Just read this thread if you want to improve yourself and have a better life and be able to achieve your real potential.
>why you should listen to me? In fact you dont need to, you dont have to, you just need to see the things I am posting and analize if they can help you at some way, those things are free, the help and advice consultance I'm offering is free too.
>who I am I'm a favela guy of a third world country, poor, without resources and without a good family, this made me able to see reality as it is. I use the trip of "favelanon" in this board and I'm shilling this helping hand because some anons helped me and told me it helped them.
Yes, we can proceed through telegram or even pgp messaging, I'm not interested in your real name or the bad things you did, I'm offering help and that's all.
>things I can help you
>Height Increase For that you can search for a book from the autor John Pathaday - How to increase your height, it's free, its a setup of exercises that will help your body to achieve their maximal height (you lose some centimeters because of bad posture and shorter muscle fibers) your investment will be just time, you can get from 3cm to 15 cm of height increase, if you want search for "Kundalini Yoga" and practice some exercises to maximize your gains.
>dick growth/enlargement Just search for "JELQ", it works maximizing your dick blood pressure and with that you will get bigger, dont need to buy bathmate or any of that shit related, just need some medium temperature water and some towels, do the right exercises and have proper diet and rest. Also, if you are fat get in shape because the "visual effect" will make it appear bigger, dont get fooled and dont buy any shit of this area, this can lead you to never have a erection again.
>social knowledge and strategy If you doesnt understand how the society works read this books and after that I'll teach you how to engage at social activies and found a inner circle of value for you.
Then you will read- The Principles That Govern Social Interaction- Manhood Academy, 48 Laws of Power and Sun Tzu, you will have to read these books to have a minimal knowledge about human social interation.
>what you can achieve if you try these things You will invest time, if it doesnt work you got more knowledge at worst scenario case, if it works your health, mind, social life and your inner and social value will be higher.
You dont need to pay anything to try this neither to have my help.
>why I should listen to you
Even being from a fucked family, a fucked country, not any help from strangers I'm still going for it, doing two graduations, got a good joob yesterday, have a girlfriend that I had taken her virginity and I'll make it.
Yes, I can die in the process but the thing that really matter is that I'm going forward. Death is a fact, life variables can change, so we just accept we will die someday and move to the point that we can be real humans and make things better.
If you have time, resources and some familiar help dont be fooled into the memes that you can't make it, you are the only person that can set your goals and limits.
I'm thankfull to the anons that helped and motivated me, thats why I'm here.
Does JELQ really work, OP? If i stop doing, it goes back to normal?
Nicholas Lopez
It works, I did it since I was 14 respecting the rest and diet procedures.
You can use "tribullus terrestris" and "arginine" that helps to boost testo level and blood pressure. If you stop doing it you will lose some of the gains, but not everything.
But dont get fooled, respect the rest, exercise with the right procedure and change your diet.
If will make it bigger because of the blood pressure and circulation getting maxed.
No, I was at the new job, used kproxy so they couldnt see I tried to acess biz.
I live in Brazil. No, it doesnt, its like fapping but before you do it you gonna make some pre exercises to warm your penis and doesnt get fucked,have you fapped continous times?
It's like that, but you will use some warm ups (towels and medium temperature water) sobe oil or lotion so your dick skin dont get fucked and that's all.
You will "fap" using some procedures, thats all.
Dont need buy bathmate or any shit related, just oil/lotion/warm water/ respect your penis/ rest and proper diet.
What you mean with proper diet and do you think this will work while on NoFap?
Btw sou o user de ontem, bom dia pra nós dois.
Gavin Garcia
Bom dia user, ontem acabei dormindo.
With proper diet I mean enough proteins/carbo/good fat ratio not fast food everyday.
Yes, you dont need to cum doing jelq, you can do because isnt the speed of "fapping" its like doing exercise to the begin to the end, then doing it again.
My power region began to grow immensely around this time. The stretching and tearing and then healing period method of jelqing that I had moved on to was working. I had shot up from 1 or less inches to easily 6 or 7, and the scars along the way were proof that this was all thanks to the jelqing. I sometimes thought that the scars were bad because they didn't look like they would ever heal, and then I realized that they were proof of my progress, and of my drive to go on, and any girl who looked at it would understand that and know that they were honorable and symbolic - and also, she wouldn't care, because it would be so big she would totally freak out anyway.
