Why Europeans hate us so much when we are hosting 4 million >rab in our country and stopping more to come...

Why Europeans hate us so much when we are hosting 4 million >rab in our country and stopping more to come? We are the only country that try to stabilize middle east and balkans.


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they're SEETHING that sheikh erdogan will bring back the new ottoman caliphate

I only like turkey because they make Saudis seethe

They don’t want stability in the Middle East and Balkans. It would be competition for their uncompetitive businesses. They can barely handle American and Asian competition as is, imagine a strong and prosperous neighbor region— they couldn’t deal with it.

>We are the only country that try to stabilize middle east and balkans
Every country in that region is attempting to "stabilize" each other but you're all subhumans that deserve to be quarantined and never heard from again

>British army should be doing this in the channel
kek. europeans were already building concentration camps if they got so many refugees as we did. equalism, humanism, bullshit. europeans are still biggest psychos in the world.

Dark Erdoğan

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yeah people were ready to vote in the far right from a couple hundred thousand, imagine millions lmao

erdogan threatened to flood europe with refugees if he didnt get his way

Check your white privilege. Turkey doesn’t want these refugees. The refugees themselves want to go to Europe. Why should Turkey stop them? Yeah exactly. So the Europeans pay a “bribe” (officially paying to House these refugees) to get Turkey to stop these people from going to Europe like they want to (even they don’t like Turkey lmao).

tru dat, we got like 516 shitskins just yesterday in 16 rafts

t. urkish diaspora

547 in 13 rafts

This. Turkey has 4,000,000+ Syrians. Soon it will get 3,000,000+ more from Idlib. Turkey itself will go far right soon. Y’all think Erdogan is “right wing”, that nigger is line “refugees welcome peace love PLUR” ...

In fact I don’t see why he didn’t let Europe go all fascist by sending the refugees over. Meanwhile EU is constantly attacking and antagonizing Turkey and has zero gratitude. Fucking Europeans maign...

Turkey isn't part of europe and never will

>4 million arabs
Wrong, 80 million araps

Can you articulate a reason why these Syrian refugees should stay in Turkey? Or will you continue making chimpanzee sounds you inbred abo fuck.

Ok? Why should that matter? EU was about getting gibs not about being “european”. Lmao y’all kkkrakas think Turkey actually cafes about the arbitrary racial-cultural classifications that Europeans ponticate about. Like the other week when Macron said to Putin “Russia is european” and he said it like it was supposed to be a great favor he wasn’t doing for Russia and big deal but Putin was like “uhhh what?”.

Ok this is epic.

>arbitrary racial-cultural classifications that Europeans ponticate about
what a fucking irony, go to bed nigger

>We are the only country that try to stabilize middle east and balkans
>and balkans
turkey is trying to stabilise the balkans?

because he is retard. he should release them and watch EU collapse with rising euroscepticism and racism. putin is doing right thing by supporting racist movements in europe. EU is rival of turkey, not an ally. if you want bigger piece from pie you need to fight for it.

We Americans care about “free”... not about “being North American” lmao. Wtf is that supposed to mean. US might say “Peru is a free and prosperous country”... But Macron says “Peru is European!” If he likes them... it’s weird af. Basically white supremacism.

keeping soldiers in kosova and bosnia so christians dont chimp out and try to genocide them again.

i love collecting rare raceapps

probably because a shitty eu is poorer and makes turkey poorer from worst trade. if there was no trade with the EU you'd be spot on

Erdogan is sooo stupid in this, I totally agree. He is letting the EU act all smug and disgusting with him while he is the only reason the EU hasn’t collapsed in current year. Macron wouldn’t have won his election if there were 2,000,000 more Syrians in France. I agree with you completely. I get the feeling Erdogan is out of his element but that Imamoglu is a EU plant himself. One Bahceli could do it imo. But I hope turkey succeeds in bringing down the eternal european.

you're weird af nigger, you're the one talking and thinking about races and colour skins every single day, no matter why you're all incel freaks with such cringe obsession

i didn't know turkey had soldiers in kosovo and bosnia

If EU collapsed, Turkey could make inroads into the Balkans and Central Europe regarding manufacturing and trade. Each european country also has substantial trade ties to Europe. It’s the EU supranational geopolitics that is adamant in bashing Turkey every chance it gets.

Meanwhile you’re all obsessed with identity association with a continent? Race has some semblance of being rooted in material reality. What is this continentalism all about? You admit that a dark skinned south european and a Romanian gypsy are “european” like danish and Dutch?

Ties to Turkey*
Sorry guiis... typo :)

you're probably right but that approach would burn a lot of bridges before the EU finally collapsed, i don't think he wants to take the risk of a financial collapse, especially if he caused it without being able to spin it.
what do you think about his pivot to the ME though? seems natural to me 2bh

Only under the watch of the noble Turkish man do e*ro subhumans stop killing each other. I welcome pax-cryptoOttomanism.

