Why is Israel the only first world country with a high birthrate?

Why is Israel the only first world country with a high birthrate?

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Because they're not wh*toids or chinkoids.

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because they are not first world
That's just a stupid meme pushed by people unfamiliar with the situation.

In modern context first world is synonymous with fully developed. Israel does not fit this bill.

Because they fuck.

Religious countries and conservative countries have more children. Firsties reject religion, race, and culture, and so they will all die out while still thinking they are better than everyone.

because mizrahi are third worlders like arabs and ashkenazi are mostly religious fundamentalists

Instead of wasting taxpayer money with marxist universities, abortion and LGBT garbage they encourage people to have many children. The government gives food and money to parents

It’s not a first world country.

Doesnt the US also has a big birth rate?

Euros should do this

We have same birthrate as UK

In the (((United States))) for instance, most of taxpayer money goes to dindus, military complex (pentagon, CIA, FBI) and (((human rights))) trash. That leaves most of americans in this situation: if they have 2 or more children they either die of poverty or end up in heroin ghetto


Holy fuck beem saying this for 15 yrs.
And arab birth rate has gone down since they are forced into settlements

You know

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euros do this, its a meme, its not what cause birth rates to go high
high birth rate people in israel pretty much all live in poverty statistically and rich people dont have kids

Hans roslings graphs disagree

In what ways is Israel not developed?

lol no. even with immigrants propping up the number it's still low.

Outside of Tel Aviv it's Brazil tier, excluding crime

Because Jews in Israel use the media and government to encourae having kids
And in every other first world country Jews use all their power to encourage people not to

They're having a literal breeding war with the Palestinians they have to keep up

Jewish superiority

Euroshits are worried about environment, eating less meat and having anal sex.

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parasitic welfare leeches making up 25% of their population

How are jews so smart?

Arab + White mixes have high IQ

It's not about IQ. Jews don't backstab other jews frequently like we do in the west. Any white cracka would promote/force millions of people to get abortions if he is promised fame and money. Jews generally think twice before destroying their own kind

the subversiveness of semites with the intellect of Europeans. that's the secret to their success.