underpopulation you yourself are more valuable as an employee unlike with overpopulation where mr. kikeberg can just pay you whatever scraps third world niggers will work for

America: "when I did do shit, do it like me. it's deal."

japan: unintelligible shit resembling english

Religious freaks don't count. Orthodox Jews keep Israel's fertility rate high too.

Population decrease itself is not the problem. The sharp drop is.

Anglo-Saxon makes too much hostile statements against other countries

Is even more retarded, as every low-polluter human from africa, mide-east etc, becomes a high-polluter one the moment he migrate to first world

maybe you didnt notice for being in your computer 24/7 but teh whole humanity was engulfed by unnatural dynamics the last 150 years

I hate this shit so fucking much. Fuck

>We need a infinitely expanding population

this, anyone that claims to be an environmentalist and wants to fight climate change and what not but is for open borders or mass immigration is a retarded utopian

If you use google translate should refrain from posting.


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what if they just cut down on the 60 hr work weeks, implemented some more incentives for having children, added maternal+paternal leave, and some other shit instead of importing some cheap labor for Yamamoto Tojoberg

you mean after the acceptance of capitalism, the industrial revolution or the two great wars?

nothing to do with your country

>national borders bad
>immigration good
>why? because.... orange man bad!

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>unending exponential population growth is the only way, goy!

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great journalism

Take a wild guess. No national identity means more room for consumerism, and no involvement in politics or social issues from the population.
Mass immigration is a very juicy deal for some, and it's a great safeguard against insurrection.

Most other countries would be pretty offended by being called a dying country for no reason at all.

Just execute everyone older than 70.

Who is they? Jews or liberals? Pick one.

import more niggers and arabs in japan

Can't we have both?

If you mean immigration, because all mainstream media relies on its sponsors who desire immigration, especially illegals, since it depresses wages and creates more soulless, vapid consumers.

Liberal Jews

Francisco Toro

Francisco Toro is a Venezuelan political commentator and contributing columnist for Global Opinions. He is chief content officer of the Group of 50.

Toro left Venezuela in 2009 for Montreal

>Basically this article was written by someone who lived in Venezuela and moved to Canada in 2009

Better dead than african
It's just a strip of land bro

because the usa isnt a dying country doomed to become the next brazil or south africa

The Washington post is owned by Jeff Bezos

Then they would just spend more free time watching anime in their rooms.

But Japan is overpopulated anyway. Needs to half their population.

Why do white liberals love third world immigration so much?

>Whites need to have less kids to stop the climate change
>White countries need more third world migrants and their children to work because whites don't have enough kids
Really makes me think

>But Japan is overpopulated anyway. Needs to half their population.

It's not overpopulated. Just dense since everyone lives in the cities.

Overpopulation is retarded meme.

>with automation on the rise the amount of jobs that exist is flat out going to shrink.
and new jobs will appear.

>With underpopulation you yourself are more valuable

No not at all. It means that more work burden is placed on you, less people to sell to and pay taxes, less people to draw workers from, underestimation of land and resources and other issues.

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If Japan loses too much people then they'll face a lot of infrastructure degradation as then umber of tax payers drops as well as more tax burden due to way less people in the current generation paying for the older ones.

Depopulation and underpopulation is how you get stagnation.

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>there's still land, so it's not overpopulated
Based retard.

Most of Japan is extremely urban.

and non-urban areas face heavy de-popualtion into the cities that many rural and semi-rural/suburban areas face issues with upkeep..

>Canadians are robot so we dont need agriculture

What the fuck is "Trumpian"???
Also, as an antinatalist, I'd say Japan's low birth rates are a good thing

>getting this butthurt over an opinion article the OP specifically sought out to generate outrage
Why are """people""" on this website so gullible?

This is my reply to the tweet. Hope you like it

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kill yourself incel

thank you abe


virgin hands typed this tweet

>Saudi Arabia
it's a morally bankrupt shithole and all the arabian petrostates are entirely reliant on immigration, most of them are over 75% immigrants, not even exaggerating. Some are under 10% citizens.

I'm not an incel, try again.

They have high fertility rates, while taking in foreign workers who go back as soon as their work is completed. Is that morally bankrupt shithole to you?

>and new jobs will appear.
this doesn't really make sense to me, historically speaking all the jobs things like industrialization or ATMs took away were low skilled jobs, and those low skilled jobs were replaced by new low skilled jobs like working in a factory for example.

But what happens when universally speaking all low skilled labour gets taken away by automation and with each passing decade automation takes more and more skilled jobs away, I could see in 2-3 decade robots preforming surgeries.

I wish my country was "dying" like Japan.

Not an argument

>They have high fertility rate
2.17 these days, they're suffering from the same curse, they're just falling from a much higher point.

>Saudi Arabia is ranked 111th in comparison to the world with a birth rate of 18.51 births per 1,000 people in 2019
It's a bit higher than Argentina's for example.

Based Hungabro

It belongs to jeff bezos.

>dying country
>3rd in GDP despite losing ww2 and not having a constant big empire like some euros
>population of around 0.13 billion, about 1/10 of China or India
>have relative technological advances compared to most cunt
If Japan is a dying nation, Europe is already dead and is starting to rot

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Your are dying and increasingly irrelevant.

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France too

The jews fear the samurai.

>Not an argument

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>France in 2000: 3.9%
>France in 2018: 4.3%

>Japan in 2000: 16.5%
>Japan in 2018: 7.5%

You could have picked Italy or the UK, at least those saw a (smaller) decrease in relevance.

But 4.3 is already irrelevant level.

>it’s j-just c-clikbait!!!
What makes you think the opinions of these people aren’t genuine?

Economy is not everything you dummy

Its all about racism and replacing the "problematic" Japanese. Nothing else. It's the same shit the Jews are doing to the west.

If it had not been for immigration then lots of places would have way cheaper rent which would have made it easier for whites to establish families and thus they wouldn't have had this "argument" about needing to replace the population because of economic (read: jewish) theories.

At this rate you'll be more irrelevant in 10 or 20 years.

Japan should favor families with children
Too much money need to raise children.

But it already does, every country showers families with money.

You just made my point though
If Japan is dying, Europe is dead already
Japan might fall into 4 percent but that's where Europe (the rich ones) is
Nevertheless chinks and poos will take over the world anyways