>he's at race and skin colour obsession once again
incel freak, turks agree they aren't european from culturally or geographically, europeans admit turks aren't europeans culturally or geographically, but nooooooo mr fat ass dirty skin mutt flag must have a say lmao

Not at all. Because he would only be respecting the freedom of movement of refugees. The liberal and left crowd couldn’t say anything. The right wing crowd would realize they owe their rise to him and in any case they would be pre occupied. Trade ties aren’t usually based on whether you like your trade partner (whereas EU membership might be) but on whether there’s a good deal —- and there is.

Lmao “proud to be european” as if anyone except Europeans cares. It’s like me saying “You’re not America!” To a People’s Republic of China.

Why do you even think it is a relevant thing to say? Turkey wanted EU money, not EU identity.

that makes the assumption that EU leaders operate in good faith, which it seems you disagree with several times in this post though. they could easily give erdogan the putin treatment, sanction him and all his close associates as well as the country partially. then if the turkish economy tanks, he could lose power, not really worth the gamble IMO but i'm open to being wrong

There wouldn’t be EU leaders anymore because the EU would collapse in the midst of nationalist resurgence and euroskepticism. It almost happened due to a few hundred thousand refugees... imagine 7,000,000+

There are few Turkishs in Europe
If more Turks migrate to Europe, they will understand you too

They can’t sanction him for not illegally restricting the movement of refugees. He’s not actively sending them there. He’s just not stopping them. In truth they want to go and would go if he simply let them. The EU wants Turkey to limit their human right to movement . He should refuse.

surely not overnight though, it'd be a couple years before it happened

diligent turk doing his best to save europe

It could take only one year. The right wing is primed already and the groundwork is established. Everyone has been teased with the few Syrians who went already... the big cock of 7,000,000 Syrian refugees would just rip up their asshole.

>There are few Turkishs in Europe
not in Germany

what are they sanctioning putin for then? or assad? or gaddafi and saddam before? or iran? it's not like the west operates in 100% good faith and has good reasons to do everything they do. think about it, who in europe would even complain about sanctions on turkey

Putin for killing journalists and former kgb in european cities and for crimea.

Gaddafi for nuclear weapons but he abandoned it and wasn’t sanctioned when he got Arab-spring’d.

Saddam for chemical weapons n shit.

you invited them in 60s

Ok it’s a game of chicken then. Erdogan blinked first but he shouldn’t. He can set in motion the destruction of Europe and let this ride out so that any possible EU wide sanction won’t have time to really hurt him because Euroskeptics will win elections by then.

aka bullshit, they just sanction anyone who dares not to kiss their feet and acknowledge them as the center of the universe
honestly selling saddam chemical weapons and then sanctioning him for using them is like james bond villian level

As Guestworkers
Guests usually don't stay their whole lives

Saddam also had a nuclear weapon program that Israel bombed ... he also invaded Kuwait, pissing off rich Arabs... he also used the chemical weapons on Kurds...

In any case Iraq under Saddam wasn’t really an economy tied into the world like Turkey is. Turkey has 80,000,000 people. Iraq at the time had 15,000,000... and was a oil only country ... Turkey is a mixed economy with no natural resources that produces finished manufactured goods and skilled services.

turkey is much bigger part of european history than irrelevant countries like belgium, denmark etc. balkans including greece are more similar to turkey than scandinavia by culture.

you're right, you're right, i'm sure he just wasn't willing to take the risks that could come. maybe if he had consolidated his power further he could have done, but it's kind of risky when turkey is a democracy i think

So sanctioning Turkey is more dangerous than sanctioning Iraq. If Turkey is sanctioned there will be ripples that can send Spain/Italy/UK/Brazil/Malaysia into a crisis.

Erdogan is a pussy. He repeatedly shows his true colors of being a wuss who hides behind big words. The only reason he did anything cool recently was because Bahceli of MHP bullied him (otherwise Erdogan wouldn’t have the votes he needs to stay in power).

welcome to realpolitik bitch, be grateful that your country isn’t on the receiving end

Unironically true

Wh*toids are cancer of the earth and I couldnt be more happy of the fact they will get completely replaced in our lifetime

Also real politic is that post brexit UK does A LOT of trade with Turkey and so does Germany (on the brink of recession), and med rim except Greece invests a lot in Turkey. It’s not as easy as sanctioning some camel jockey oil sheikh...

Erdogan is simply saber rattling and trying to see how far he can force the west until they get draw a line in the sand.

Erdogan is manipulating his people by pretending be a chad who thinks geopolitically ... he is not willing to do risky things. He should have fucking invaded “Rojava” already. he could get away with it but he doesn’t think he can’t

>we are hosting 4 million >rab in our country and stopping more to come?
you should let them come, they would go to Germany lol

He doesn’t think he can*...

Meaning the Turkish people want to do it. He should do it from a geopolitical POV. He can get away with it. There’s a risk to it however... so he won’t do it.

This is a weak leader.

No, he probably can’t and if you followed the coup you’ve seen what a pussy Erdogan really was. Guy is running on fumes and retarded goat fuckers and their offspring that migrated to the EU and don’t have anything to do with Turkey besides visiting on vacation

You're the same people.

