>noo Islam is ruining my country! Go back to shitstan wherever the fuck you're from! I hate immigrants and cultural diverse!
Noo Islam is ruining my country! Go back to shitstan wherever the fuck you're from! I hate immigrants and cultural...
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Hasn't Russia always been diverse?
>what do you mean the rich are hoarding wealth and taking from me?? Thats impossible!! It has to be the muslims!!! Fuck muslims!!!! Sharia law!!!!
Based churka
>if you don't like this barbaric backwards skydaddy cult you're an anarcho-capitalist
Well they're both a problem.
Poor people are the very least of your problems.
I dont know the complaints about them in your cunt, but here its like
>theyre taking our jobs
But if theyre taking your jobs, then go after people hiring illegal labor.
>theyre bringing crime
And if you look at overall statistics they commit less crime than citizens. But media is funded by rich who benefit from the blame being on poor people with no voice instead of them
God exists you stupid heathen
Why yes I judge people by their religion instead of their character and Muslims are a monolithic group, how did you know?
Mudshits are cultists, the vast majority of them anyway. Some are individually poor, but one of the reason for that is they willingly give money, labor, or favors to rich muslims, specifically to take control of European cities, street by street, notably by opening dozens of identical businesses which do not make any money, but stay afloat thanks to their "solidarity" and them abusing the various ways the state tries to promote entrepreneurship.
They are not poor. Not even close. They're just so good at licking boots no one can compete.
based churka
The state is a piece of shit for shipping thel at first place. Blame the boat not the rats.
take your meds
Conspiracy theory about muslims floated by a country that doesnt believe in vaccines.
Ill wait for someone from a better country thats more mentally well to write a better reply.
It's threads like these that convince me how this board really is just normies that are just barely edgier than the average thot in Nu-rope.
I hope you are all happy. Stay there and just keep doing what you are told. It's all you'll be good for.
proof? oh wait you have none.
We literally established the method of vaccine. Now be a mongrel somewhere else.
That's rich coming from an Amerifat who couldn't do anything to prevent 50% of the population from voting for Tonald Drumpf.
Your existence is a sad one.
Shut the fuck up smelly Russian
>orange man bad
The electoral college is a fucking joke.
Its entire existence is to give literal shithole flyover states a bigger say than states with more people.
It was obvious when al gore lost, and its super obvious when trump won.
Doesnt matter, half of your country thinks homeopathy is actual medicine and that vaccines arent safe
>Orang man good
It's not a conspiracy theory. Mudshits themselves speak about it pretty openly.
My neighbours are one Azeri woman and her (smoking hot) daughter. They are under the authority of a man, of course. The same man (a Turk) who payed and helped them for them to get here. The same man who gave her a "job", which consist of standing around in a fake fast food joint. She supposedly owns the business, yet it's called "the Istanbul", because she never wanted to do this in the first place, and everything she needed was furnished by the Turkish community.
There are, in this neighbourhood, about 15 of those fast food restaurant. All in 3 European sized streets. Most of them never get any customer, yet they've been here for years.
>Doesnt matter, half of your country thinks homeopathy is actual medicine and that vaccines arent safe
No. I bet you're capitalising all your conclusion on one single poll/study, pretty ironic if we consider your utter autism at spamming this screenshot everywhere. If you aren't ensured, your average hospital will send you home even though you have a cancer. Even in some third world shitholes like cuba they don't treat people like this.
imagine crying because people stick together and aren't mindless individualists
You tell 'em, Jacob!
It has nothing to do with sticking together. What they are doing is occupying as much public space as they can, by rigging the game, and with the support of the state.
Those places are, de facto, replaced not only ethnically, but financially and legally as well. They are "owned" by those money-givers (it's partly drug money btw) in everything but name.
It's not in some rundown social housing part of town either, it's right in the middle of downtown. And, again, those places exist in every single city of average importance.