Pretty soon, I was elected to be one of the moderators of the main jelqing board I posted on, JelqOrBeJelqed dot com, and I reigned supreme. I gave tons of advice to starter jelqers like I had been just last year, and told them that I was the ultimate vision of success and proof of the power of jelqing. About halfway through sophomore year, I developed my own unique variation on the tearing-and-healing method, which involved consumption of an all-dairy superfood diet and self-induced numbing of the region, and then MORE ferocious stretching and tearing. The method, which I called Super Rip-And-Repeat System, had soon gained enough reputation and was proven to work as a highly advanced method.
My adherents on the board took my word as the word of a jelqing god, and strictly followed my instruction, and this power was the first time in my life that I felt truly in control. Even better than that, though, was knowing that I was helping people like me, who needed help like this, who needed a positive force in their lives, and a guiding hand to slice up their private parts and stretch it out to unthinkable lengths.
I was forcing the hand of nature and in some ways had literally become a god.
user I saw a lot of your posts and it was a good entertainment. A week ago or so I think you said you know how to code and programme website and basic apps, was it you ? If so, let me an email here, I’ll contact you
OP has some decent advice from time to time, but at the end of the day, he's just a darkie from the favela who won't stop crapflooding this place because someone gave him Bitcoin once
Dylan Moore
Some anons told me to keep doing, I need to practice english so I am here.
This isnt a crapflooding, this is one thread over hundreds of others of shilling scam and all sort of garbage shit.
In this sea of shit I'm just a poop.
Yes, I'm a favela darkie, this is a fact, I keep searching for a online job even if I found a average one at real life.
Just ignore me and hide this thread if I'm mocking you.
wow bro, I've watched manhoodacademy/want math since 2014. They have a new site and material now. uncensoredmath.com. awesome seeing them referenced anywhere.
>uncensoredmath.com Thanks bro, I'm looking it now.
Mason Edwards
I'm reading it, do you have those pdfs?
Chase Fisher
Td bem user?
sou americano em miami, como sao as coisas no brasil agora? quero mudar para conseguir uma roastie qt brasiliera, tenho 30k USD guardado,
tenho 23 anos e eu possu ganhar dinheiro trading por bitmex.
vale o trabalho mudar? i dont know if it is worth it.
thanks for all your tips. estou praticano mi portuguese cara kkk
Brayden Jackson
Obrigado, user, estou rindo bastante imaginando você digitando português.
You made me laugh when I imagined a US user writing in portuguese, hue.
Things are really bad here, economical crises, corruption crises, government and political crises, the truck drivers made a riot so the diesel price wont go higher, government made it lower and promissed them it would be low until end of year, one week ago they made it high again, fucking everything in the process (higher gas price, make everything else price higher too).
30k usd are like 140k BRL, but if you wanna a advice: do money on US and just come here to party, just that, why do you think br girls worth it and US ones dont?
I'm going to join soon, been lurking too long. even without attending (which I should have already) the podcasts/ebooks have helped beyond words. mostly the podcasts. yo they're on youtube again too under same name
eu posso conversar perfeitamente, somente tenho problemas com a gramatica e conjugacao.
realmente mano eu quero comecar uma nova vida, e nao quero ir pra asia o qual quer pais assim.
eu adoro a cultura brasileira, o povo e muito acolhedor, e eu acho si o bolsonaro gana o mes que vem, as coisas podem se melhorar.
somente quero uma qt brasileira como nicole bahls o aline riscado que me vai chupar diaramente, um apartamento pequeno para que eu posso comecar uma familia pra mim.
eu te posso ensinar todo lo que eu sei sobre trading. my mentors are ICT trading, Sam Seiden trading, and Trader Dante. Procura eles por youtube, i have seen all of their videos 3x each. it is a lot of work but it is the way to freedom.
email me at [email protected] amigo para que eu te posso enviar recursos (resources)
Yes bro, got a job finally, its not everyday but is better than nothing.
They accepted me because I'm good with numbers and at the first trial day I found a bug and helped them to solve it.
It's good news in some way, atleast I'll have something to do as I cant find any online income yet. Thanks for the link, I wont be able to join because no cash, if you join them ask if they wanna a brazilian middleman to translate and bring brazilian redpill fellows to there.
They for sure would. look man go for a free interview, if you really wanna join and can't pay show up. Was gonna ask if you were teamwhiny, the braznerd from old podcasts, but you never went I see. shame og MHA got canned, they had like 30k subs at one time. got into beef with kiwifarms, karen straughan, mgtow heads, so many good times.
btw funny how MHA pretty much invented internet bloodsports since 2009. zoomers don't know SHIT
Hey, it's always an additional income, right? The good thing is that your spirits are still high and that you are not giving up. Keep it up, I'm guessing you are an inspiration to a lot of people. Some day, maybe it will even pay off in real money terms.
