Your answer ???

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fuck off grannyfucker

what is the pay?

1280€ a month, more when you're fighting. But you will also receive the eternal gratitude of La Grande Nation, which is priceless.

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>why yes, in the upcomming franco-brazilian war I'm going to side with Brazil, how did you know?

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As a international security analyst, yes

As cannon fodder, no

>But you will also receive the eternal gratitude of La Grande Nation, which is priceless.
wtf, I will certainly join

I am american. what are you?

I wish I could, I love the Legion and France

Tbh my research has come up with enough mixed results that in the highly unlikely even that I did want to serve in a military, I might as well pick my own country's. Besides, all Western nations share a common goal of making the world a worse place, so any of them would be just as good to serve in, really.

>Why yes, I’ll go on the suicide mission

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Why do the French need foreigners to fight for them?

>esides, all Western nations share a common goal of making the world a worse place, so any of them would be just as good to serve in, really.
Hi Zhang

I considered it briefly when I was a neet and wanted to get away from my family so as not to burden them with myself anymore, but it turns out I'm a coward as well.

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>Your answer ???
join the yellow vests instead

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I'd rather join the Spanish legion

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My left knee is fucked up they will never let me

i heem the frog manlet


>high school grades were abysmal
>told senpai that I'll join the foreign legion if I couldn't get into uni
>"they gonna rape you in there"
>didn't care, wanted to experience combat, can't do that with viets conscription
>made it into uni with a scholarship
>everyone is amazed even the teachers that said I wasn't gonna make it
>mfw no one knew my dream was crushed

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you can still get raped i'm sure

Right away sir! La république nous appelle!

What do the four N's stand for?

like 50% of the civilized world today. Don't worry.

Serious reply : the same reason it is estimated that America has almost as many mercenaries as deployed soldiers. The death of a mercenary doesn't need to be justified and doesn't lead to a scandal. Dead mercenaries aren't flown back home in a coffin draped in their flag.

In the legion they shove gooks like you who can't pronounce Rs correctly into lockers, then they slam the locker to the ground a few times, then they ask you to pronounce Rs again. It's back in the locker until you can speak properly.



viets don't have problem pronouncing r cumbrain

>Your answer ???
I have platfus

I can't. I have trouble with heart

I have a friend who was with the Legion for the 5 years. The closest he got to deployment was patrolling the streets of Paris. It's full of third worlders, and they'll only take you if you're desperate enough not to desert as soon as you have the chance.

>who can't pronounce Rs correctly
>that flag
The irony is palpable

>French people
>Capable of pronouncing R
Pick one

No thanks mr manual macaroni

why don't spaniards have chest hair?

And i thought my jokes were bad

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you think i would join your imperialist trash
you think AMERICA won't defend it's MVTT BROTHERS?

I imagine myself in Metropolitan France, leading my platoon. Our mission is to stop fr*nch dogs from advancing. We mow down fr*nch dogs but they keep coming. I shoot fr*nch dogs but run out of ammo so I draw my K-BAR and begin slaughtering fr*nch, since fr*nch are way more psychically inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. The fr*nch were shooting me from a distance like cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see MICKEY MOUSE (allah) smiles at me, I smile back... Then I woke up, in Africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethren gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into wally world..


There's something extremely ironic about this post.

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I have type 1 diabete

I'm already part of the world's greatest military, why would I downgrade?


>someone said something I don't like
>better pretend he isn't white
Cope more, fag.
I'm not saying it like it's a bad thing; the world and most people in it deserve to suffer. I support your nation's crusade against safety and happiness for all mankind.

Thanks I'll try again soon

perfect reply

I'd behead you kike parasite


sorry i don't work for cucks.

Wtf? My rent is that ... Pay more you fucking cheap people


is he american?

Oui mon empereur, je vais

He needs a better haircut and to shave his s0ybeard.

Is this photo real? Why does his head looks bigger than normal?