>hur dur accept islam or you are normie
yes this man is correct,we're all o ver the globe planning to take control of it...each one of us is in whatsapp,we have regular meetings and breeding compounds
its over wh*teoids,we won.
What's your obsession with using poverty as an excuse for the behavior of these pubeheads?
Do you think you're as likely to be robbed, raped or murdered in a dark alley in Warsaw or Prague as you are in Paris, New York or LA?
>But if theyre taking your jobs, then go after people hiring illegal labor
Why not get rid of both?
>commit less crime than citizens
They tend to commit more per capita, some crime even 11 fold or more. Per capita matters because it's about the likelihood of them causing it that matters, not that if theres a million more people there's, I dunno, a hundred more murders like before to come up with a hypothetical number.
biggest criminals are polish immigrants.
What's wrong with Arab and Muslim immigrants supporting each other? Chinese immigrants do the same things, they only hire chinese and give preferential treatments to chinese customers.
You people on cry when Arabs and Muslims try to help each other, as if that's a bad thing to begin with.
>ignore the flyover states
>let's give more attention to the urbanites where more people are
>blue nation 4evur
Then again, I'm pretty sure Jow Forums's political interests lie somewhere between classical liberalistism and anarcho-open-borderism.
Based goatfucker pedophile
Well McCuckinson I don't know about the poles there's not that many of them here, probably not too different from some other Eastern Europeans but they tend to do actual work instead of fleeing as refugees, half of which just end up being parasites, causing crime that most people consider more serious than theft or illicit work, and spreading diseases (including themselves as one.)
Ok, this is my last bit of autism.
Your post is a very poor strawman. I'm describing something I experienced firsthand. Nowhere have I said something like "muslims all over the world are plotting to take over Europe". I said that on a local level, muslims living in Europe use this kind of strategy to take over small parts of cities, and since, at least in France, social services and even institution are helping them, they've been very successful.
This is bad not only because of ethnic replacement (since I was talking about Turks, Erdogan himself encouraged the Turks living in Germany to shit out as many kids as they can in order to replace the native people), but also because it hurts the local economy terribly.
the Chinese do not :
-sell and use drugs
-attack, at least verbally, any kind of person who doesn't look Chinese
-they do not benefit from state protection, on the contrary they are very frequently victims of racist attacks from muslims
-stand around loitering, yelling, and blasting autotuned trash
-attack teachers, firemen, ambulances
-start fires whenever something doesn't go their way
-consider any person with a vagina walking unnatended a prostitute at best
The Chinese aren't saints, but they are still much better than those apes.
In our current system, the only states that matter are the tossups.
Florida, ohio, michigan, Pennsylvania and maybe one or two more that im forgetting.
The votes of people who live in other states are worth next to nothing compared to the ones who live in tossup states.
Id rather every vote be worth the same.
If every vote was weighed equally even going to solid red/blue districts and convincing a handful of people to change their mind would be worthwhile.
But in my city, I never see candidates outside of maybe once or twice in primary time since its predicted that we'll vote a specific way, so its not worth spending time campaigning here.
Theres no logistical reason why some people should have votes that are worth more than others. We are all citizens.
>-sell and use drugs
>-attack, at least verbally, any kind of person who doesn't look Chinese
>-they do not benefit from state protection, on the contrary they are very frequently victims of racist attacks from muslims
>-stand around loitering, yelling, and blasting autotuned trash
>-attack teachers, firemen, ambulances
>-start fires whenever something doesn't go their way
>-consider any person with a vagina walking unnatended a prostitute at best
your personal anecdotes aren't proof of anything. France is an amoral atheist country, where you think any woman that isn't a whore 24/7 isn't "integrated", where you think that fathers don't have the right to DNA test their own children because that's sexist, where you have cultural institutionalised cuckoldry, where you think a man wanting to marry a virgin is a monster and a woman who has sex before marriage is free and liberated. You have a pathetic cucked immoral culture that is the definition of degeneracy, so you make up bullshit lies against arabs and muslims.
