
a day at a traditional mena café edition

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متى كانت آخر مرة شرب أي شخص الشاي بالنعناع؟ أشعر أنها مجرد ممارسة شائعة هنا

شجاب الجاي على النعناع يا اثول يشربه؟
I only drink red tea with a fuckton of sugar

If you're the anime poster nigga, I wouldn't be surprised.

ليست هناك حاجة للسكر عندما يكون النبات بالفعل ذو مذاق حلو


الجاي مر شلون تتحمل طعمه بدون سكر؟؟؟

(I'm not the anime poster)

هل سبق لك أن حاولت أكل النعناع الخام؟ يمكنك بالفعل تذوق حلاوة لأنه لطخته القواقع الحديقة.

لو شاي رخيص
الشاي الكويس طعمه حلو لوحده.

>thread moved up by itself from p8 to 7
it has become sentinent

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friendly reminder that heaven (جنة) doesn't exist and you will never meet your anime waifu there

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Oops didn't mean to reply to you buddy

Damn an*Me posters to oblivion
Send real mena qts

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Here's this temptress of the nile

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>Be group of khaleeji apes
>Spread havoc and chaos wherever you go
Barbarians desu

>tfw you're a filthy low iq inbred shitsking hairy kurdish ape


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>tfw high iq tan skin Iraqi dentistry student

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And yet you cannot feel as good as I feel

>*gets blown up*
Nothing personnel kiddo.

Can you guys give me a verb of form تفعّل or تفاعل where the first root letter is ت?

>tfw below average intellect poopskin algerian dog homeschooled philosophy major

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Tracked down

Hmmm, Greeks are huwite
Levant wuz greek
Is levant huwite?

هاي. اناحزين يا انونز. حياتي كلها للأسوأ. كنت اظن بايجادي ل وظيفة ديوثة الاجرة ستتحسن نفسيتي، ولكن كنت مخطئا... انها النهاية.
رؤية الناس سعداء، يتفاعلون مع.بعضهم كقطيع مسير (شدة مفتوحة على الياء) ، غافلون واهمون عن الحقيقة المرة، مغسولي الدماغ بوهم الدين.. كل هذة الاشياء هي دافعة للانتحار حرفيا.
انها النهاية

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nothern levantines are whites. rest are olive oiled med phenotypical shit.

I thought about it today because when i went into a greek food place they looked like huwite swedes not blonde though.

>power keeps going out almost everyday

someone, help me escape this suffering

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hello friend, heh... freind. this is lame. maybe I should give you a name, but that is a slippery slope. you're only in my head we have to remember that. shit it's actually happened I am talking to an imaginary person. what I am about to tell you is top secret. there are a group of powerful people out there that are secretly running the world I am talking about the top 1% of the top 1%. the people that play god without permission. and now I think they're following me...

proper levantines are pale, with dark brown hair (straight not nappy), straightish nose, and a resting bitch face.
t. knower

that's me

Syria? More like We-re-in-the-middle-of-a-war-slash-civil-war-ia


of course, the skin can also get tanned, and some (proper) levantines have curly-ish hair, but the most important trait is the predator eyes (the resting bitch face)

Thanks! Also تتابع to follow in succession

>لا ولدا اسود في حريمي

صنعة خيط /عرب/ لأن تونسي سألني اصنعه لكن لا رفقة باستثناء لبناني غريب الاطوار
هذا اخر خيط اصنعه لاني ساتوقف عن زيارة
فورتشان ابتداء من الاحد امتحاناتي تبداء هذا الشهر
ايضا اريد اودع /مينا/ لن تروني لعشرين يوم

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الريدبل الحقيقي هو البلوبل

بنات مصر.

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مع السلامة مصر سوف استحم الان طين خاوى على شعري

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ليش في طين عشعرك؟

Yep i know this kind of levantine person, its easier to spot on women though
(Huwite) Your ancestor :)

iraqi hygiene

How easy is it to get ecstasy in MENA area?

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>be me
>sitting outside in the place where I take my courses
>waiting for my course teacher to come
>scrolling through my phone
>old highschool teacher passes by me
>she teaches in this place
>"oh hey user,you've changed a lot since 8th grade,looking handsome,how are you?"
>"uh-uh h-hello miss h-ho-how are you?"
>"I'm fine thank you,how are you doing at maths,are you still good that?
>*slight chuckle*
>"haha-ha yes,I uh I'm still good"
>"That's good to hear user,goodbye!"
>"Goodbye miss"

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she was obviously hitting on you, retard.

No,retard,she hasn't seen me a long while,she's married and religious and has a family,why would she hit on me?

>she's married and religious and has a family,why would she hit on me?
this is the reason why you're still a virgin at 30 and i've gotten laid several times this week despite my erectile dysfunction.

I'm 18 and engaged,studying dentistry in the best university in the country and have no health problems,I don't need to have sex with multiple women to feel better about myself and brag about it with retards that think life revolves specifically around sex and women.

bet you beat up a bunch of indians by the mall too big guy

>I'm 18 and engaged

You retarded? It's a simple sentence with a simple meaning that doesn't need explaining,I'm engaged to a girl,is that weird?

>18 and engaged
WTF ! !

'alamun 'alamma 'alam 'ulimma bi-dā'ihi
'in 'āna 'ānun 'āna 'ānu 'awanihi

pain struck me, (and) I didn't know the illness,
if the sick one was aching (when) arrived the time of cure

Does it make sense?

