>76% of the Spanish population self-identifies as a feminist. Out of the remaining 24% the majority are immigrants and people who vote fringe far right parties such as VOX
How is this even possible?
Will a feminist ETA pop up in Spain one day?
76% of the Spanish population self-identifies as a feminist...
Isnt ur whole country feminist? U sound like an amerimutt talking about others but had it worse
Netherlands is mainly a conservative traditional nation
Let me guess...
You got dumped by a spaniard
my path got blocked by some Spanish puta on multiple occasions.
>76% of the Spanish population identifies as feminist
>more than 60% of marriages end in divorce
do spaniards mean actual feminism, like not beating females or having them fully veiled, or the retarded version, where a men sitting with open legs is rape?
21 century
The way they cycle could already be considered terrorism
You need to larp when totalitarians have taken over your country which is sad but It does happen. Most people do not give a flying fuck about all this pointless shit, they just want to earn some money, have their bellies full, avoid troubles and have a fun time with friends and family, so they just larp.
Beating females in Spain is often treated like a terorrist attack. When they mean feminism they mean the right for women to live their lives to the fullest in the ways they desire without male dominated society dragging them down.
Some examples of mysogeny under Spanish law include:
- trying to legally tackle a divorce
- having your arm out of the window while driving
- wearing non-heeled sandals in your car while driving
Ignore asensioanon threads
Barcelona is the most left wing city in the world, manspreading is illegal
Last month a car suddenly slammed the brakes in front of me because the woman inside missed a exit and wanted to reverse so she could still take it, on a road with 70km/h speed limit. Stupid bitch was holding her phone in her hand to navigate too.
License plate said 'E' so I wanted to hate all Estonians and torture them for what they did to me. But it was the Spanish once again.
The last one.
And now between you and me, 3rd wave feminism in the western world is not actual feminism anymore (equality according to the dictionary and the who called themselves feminist), because in the west the equality of rights have been already obtained, the only thing that the do now is demand and equality of results in the cases that is convenient, A.K.A. genre quotas and "positive" discrimination
>having your arm out of the window while driving
It's illegal in Spain just like not wearing a t shirt in your car
Got it by a car that didn't yield last week
Ofc it was an old woman
I don't understand.
Thanks, feminism.
>The unbelievable rules of the road in Spain
>Driving with one hand or arm outside of the vehicle can lead to a fine of €100. Article 18 of the General Traffic Law states that the driver and passengers should always maintain a sensible position inside the vehicle.
>Driving without wearing a shirt, being barefoot or wearing flip-flops comes with a fine of €200. According to the law, driving without ‘proper’ clothing or footwear could diminish the driver’s capacity to control the vehicle.
>Be careful if you’re having an argument while driving. If you are caught taking your eyes off the road on several occasions, you could end up with a fine of €80. The same amount will be applied if the driver is caught biting his nails, kissing a passenger or insulting other drivers through hand gestures.
how is this possible