I am jealous that New Zealanders have such cute little birb frens

I am jealous that New Zealanders have such cute little birb frens.

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It's just the son of a chicken with a long nose

Never seen one in the wild.

what about in a public place like a park or something?

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Some of them are pretty big bois

They live deep in thick rainforests. And then, they are shy and nocturnal and quite low in numbers. It's not very common to see a wild one unless you set out to find them, even if you otherwise spend a bunch of time in the bush.

Attached: kiwi.png (1151x919, 827K)

They seem peaceful

>quite low in numbers
are you guys currently helping their numbers?

No, we eat the ones we can capture.

You are lucky you guys dont have oil my friendly sheep fondler otherwise we would had invaded you.

>You are lucky you guys dont have oil
We actually do btw

What do they taste like?

as a kid i read a book about muffin the mule and one of the stories was about kiwi that tried to eat his worm friend.
i was in tears, user

Attached: l92fg3z.gif (342x270, 515K)

Human but more spicy due to their diet.

Don't like spicy food so I'll just stick with humans.

There's large areas of their native bush habitat well protected in national parks. The biggest threat to them now is introduced predators like stoats, ferrets, or rouge cats and dogs. There is a lot of work to remove these and other pest species from the forests from shooting and trapping to poison baits, not just for the kiwis sake but other species too. There is a program which tags the birds with a radio tracker and trail cameras, with the goal to take the eggs and hand raise chicks just until they are large enough to release, which gives them a much greater survival rate. Otherwise very few reach adulthood. There are also fenced sanctuaries.

Crap desu

This animal is imported to my country. I sometimes buy them in supermarket. their meat is sweet, sour and yummy

NZ has a lot of interesting birds. Some already extinct. Being so remote the only native mammals who got there were some fruit bats, birds filled every niche from 250kg flightless herbivores to eagles with 2.5m wingspan who fed on them, to 1m tall parrots and penguins, to kiwis who poke around in the dark with an amazing nose on the end of their beak, to tuis with two voiceboxes making complex song in and out of the range of human hearing.



What the fuck is a birb?

Grow up soynigger

maoris should be exterminated for what they did to the moa
i want a cute giant flightless birb friend