You should consider yourself lucky if they take over you.
>, where you think that fathers don't have the right to DNA test their own children
> where you think any woman that isn't a whore 24/7 isn't "integrated"
I have no issues with modest women. I have issues with packs of arabs and niggers harassing any kind of vagina, even underaged or old enough to be dead soon.
It's a law in france ibdna.com
literal pathetic degenerate nation of cucks.
their reputation of adultery so strong that its a law
>they willingly give money, labor, or favors to rich muslims, specifically to take control of European cities, street by street, notably by opening dozens of identical businesses which do not make any money, but stay afloat thanks to their "solidarity" and them abusing the various ways the state tries to promote entrepreneurship.
>They are not poor. Not even close. They're just so good at licking boots no one can compete.
wtf are you talking about
Imagine being this delusional retard
It's probably going to be a major breakthrough for you, but the reality is, most women aren't whores who would willingly make their husband raise another man's child.
I'll admit this law is cuckoldry incarnate though.
Great point about the Chinese, this should be copy-pasted into that copypasta site (cant remember what it was) for easy retrieval whenever the fucks come here comparing human beings and subhumans.
Oh so you weren't a cuck after all.
Are you literally an Abdul?
You aren't allowed to do DNA tests here in general
>your personal anecdotes
oh it's more than anecdotes, my obvioulsy brown friend
>rich muslim guy pays to "support his community" (bringing more people, providing new immigrants with everything they need, making sure there are places within cities almost entirely populated by muslims)
>in return, said community works for him
>it's not even about the money, since most of those businesses make none
>entire streets, even posh ones, are economically crippled as a result, not to mention crime and general shitiness of those places increasing
>those people who "work" under their protection do not live well, they are completely dependant on welfare
>instead of questioning this situation or trying to take their independance, they slurp on the soles of their richer masters, and double down on occupying as much space as possible.
Deal with it frog
In my country niggers commit most of the crime and the police are afraid of arresting pakis/arabs because of racism
#noshakiralaw #protectarekids
I can't deal with it, the police wouldn't let me :(
So you're saying that Muslims in France (and Muslim diasporas in general) operate like mafias.
I do agree that they are very tribal and usually have a less than perfectly rational way to run things that prioritizes family's immediate needs but it seems to me like you've drawn an awfully exaggerated picture of the situation.
>And if you look at overall statistics
Churka please.
No, the memenorities were under the heel before sovok
Muslim diasporas in Western Europe do. I wish I was exaggerating. It wouldn't be such a huge problem if the French were actually allowed to talk about it, or even maybe fix it.
Hey is the OP cunt a chechen?
The police doesn't allow us to sell drugs but we do it so why dont you deal with it ? Tell me the real answer
but it does, they're a protected class
you only have to compare the difference of police treatment when it's browns and black rioting and when it's the yellow vests
when it's the brown and blacks there are no blown up hands, no torn out eyes by flashball projectiles to the face.
even after the hundreds of victims from muslim terrorrists they consider far right terrorrism the biggest threat to the state and this even when the far left has committed more acts of terrorism (Le Pen had his flat bombed some years ago and daughter Le Pen had her QG molotoved by antifas not too long ago)
The police allows muslims pretty much anything short of murder and destroying whole buildings. Your head is so far up your ass you don't even realize. Surely you think drug money is flowing thanks to the exceptionnal wits of the common muslim man ?
islam is ruining everywhere where it is, we must convince trump to nuke mecca and watch how """""liberal""""" muslims show their real face
Islam is inherently evil and every contact with it produces unhappiness or even death.
We already have enough cultural diversity thank you
Muslims killed maybe several thousand people during the last century, Germans killed at least 50 million.
the difference is muslims kill because of their religion
germans killed for their countries interest
besides, muslims would kill the whole earth (even muslims that they are not in the same sect) if they had power