>Move to Germany slave
Move to Germany slave
How is she so alpha?
Boomers will be boomers.
>nooo you have to be lazy and poor here in Greece!
seriously. why dont southern euros move north for better paying jobs?
Based germany enslaving their european brothers
She's right.
It's just a plot to learn g*Rman
>deprive all other countries of their potential workforce while the boomers begin to retire
Based Germany destroying the EU.
cringe, I wouldn't move to her Scheißland unless it paid like €20k/month or more
brownish germany?
>Being unemployed in europe
>not pictured: half of the population doesn't work
gee i wonder when did unemployment skyrocket. Was it after 2008 maybe?
kys kraut
What about Australia's unemployed?
german economy is cooked by now, I'd rather move to FRANCE
move to bongistan
Those jobs belong to Arabs and aboriginals anyway
Migration = division and conquer
Literally no excuse not to move to a better country, you faggots have freedom of movement inside the entire continent and you can be citizens anywhere, just move dipshits
Working in France can be very profitable, but you need to learn how to bend the rules in order to not pay taxes and get free shit.
If you try to be honest it's awful. You get robbed, basically.
I've already moved.
Checkmate Frau Merkel
why didn't you check flag before writing that stuff
They'd need to learn German language and German system. Moving countries isn't so easy. They're not refugees so they're not pampered and taken care of at every step.
There should be more educational resources about moving to another EU country, with checklists and gotchas and frequently asked questions.
people say that germany is the country that tries to always destroy europe
but that's only possible because other european countries let them do it
Clearly has some kind of degenerative disease after multiple public fits.How can she possibly remain a chancellor for another two years?
Well yes, I'm going to move, but away from this european gulag, suck my dick you dumb bitch
why is this deranged woman leader of anything?
because there are literally no men in europe
You are welcome here in Texas.
H-how did you know?
they already do
>think about moving to another euro country
>all the ones with a good economy are dreadful to live in compared to Italy
Lol refugees are not even pampered.
she has a big alphamale cock
she doesn't know she's a woman
>They'd need to learn German language and German system.
Or they can say fuck you to the krauts and just learn English
>try to work it out in your own country and homeland
>just move bro lol
No thanks, I'm not some economical migrant. Besides, I wouldn't want to live in cuckmany because I enjoy free speech and living among white people
>H-how did you know?
Texas has a ton of ethnic Poles.
Why tf would you leave Germany are u a fucking kike
ok Oleg
>White people
what a piece of shit kraut cunt
>write I was working till 7PM
>leave at 5PM
You are not fooling anybody, Georgios
Advice: don't
Their English is shit
why not bro?
i want some money but these government niggas keeping a playa down
why are czechs so lazy ?
>projecting so hard
come here please
how are they lazy? they produce porn en masse through that czech streets program
You're in the same list so you're not the one to talk about laziness
because then you have to live with northern euros
Look at our unemployment and then shuffle your feet
his mom or sister is probably a working girl in one of our brothels, so his hate for us is understandable
>leaving his job earlier
literal scum ,why is czechia still in EU ?
>our unemployment
Porn and Avast hardly count as work. Lying about your work hours does not strengthen your argument either.
>Lying about your work hours
That's what Greeks do. Weren't you able to infer that?
>porn and Avast
Nice memes, Georgios. I guess sheepherding can't be counted as a job either.
Why are they trying so hard to destroy any sense of community a place or people might have?
Germany is about to enter a recession and this kraut is trying to move the economic fuck up to the rest of the EU hahaha
>porn is considered a meme Czechia
I thought it was an important part of your economy tbqh
You're on the same chart though, if we're lying then so are you. Drop your virtue whoring.
still better than porn and selling useless vpn with shady terms and charges
rent free in that Gayreek's head
kys OP, or keep seething until the day you die
>worst paying countries
>longest working week
Anyone with half a brain can deduce that porn doesn't have anything to do with hours worked because pornstars are considered to be self-employed.
