Which do you hate more?

I hate both equally.
Both are primitive and procreate like cockraoches.

Attached: china-india-relations-trade-2017.jpg (1000x600, 63K)

literal rat

literal rat

literal rat


literal rat

Isn't india poor and primitive and crowded?
Am I lying?
You know I am right.

I think israel and China should get nuked into oblivion and Indian people repopulate former China

China doesn't do that much procreating anymore. In fact their TFR is roughly half of Israel's.

Fuck off, pajeet

Indians are redeemable. Chinks should be nuked though

I am not pajeet

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Agreed, trust us aseans

then, you are not my son.

Attached: 511.png (213x174, 34K)

no, they're the cradle of civilitzation and they deserve my respect

India appreciates the noble art of Cricket which automatically makes them vastly superior to China.

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The world is pretty much full of retarded subhumans.
Fuck chinkniggers, hinduniggers, ameriniggers, baguetteniggers, angloniggers, slavniggers, and literal niggers. I just hope that Germany finally exits NATO and send ameriniggers packing and then you subhumans can eradicate each other in WW3.

Literal rat

I was lurking some left wing places on the internet and they absolutely despise you guys. On one right wing Jow Forumstards hate Israel because they're joos, and on the other hand lefties hate them because they oppress Palestinians. Is Israel only liked by retarded centrists?

Yep. Boomers and evangelicals like them. Any reasonable person should hate them.

Fucking tax leeches.