>Oui, mon Jupiter

Worse, he's a bong

La France*

why would I do that? the French don't care about the soliders of the legion. they use them instead of actual French soliders to fight their battles. fuck France.

I don't think legionairs pay rent. Propably, they also have some other costs covered.

Only If I get my own home on cote d'azur, if not it's not worth it

I would but I'm a coward and a weakling

I almost did. After I did time in the US army I decided to get out and go to college and give that a try. I gave myself a two year window. I said if after two years I'm not having much success in school, not satisfied with how my life is, and not with a girl, I'll just go back in the military, but this time the FFL for a new experience and chapter in my life.
Fast forward to now and I'm married, almost graduated and planning on grad school, and my life is pretty good. I've put military life behind me and have no desire to be a soldier again.
Sorry France

small people have bigger heada proportionally

babies, dwarves, short people

I surrender

Maybe one day, if my career fails and my fiance leaves me.

Try again, but develop your body physicially beforehand

Our R is primal and medieval. Purely French.

>P-please join

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sure why not. I mean my highschool was built by the French during the mandate and it's one of the coolest buildings around.
so what are your orders France?

>1280€ a month

1280?! that's how much I make as a wagie. gtfo

But on top of that you get free housing, food and healthcare, right?
Factoring in no rent or food it's actually not terrible

Sorry macaroni, I will not die for a waiter's salary

American PMCs pay up to 1000$ A DAY

The Russian Army recruits foreigners according to wikipedia. I'd rather join them and get promoted only to initiate a coup and free my brothers in Chechnya.

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>But you will also receive the eternal gratitude of La Grande Nation, which is priceless.
Holy shit, i'm sold. When do we start?

Only if I get a french girl as payment.

I'd be a liability in any possible combat situation with my shit english and even worse french.

Only when on deployment
Experience required

Try to enlist in a PMC as a first job, just to see them laugh in your face.

Not him but he's stating the lowest starting wage, pay is significantly better when on tour, it's (wage + 1.5*wage + bonus), tax-free, averaging around 12k on top of your salary in 4 months' time. Food isn't great but yes you can be housed and you obviously have healthcare.

And for 1300 i can join Frontex and actually do some good.

How come the leaders of countries no longer have personal military experience?

The last US president who saw combat was George Bush I in WWII. Idk who the last French President was who was in the military.

Makes me giggle seeing some mollycoddle bomb a North African country.

That's good money for a Syrian.
But not enough to strip me out of my principles, no I will not make money killing innocent Africans you white devil !!

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dude you live right fucking next to france! go over there and get one you stupid autistic lucky faggot kraut
t. angry American who wants a qt French gf but lives thousands miles away

Try harder

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Why would the Westerners have an army if you lost the cultural war to the Marxists? Soon you will die out like dinosaurs.

i dont get it our Rs are the only correct one so what you guys are talking anout?

OP, you forgot the most essential!

You get the most iconic cap in the history of Modern Military: You guys get a Free Képi Blanc as a proof of your courage, honor, and immense physical and mental strength that few can get in this world.

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>7000 killed
that is too much considering you were fighting some primitive mountain dwellers with basic equipments, seems like Russians never change their fighting strategy lmao
Wow, you're defeating a bunch of in-fighting countryside rebels who don't even have anti-aircraft defence, impressive !

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Dude you get your asses kicked by Houthis daily.
Why are you smug?
Besides why am i even bothering with a pajeet like you?

I can just go outside the door if i wanted to have a conversation with one

>Dude you get your asses kicked by Houthis daily.
This isn't Saudi vs Russian conversation
It's CHECHEN BVLLS vs Vodka heads
>Why are you smug?
Am I though ?
>Besides why am i even bothering with a pajeet like you?
IDK, probably butthurt because I said that CHECHEN BVLLS were superior ? you tell me

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Never change /int fag.

>Never change /int fag.

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>wouldn't mind killing some macaco niggers so yes

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why yes, I forgot to insert > what gave it away ?

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