Cooper Butler
LOL, I'm old school too, was best friend of brazilian "brosphere" members, introduced them to many content.
I'll try to reach them someday, now I have to make enough cash to pay food/rent and survive, when I get time to spare gonna see it.
How is your life going? I was a kid when I was exposed to that content.
I was going to do some videos, but as far I had seen there are another brazilian anons in this sub, if things go viral I can easily get fucked by criminal organization because of the photos, so I will try to find another way.
Gonna make a pack with all those books and knowledge so anons can share with other people too.
Yes, its an additional income but the sad part is that I dont have a regular thing, so I have to get used to do a lot of tasks expecting a 10% payback of them to be able to keep going, but no problem, things were already worst before.
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Você é br? Are you brazilian or just joking?
same here regarding too busy making bill money, I still got a couple months of hustling and life revaluation to do before I tackle fuckall. I'm 2fuckin5 and finally getting my own goddamn place, been landscaping and saving up hard this year after crypto shat, trying to kill bad habits along the way and crush my neurotic bullshit day-by-day along the way. I've heard your name a lot but never the threads. just please don't be a shitcoin shiller. I'm hiding your threads forever if this builds up to "buy chainlink" or some shit lul
user there's you and there's the "bored" guy ( you know, I have millions but I don't know why I'm bored)that you replied to and invited him here. Compared to him you are a human being and he is a nobody. I know that living a poor life sucks and that you could do with some more money and that it feels like it's not fair, but I just recently realized that if I did not grow up poor I would not be a person that I am right now. It actually really teaches you how to be tough and how to think on your feet and gives you a drive that a lot of people born in the first world countries, or rich just don't have.
Ryder Evans
Hey, he is not a shiller of anything but just good advice and paying forward. No worries, this isn't about any of the coins at all.
Zachary Wright
Bro, I dont even have any coin to shill, lol, some anons helped me and this is my way of gratitude to them.
Hope you make it and have some rest after.
I understand the point you want to show me, but being sincere its not a "only poor hability nor only rich hability", the things that make things different are the ones that wanna to assume they have balls and the ones that pretend they have.
I already was in touch with rich guys and they are humans like me, but as they live in richer inner circles they cant buy friends nor girls, and as they dont wanna to lower their inner circles they become "gourmet incels".
It can happen to anyone at any social circle, I have friends that are tallers, more good looking and with more money than me that cant reach good results because they got used to some "levels".
Its the abyss of the average thing, someone poor like me can live extreme poverty and after extreme abundance, we are fluid, but those guys that are not poor enough to suffer and not too rich to buy friends live in a average abyss that make them get stucked.
I'm like that since I was younger, searching for knowledge, investing in things people wouldnt care normally, it was an behavior that I always had, not something that someone teached me or told me too, like there are guys that are the opposite and that wouldnt had done nothing.
I've been thinking this a lot lately. All the trauma I've been thru ultimately hardened my soul. I'm starting to believe we must suffer to grow. Suffer not as in torture, abuse, suffer as in changing who we are. exercising FREE FUCKING WILL. consistent, productive change towards things YOU KNOW you're putting off is painful and hard as fuck, embrace it.
ha, I had a feeling.
Parker Lewis
Bro, to being sincere with you and the other user, I didnt wish someone have to bypass the shit I did to be able to understand something, this traumas, this bad scenarios and situations.
But this is because I dont like this current system nor I would like to endorse them, so if I could be able to choose I would prefer that nobody had to bypass that and that at the same time they could be aware of the reality and not live in a distorted dream.
I had to lost people that I loved to become who I am, if was possible that they had an normal life I would exchange my life for theirs.
Aiden Gray
have you ever wondered if maybe you're a gay poor fag because you obsess over height and cocks instead of money and success?
I actually look back at my life and I realize that if not the hardships that I went through, I would not be able to get myself from some shit that happened to me when I was relatively safe financially. I just know it builds you, makes you more aware of what the world is somehow. Sometimes depressingly so, sometimes just realistic. One thing I learned is not to expect from people more than they can give and when I meet a person who was raised and lived their life without any real hardship(I met a few) I don't expect them to have the same world view as me and I don't expect them to actually understand the world. They may be smart and a very good person and have a huge, giving heart and yet on some level, they will always be "naive" to me. Oh user, I wasn't talking about sincerity. It's more about understanding how the world works. Seeing it in its, sometimes depressing, glory and having the guts to push through. I really think that hardship builds something, like a backbone and opens your eyes to a lot of things. Have you ever met a person who did not have to go through a real hardship in their lives? I did, and it usually just means that the person is a little more blind to the real world...and sometimes they will overreact to problems that really are a non-problem.
