Immigrate to white country to escape shit country
Complain about white country
Immigrate to white country to escape shit country
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If these people are proud of being Mexican and love Mexico so much, why do they freak out and complain when you tell them to go back? Patriotic 2nd gen immigrants are the whiniest shits
because chicanos are fucking dumb as fuck
The whole point of pride movements is:
"I am proud to be [x], despite being told that being [x] makes me a worse person"
Its why all pride movements are about minority populations, be it minority by race, religion, or sexuality.
The american dream was being able to come from anywhere and make a living here, no matter who you are. Its even on the statue of liberty, but many of my fellow people forgot that and stick with the "fuck you, I got mine" attitude.
This 10 second clip explains a lot desu.
Immigrate to a native american land
Complain about natives in their land
immigrants are the biggest patriots
Put your disgusting pinkpig ass on a boat and go to Europe, pigskin
>Its even on the statue of liberty
added later
More like
Immigrate to white country simply because your country is shit and you don't want to bother with trying to improve it because you are "too good" for that.
Get free gibs and support in new country.
Complain about country not being what you dreamed of and locals aren't loving you and kissing your feet.
Sounds like a certain tribe if you ask me.
I wonder (((who))) you're talking about
We are a Germanic colony
>no human being is illegal
>but disagree with me and I'll try my best to make you unemployable
these days until proven otherwise I assume people spout nonsense they don't really believe for the sake of wasting your time and resources
>because your country is shit and you don't want to bother with trying to improve it because you are "too good" for that
F*rst*e logic
redpilled an0n. While natives didnt choose where born, actually inmigrants did it and they can go any other place but decided to be where they are
I'm not joking/
it is absolutely a security valve for retard regimes to get rid of young people that would otherwise have to grab their nuts and do something.
>Morsi voters
she is not mexican retard, why cant racists distiguish between ethnicities?
And Indians aren’t Indians.
Who cares?
why does that matter?
because only mexicans bitch that much
because most 2nd gen immigrants are retards that are born with silver cutlery up their ass and they don’t realize how privileged they are, so they join all together in a circle jerk to pretend to care about something
if you are going to be an ethno nationalist you should learn to distinguish between ethnicities
what do you think a mexican is?
ideally it's a person born in mexico. but "mexican"-americans adopted the term. especially some 2nd gen people
You keep being a pigskin in a native american land
This is Judaism 2019
I’m glad President Andrew Jackson killed your people, I wish he killed more.
mexican is not a nationality and mexican americans are american born children of mexican nationals, neither are ethnicities.
Mexico is a multi ethnic/racial country, dont hate all mexican nationals
You realize your term doesn't make any fucking sense and you're only perpetuating the stupid fucking hyphenated american nonsense.
He’s right, though. President of Mexico is white, not really “Mexican”
im saying mexican is a nationality not an ethnicity, how am I perpetuating the hyphehated american concept?
>I believe in god/yhwh/allah
Based brazil
mexico is a civic nationalist country, anyone us considered a mexican regardless of race
He was born in Mexico. He is mexican. Sorry bud.
>im saying mexican is a nationality not an ethnicity
So you agree with me then? Mexicans are people born in Mexico and Americans are people born in US.
Apologise to the piggies
Your picture depicts your evangelical SLAVES who give away their hard earned money so the prophecy of the rupture can be fulfilled
I dont support Muzzies, retarded muricoon.
Third world cunts unironically fight those who are actually trying to do good. The system is just rigged.
>Mexicans are people born in Mexico and Americans are people born in US.
yes, because american and mexican are nationalities not ethnicities
Yes so what is the issue then what the fuck does this post mean
neither mexican nationals nor their american born children are ethnicities
indians are native to siberia
That isn't what I was arguing in the first place. So you agree that american born children are american and not mexican-american. this convo is over
why do white people call american born children mexican even if they domt have mexican citizenship?