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He means semen

The explanation makes sense but some of the usages of آن are unfamiliar to me.

Which exactly?

>I'm 18 and engaged,studying dentistry in the best university in the country and have no health problems,
You are done kid. As i am speaking i'm currently almost close to finding your coordinates and informations.

i feel like i'm doing everything humanely possible to make my future self full of nothing but regrets, but i won't know it until then.

>Not reliving your memories which seemed like it was yesterday but actually years ago from your current present

Aan awaan to me always only meant the time has come, I have never come across them meaning a patient, pain or treatment
Maybe if it were anna (sobbed) instead of aana it would make sense for one of the positions but I don't know how it could explain the others.
عموماً المتنبي أكيد يعرف عربي احسن مني يعني

i do that often, but only to cope with fear of the future.

How 2 get homeschooled tho
Need M.D degree at home so mom shuts the fack up

just saw a chinese family and it ruined my day

Fuck their daughter sexy chocolate

it's a shitpost, last time I went to school was like 2014
only regret is not leaving sooner

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I am just in time of reading your post, I was about to give all my hardworking coins on this app to some refugee crowdfund. You’re correct actually, you should do what you want. I hope you’re at least smart enough to have applied for the best of best socialised income and that you break your phone on purpose on time for the insurances.

This is tonkatsu. You should try it.

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This is tonkotsu ramen. You should try this too.

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no welfare here, I earn my buck as a hardworking churchgoing man.
You sound like a huuuuuuuuge cunt btw

The Japanese are only good in giving a nice deceiving look to things and that only makes good to arts such as fine arts but not photography and certainly not gastronomy. The fake only makes good to deceive the shallow and sad weebs. I will never trust your people and I won’t allow you to serve me tonkatsu-anything.

I have given you lifecoaching sessions for free since day 1, go get food poisoninf from the shitty nip cuisine

Look at the Michelin Guide.
Japan has the most starred restaurants in the world.

That looks like a very good meal until you see boiled eggs... with chicken... in a soup.

How do I say ”Oh, hey, I was just about to go to bed. I know we couldnt skype tonight but thats alright. Goodnight girl, ill see you tomorrow” in arabic?

2mad is 2good

اها مرحبا،كنت سوف أذهب للنوم،اعرف أننا لم أستطع أن نتحدث على السكايب اليوم،ولكن لا مشكلة حبيبتي

Oh I forgot the last line,here it is

(Goodnight girl,I'll see you tomorrow)

تصبحين على خير عزيزتي،اراك غدا

Will this get me a wife?

It must have been a typo. Here's the first آن is replaced with أن
It must be it, because all other occurrences of آن are perfectly explainable.
Thus it should be read as
'alamu 'alamma 'alam 'ulimma bi-dā'ihi
'in 'anna 'ānnun 'āna 'ānu 'awānihi

آنٌّ is the active participle of أَنَّ meaning "the one who is moaning"
Then آنَ means "to arrive, to come" speaking of time.
Then آنُ "time of"/"moment of".

As for أوانه I haven't found any info about the "cure" but I presume it was said figuratively, meaning "the time it has been given, its time". So you could translate آنُ أوانه as "the (final) moment (=the end) of its (of pain) time"

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(no thank you?)

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I found this video and noticed even though the begging of the bottom line is written as إن آنَ he clearly pronounces 2in 2anna "if ached".

Apparently أنَّ was misconstrued as آن for an unknown reason.

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Based, I will send it to that jordanian girl I met on pubgmobile a few months back and never talked to again due to her being underage at the time which probably made her really sad

>tfw when still no "thank you user"

good luck with that girl though

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You're cool, user. He's an ingrate, don't bother with him.

thanks user

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Sorry sir thank you, I was getting a bit carried away.
Dont really care about the girl she is pure cringe but I wanted to be nice to her since she had no western friends to talk english with. When she started acting a bit too attached I had to stop. I am a moral man.
Dont think ill send it, it would only get her hopes up which i already crushed and i feel a little bad about it.

Hey you hurt my feelings ilya ill never forget this

it's okay bro, why don't you send that and say its a meme (since it really is)?

>eggs in that

How do I use the african dna in me to grow my dick? I know I must have at least 5% or even 10% I want to use those to grow at least 2 inches.

I dont think she would understand, are arab zoomer women into memes?
Just be yourself bro.

Jelq, but be very careful when doing it. In fact...I suggest not to do it.

I am myself I just need to use a portion myself a bit more than the rest to grow my dick. I was a bit greedy earlier I actually need 1inch (2 is ideal but 1 is enough)

I'm already circumcised and a premature ejaculator, I'd rather not add erectile dysfunction to the list

Arab zoomers are the biggest retards on earth (unless she knows English well and uses Reddit and YouTube for the normie memes) so since you said she speaks English she might know it,and if she doesn't nothing wrong with just saying it to her that it's a meme

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>arabs who use Reddit
Is there a worse disease?

Have you tried getting erect? It grows my penis from being 1 inch to 6 inches

It just seems really autistic to send her this after months of silence it would be really fucking funny though

Yes,zoomers that have those pineapple head haircuts where it goes upwards and it's really long and awful and pose for their Instagram and Snapchat posts everywhere they go

(I see them everywhere,send help)

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Do zoomers play fortnite in Iraq?

Mine goes from 3.2" to 5.2"-5.6"(bone pressed)
So you see, I need that extra inch

i would take them over every other zoomer arab to be honest.