Welcome: Midwest states in the pic and the Dakotas
Not Welcome: southern Missouri, euros, or kansas and nebraska
Midwest general
I'm from Virginia
you are tolerated
send hlp
also, hello
what am i looking at indianon
Great lakes are their own region don't include us in your hick shit
I was up the Sears tower a few years ago and I'm pretty sure I could see Indiana in the distance. I was driving Chicago for giggles and considered crossing the state line hither, just to say I'd been in Indiana. I decided against it. Driving on 41 somewhere a bit south of the Loop is the furthest east I've ever been. I've seen Indiana but have never entered it.
t. have never been outside the lower 48 and have visited 7 states lifetime total (did one plane flight to Washington for a cousin's wedding 7 years ago).
It’s a map of treaties made with the injuns. I presume the areas blocked out were lands where they agreed to keep the peace with each other. Just a random map I grabbed to identify myself Tbh.
This one is one of the first maps made of Indiana, apparently.
Sounds pretty neat, the view must be a sight to see. I’m sure you could see into a bit of Indiana, it’s not far off.
No matter where you are, no matter what version of "Great Lakes" you have in mind, you are describing a distinct, international physiogeographical concept which is impossible to wholly separate from the concept of "the midwestern United States".
One wonders where you are in the OP's green zone (implied by your own post) such that you would take your unwarranted umbrage. If you were living in NYC you might have something, but Chicago is obvious "midwestern". Whichever node of the urban archipelago you may be sitting on, you are still in the Great Lake of the Midwest.
Yes, I did a basic bitch tourist package, tower + art institute. The Institute was excellent, was only in there about two hours, could have spent a week.
I visited once before with family as a kid, we did hancock tower instead and I felt like I'd missed out, so I made it up to myself.
Pic was meant to be posted with this post
Who makes this stuff
have corn
I don’t really care what you guys call me as long as I get to kill kansans.
if u live in missouri u better live north of the missouri river faggot. I dont want no ozark LARPERS
The art institute is pretty great, I haven’t gone for a few years. I too, could spend days in it, too much for a single day. Think if I lived close by I’d be a frequent visitor. Last time I was in Chicago I went to the museum of science and industry, pretty cool too. Still need to check out the field museum, that’s next on the list.
Not him but posting a relevant sentiment which applies to your entire state.
stay mad
Is life in Chicago really as depressing, nihilistic, substance-addled and corrupt as Second City Bureaucrat makes it seem?
what state and county?
>not in the middle
>not in the west
Someone was drunk when naming that region
Does this count?
It was from the perspective of someone in New England. West of us but in the middle between us and the rest of the country
Why did you bother with this futile post after you knew very well that your stupid combo had been broken, as is clearly evidenced by the just-past-one-minute time differences of your pleb effort?
Wisconsin. That pic was taken in Vernon Co.
give back the northern missouri
t. southron
The Midwest is the only good part of america.
FUCK coasties