>if we're lying then so are you
Nice med logic. Except it doesn't apply. Only one country is so full of cheaters and tax evaders that it cheated even on Euro entrance stats. We actually do work those hours. The proof is our virtually unexistant unemployment. If employees cheated like in Greece, nobody would employ them, like in Greece.
>Only one country is so full of cheaters and tax evaders
>your stats fake
>my stats totally legit
ok leech
>that it cheated even on Euro entrance stats.
proven false but keep lying
>The proof is our virtually unexistant unemployment.
Again, porn, shitvast and some meme German auto factories don't count.
You're only rise because Germany is still afloat
pay reparations
>Move to the country that killed millions of children in gas chambers for not having a square head just a few decades ago
>We are normal, I swear
That's rich from a country that begged so hard for a bailout and to keep the precious euro
>Again, porn, shitvast and some meme German auto factories don't count.
They do :^) Maybe you should consider paying your useless workers the wage they deserve
Never forget leech. The westerners themselves, the ones you worsip so much characterised you as a leech not the meds.
You're nothing but cheep labor to them. Wake up.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a subservient foreigner cleaning our toilets.
>Poles did it en masse as soon as borders opened without "muh refugee" protection you've mentioned
>Southrons needs special 3 year course in a school for retards to obtain a degree in "Moving to another EU country" to do the same
yet somehow eastern euros are the dumb ones
*kills more a few more times more people in Gulags*
*destroys the economies of several vasal states who are now slowly recovery*
Heh, nothing personal, comrade.
>somehow eastern euros are the dumb ones
Nigga how can you be out of labor, there's always something in need of work. The problem is that you're arrogant and refuse to take entry level shit.
Less than one million people died in Gulag and most of them were criminals. Now compare this to 12 million people who died in the Holocaust and 100 million people whom they planned to kill after their victory.
Besides, Bolsheviks grabbed the power by force and dominated the country into submission after extremely harsh Civil war which left 10 million dead. Nazis were elected by people, thus ordinary people are responsible for this.
Westerners are assholes who will end up exactly like you because they don't realize they can't order companies to overpay workers just because it wins elections. Eventually, we will end up working for ourselves. It's you who ought to wake up.
Shouldn't the eu try to create jobs in all of its member countries instead of just Germany
>Shouldn't the eu try to create jobs in all of its member countries instead of just Germany
>12 million people who died in the Holocaust
Nigger do you believe these numbers
sounds inefficient
but if we took every shitty job hans threw to us we would just be remembered for being plumbers after all these years
great, now you're only remembered as lazy unproductive welfare niggers who brought the economic crisis on themselves. At least it's not plumbers amirite?
Will we ever get our money back?
But why not, surely that would improve the overall eu economy
Honestly, I don't really care what happened back then. The Red Army and Soviet Russia were just as bad as the Nazis, don't try to sugarcoat it.
The NSDAP was a minority party held up by corrupted factory owners and got into power by assaulting and killing members of the other parties. The majority of people "voted" for them after they came into power and declared it illegal to not vote for them.
yes ?
But ruin Germany
Fuck off soycuck. Nazis were based and redpilled
>Eventually, we will end up working for ourselves
I hear a lot of that big talk, here too. Don't see much action. Once you're tied to someone else's chariot you ain't going independent. When they fall you go down with them.
No. It cannot either.
Your banks and government already made millions in profits for the austerity in Greece, just shut the fuck up. CDU bent the knee for corrupted banksters so they could leech money out of Greece, feeding off their misery.
Nazis would've gassed all Fins so kill yourself.
Inb4 you're a fenno-swede. No you're not, you're an autistic, limp-wristed yellow faggot like all finns.
imagine a grown man actually typing this.
Maybe. Pay reparations
>The Red Army and Soviet Russia were just as bad as the Nazis, don't try to sugarcoat it
Soviets were street thugs, whereas Nazis were cannibalistic serial killers, that's the difference. Soviets didn't represent the mentality of their own population since they lost the elections and grabbed the power by force. Nazis did represent German national mentality very weill (sadism, tribalism, militarism, lack of empathy, lack of insight into oneself, greed, hyper-competitiveness, unquestioning obedience to authority, inability to think outside the box, etc.)