>Try to be nice on Jow Forums
>talk about how we're going to replace all white people with Arabs and blacks
This flag is both a curse and a blessing
Try to be nice on Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
You can't win
you get em big boy
Same desu. Honestly, every non-westie flag gets shit flung at it on Jow Forums.
>>talk about how we're going to replace all white people with Arabs and blacks
Any time I try to post a genuine argument or something that isn't a shitpost and actually kinda serious I just get called a kike, its funny maybe the first few times, but every retard here thinks hes a comedic genius calling me a kike for the 100th time
>post gay shit
>other posters post american soldiers getting blown up or beheaded
Shahar isn't helping he should be put in a mental ward
>t. Alberto Barbosa
come to singapore and we fugg ok?
>every non-westie flag gets shit flung at it on Jow Forums.
that's not true
in reality everyone gets shit flung at
but praise is rare
>act like scumbags
>get punished
Repeat this over the span of thousands of years and that's the history of the jewish people
I only hate Asian hater kike
When will evil whites stop persecuting completely innocent ((( gods ))) chosen people? Oh gawd this is annudah shoah!
>act nice
Literally never seen a nice Jew post
stfu kike
We hate you, because you're ungrateful assholes
look whos talking
I love Israel
Okay I changed my mind , I still hate the guy who calls me smelly Arab tho
>>Try to be nice on Jow Forums
Calling all Asians insects and wishing for their genocide doesn't sound like "trying to be nice" to me.
The best thing you can do is just ignore them/him, stupid people will always be stupid, no point in wasting time trying to argue with them
Its really just the pretension and douchebaggery that gets your flag hated.
If israelis would own up more to just being the militant ethno-state that you are, you'd get more favourable reception.
I mean, you guys outright force sterilized black immigrants. You're operating on a level of not giving a fuck racism that most people here could respect if you just weren't such cunts about it.
It's really not hard to recognize Shahar...
I want to hug you
So that's his name , very fitting
Is he the fat guy?
He is 100% Ashkenazi white and straight.
Look here
A pattern you'll see in threads with his face? A title.
And it's written in a certain way, now look for that in the link there.
What is the result of that? He has been opening multiple threads per day for most of the past year most of them about hate for others.
He's extremely obsessed and has actual problems.
Yeah, read my reply to the Egyptian please.
That is just sad , he keeps saying he wants to leave but he can't , I pity him
He doesn't really want to leave.
It's just something he says for attention like a kid shouting
Kys kike u fucking fag
In the end everybody is a jew.
Do you vape a lot in Brunei?
Less than it used to be but yes.
Fuck off krautnigger, you still owe us for partitions and both world wars
People really think that happens?
Don't deny it kike, we know that talmud commands you to destroy goys
Kike with manipulation trick
Who cares what some incels in Babylon said
Shit, haven't seen that one in a while
Wasn't poortugal the new meme with the map colour change?
Your cunt is Israel's best bud and fellow owner of the US
Shalom goy
who is that cutie anime girl
they really do
she's Negev and she cute
isnt negev a gun???
>new meme
it's been years already
no, she's an anime kikette
very cute girl
thank u for posting but if you dont mind could you post more
i have a few, but lurking through my 5k pics anime reaction folder kinda kills me desu. Just lurk /polska/, she's often posted.
okay thank u
no problem Dane-kun
So you really love us that much and are just playing tsun?
your anime girl is very cute and i love her already
Thank you Denmark
i dont know what she is saying but i want to protect that smile
I hate kikes but I like this Jewess.
Stop being a little tsundere and admit you love us poland
Shoot some Palestinians for me.
Welcome commander I think.
It's very conflicting. Jews on one hand ruin everything and banish everything to the shadow realm and then on the other hand she looks so cute being a little jew murdering smelly and dirty Palestinians.
Come on user
You are not cute
>You are not cute
You are cute , ignore argenshitters they're just mad their currency is worthless and they'll be out of a job soon