Michael Ward
I understand where you coming from because I've been there. And it sucks and it's not something that you wish on anyone. But at the same time it's not all bad. This is what I was trying to say.
Gabriel Barnes
Perhaps, and this is what I hope is the case, maybe we're just the products of our disorganized society and chaotic upbringing. Men like us were simply given more baggage. to work out. I'd rather not think every man has to go thru hell to be strong, maybe that's just a quirk of life we all may have to go thru
“To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities—I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not—that one endures.”
Yes, I understood your point.. I just mean, that even being an utopia, I didnt wished it was necessary.
Yes, I had been in touch with people that didnt had any "real problem" besides when their traveled to another country and wasnt on first stage of a global singer show.
But you know, the more shit you see, the more to the abyss you look it look back to you too. Its something that you have to be trully good hearted to doesnt become a ripper and fuck everyone in the way.
Its not like the wannabe do, they think they know shit, that they know how to do it and then they make shit that fuck a lot of people.
Its when you know that you could fuck, you could stab, you could be naive but you choose to not, is to really have the power and choose to no use it.
Yes bro, its resilience, but in the by process of resilience we lose people, we lose love, we lose potential messias that could have lead to another change, another way and another perspective.
To produce one "Ubermensch of pure resilience" you have to concentrate an enormous loss of loved ones, betrayals, bad scenarios and situations, its like to produce one Neo you make all Zaion fucked.
But I understand the power and the necessity of resilience, its something unique, powerfull and that can lead you to reach anything.
It's just, you know, if you someday have a son you dont wish they see you die on their front so they can grow.
And we agree here. I just found out a 2 minutes ago that my friend a hard working, solid individual was killed by a dumb young, rich kid that decided to race his new Challenger. The kid and the friend are dead and it's just stupid accident. Shit like that makes people think about the uncomfortable truth. Sometimes we have no choice,nor the control and whatever we do can be ended in an instance. The kid in the challenger is dead too and for what? For a minute of the adrenalin? These kind of situations always make me stop and reevaluate everything that I thought I know. And in the end I will always chose to give forward and to give in general, because at least my life will have some minuscule impact, instead of just existence for nothing.
Charles Ross
Op is cool and not a faggot He made my cock grow 8x original size
Careful your girl doesn't into the HIV bro
Adam Bailey
So much projecting here.
Andrew Brooks
Sometimes I see things where its nothing.
My trully feelings for your loss, time to time I'm listening to a random radio and they play some music I used to hear/dance/share with an old trully friend.
The difference is that now, when the song play just I can hear it because from my old friend nowadays just the memories are left.
I have learned a thing after all those deaths and losses... The major problem isnt death by itself, are the loss to the ones that are so close to us that they wont be able to keep sanity after we go.
When someone die being old that thing wont happen, but to be a father and make the funeral of your son make your sanity goes away.
This losses, this deaths, this restrictions.. they gave us life knowledge, but in return we pay a high price too.
It's fine bro, she is a rich girl at the end, she have all mundane activities to move her hamster brain and I'll still a male who have some dominance.
How does it feels to realize that there are people who could steal everything material you have with enough money? How can people like you keep lying to themselves, when you are simply born out of the game?
Kevin Cruz
You can apply what you said to anyone in this world, from me a favela guy to someone like George Soros or the Rothschild, everyone can get fucked and lose everything from one day to another, this is how life is dude.
You could be posting here, someone get your IP, triangle your area and after go and kill you, this can happer to, even if its 0.000001% chance.
There is just one game: Who can ball and who can not.
Money was created by men, I can have a new idea at anytime and become zillionaire, hire a lot of mercenaries, get influence and even nuke some Bildenberg family someday, it can happer.
Hitler, by example, was a failure until his 30, many billionaire guys too, the owner of Ebay as example.
I am circuncised, in Brazil its normal so I almost dont feel a lot and even with that I cum fast because I have a large dick (larger area) and every pussy appears to be tight for me.
How is the doggone? What is her name btw? I was gone cause we are organizing a wake. For fucks sake, how do people talk about a wake a few hours after someone is killed? Whatever. Anyway 70+ gas explosions in the US just happened too. It all fits with what we are discussing. The meaning and the life.
Caleb Perez
Doggo * Fucking autocorrect.
Jose Brooks
And if you do it wrong.. You won't fuck anything either
Christopher Barnes
I'm back too, her name is "Safira" I found her when some crackheads tried trow her in a river, paid them R$5 and said she was mine.
This is her young photo, she had vermins and a lot of shit, now she is like a princess.
Yes, gotta do something to make pipi become bigger.