You don’t seem to realize that the reason voters are turning against him is because he isn’t right wing chad enough. He is willing to let refugees play with their dicks out in Istanbul but the people want him to send them to Germany which he won’t do ..

if that were true we would have supported you in the illegal war following 2001
but when you were told no, you bitched and stuffed your fat faces with freedom fries

Lmao we brought down your government back then as punishment and we are behind the yellow vests too so better be polite to your masters boi

Let them come to, replace, and destroy Europe. I won’t rest until I see every self hating white cuck get brutally raped and murdered. They deserve it, you reap what you sow

Turkey is in the Custom Union with the EU. In trade (and trade alone) they're almost a full member

yeah i'm sure you did and i'm sure you are, cody

It’d be nice to let freedom of movement so Turks can visit Europe and see what a shit hole it is. As it is they’re like nip level in thinking Paris is some beautiful city of romance n shit

>They don’t want stability in the Middle East

Nah, thats you, faggot. Thats your Greater Middle East doctrine and thats your money up ISIS' asshole.

>Former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski stated that a "political awakening" is taking place in this region which may be an indicator of the multi-polar world that is now developing. He alluded to the Greater Middle East as the "Global Balkans", and as a control lever on an area he refers to as Eurasia.
>global balkans
>control lever

Thats the real America, take a good look.

You’re wrong, cosmopolitan Turks from major cities are sick of his shit and are mostly voting social democratic CHP

>It’d be nice to let freedom of movement so Turks can visit Europe and see what a shit hole it is.

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paris literally smells shit. you cant travel with metro without holding nose.

Takes a pole to know a pole. Truth is the US wanted to project power in the Cold War and contributed to unrest in that era (pseudo civil war in Turkey 1970s, culminating in 1980 coup... 1979 revolution in Iraq... 1971 revolution in Syria... 1974 in Iraq... Mujahaddin in Afghanistan 1978/1980s..).

You’re playing the same game.

That’s not how he Los Istanbul by 800,000 votes. It was Erdogan voters switching. Not some soyboy faggot CHP cucks. Also Social Democracy can’t work in developing countries like Turkey. Go commie or go neoliberal. That’s it. SocDem is an elitist virtue signaling bullshit

m8 even kurdish waiters marry fat northern chicks to move there get disappointed and come back.


Yeah but these CHP soy boys think Europe is a civilized place unlike barbaric Turkey... and that everything is perfect in Europe and there’s trees and parks and people wave in the streets and drove carefully and fart rainbows

>we are hosting 4 million >rab in our country
Rabbis? Wow.

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>Paris Syndrome
>Paris syndrome (French: syndrome de Paris, Japanese: パリ症候群, pari shōkōgun) is a condition exhibited by some individuals when visiting or going on vacation to Paris, as a result of extreme shock at discovering that Paris is different from their expectations. The syndrome is characterized by a number of psychiatric symptoms such as acute delusional states, hallucinations, feelings of persecution (perceptions of being a victim of prejudice, aggression, or hostility from others), derealization, depersonalization, anxiety, and also psychosomatic manifestations such as dizziness, tachycardia, sweating, and others, such as vomiting.[1] Similar syndromes include Jerusalem syndrome and Stendhal syndrome. The condition is commonly viewed as a severe form of culture shock.

>hosting refugees

Because you get euromoneys from doing that, Fatmagul. Plus, you get even cheaper labourers and sex slaves. You could let them all go, but no then no euromoneys, no slaves and syrian girls harem for the Sultan.

Also, you don't stabilize neither Balkans not Middle East. In fact, it's the other way round, Balkans and Middle East stabilize and contains kebab.

he should have done, and still should do, but the international backlash of invading a """liberal""" occupied territory with religious muslims is obviously too big

massive butthurt from subhuman mutts ITT

The thing is that with Trump and world these days (also election year in US), the news cycle will move on in a day to the next big thing

butthurt because they don't think liberalism is the pinnacle of humanity? or specifically EU (((values)))

Dude, Europe is a shithole because of the Turks and other assorted rapefugees.

>amerimutts calling anyone else jews
now i've fucking seen it all

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Seems to be working so far

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Then why the fuck do shitskins want to come to EU if they don't want to share the values of the place? Subhumans are illogical.

hopefully man, i honestly think turkey is the best hope for any kind of unity in the muslim world, and have some respect for erdogan in that regard (obviously you're not a fan)

the american fears the EU

CHP Turks don’t realize that EU sees them this way. They think they stand with Western civilization and have a colonial settler mindset even in their own country. So they are going to a “safe place” by visiting Europe but end up in shock that it’s full of Moroccans/Somalis/Arabs/blacks/Slavs, grimy, Stanky and shit.

the only good thing about a united muslim world is they might be able to stand against israel

literally money why is that difficult for you to understand lmao wasn't that a big thing for a while, calling them "economic migrants" and not refugees

>So they are going to a “safe place” by visiting Europe but end up in shock that it’s full of Moroccans/Somalis/Arabs/blacks/Slavs, grimy, Stanky and shit.


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thanks to kemalist education